Community > Posts By > kaylas1515

kaylas1515's photo
Sun 01/20/08 01:30 AM
I would rather have my career.....and surround myself by friends and family...There is always love you wont be lonley

kaylas1515's photo
Sun 01/20/08 01:03 AM

Welcome best of luckflowerforyou

haha...the first time i read this i thought it said "Welcome to lets F***" hahahahahaha

kaylas1515's photo
Sun 01/20/08 12:35 AM i found a buyer...and i got my alcohol....but no one to drink im sitting here...sippin on a drink...does that make me an alcoholic

kaylas1515's photo
Sat 01/19/08 10:53 PM
not being 21...and havign to wait for a buyer.....grrrrr

kaylas1515's photo
Fri 01/18/08 11:55 PM
how is everyone...havnt talked to anyone in awhile...been busy.....havnt had time for forums

kaylas1515's photo
Fri 01/18/08 02:34 AM

What�s the difference between a red necks pu.ssy and a football?

If you try really really hard you could probably eat a football

I hate going down on somebody and waking up looking like a clown... figure that one out

thats so nasty....come on now

kaylas1515's photo
Fri 01/18/08 01:29 AM
nope...i figure i might as well not regret somthing that once made me smile...only learn how it can make me smile bigger....

kaylas1515's photo
Fri 01/18/08 01:28 AM
There was this husband and wife who were celebrating their honeymoon on the 6th floor of this nice hotel room. They had this ritual that they always used their yellow lucky condom. So after they got done having wild sex, it was very hot in the room so the husband went over to the window to open it and get some fresh air in the room. As he did, his condom fell off of his ****. The wife freaked out and yelled for her husband to run downstairs and look outside on the ground for it! So he does and can�t find it anywhere, soon enough he sees this little boy holding it and he runs over to him and says " Little boy, little boy I need that back from you, it is mine!" The little boy says, " I found it, what am I going to get for it?" The man says, "I�ll give you a dollar!" The little boy says, "No way!!!" So the man offers the little boy 5 dollars and the little boy was VERY happy. The little boy runs all the way home and tells his mom he played THE greatest joke on this guy today. His mother asked him what he did and the little boy says " Well, I sold this guy a twinkie for $5.00!!" The mom didn�t understand the trick part of it, so she asked her son what else he did. The little boy replied " Well mom, before I gave it back to him, I licked all the cream out of it first!!!"

kaylas1515's photo
Fri 01/18/08 01:18 AM

Thats kind of a "half empty" way of looking at it

it sure is...and im ok with that

kaylas1515's photo
Fri 01/18/08 01:15 AM
Hearts and roses and kisses galore...
What the hell is all that for?
People get mushy and start acting queer,
It�s definitely the most annoying day of the year.
This day needs to get the hell over with and pass,
Before i shove a dozen roses up Cupid�s!
I�ll spend the day so drunk i can�t speak,
And wear all black for the rest of the week.
Guys act all sweet, but it soon will fade,
For all they are doing is trying to getlaid.
The arrow Cupid shot at me must not have hit,
Because i think love is a crock of!
So there�s the story....what else can i say?
Love bites my ass....So F--k Valentines Day

this is exsactly how I feel.......especially because my birthday is 3 days before....ugggghhhh

kaylas1515's photo
Fri 01/18/08 01:11 AM
Q.What is a Rodeo Sex?

A.Enter in ur Girlfriend from Back, Hold her Hair, give a Good Thrust and Whisper in her ear "Ur Sister is Better than U in Bed."
Now try 2 hold for 8 Seconds

kaylas1515's photo
Fri 01/18/08 01:10 AM
A old lady kept itching her crotch. It was itching so bad she went to the doctor.The doctor told her to sit down and spread her legs. So she did . He took a quick look and said just what I thought it�s crabs.The lady looked at him in shock and said how can that be I have never had sex before. The doctor told her what to do. So the lady went home and did it.She came back the next day and said it still itches. So the doctor said he would take a look.So she sat down as the doctor was looking he said he discovered what was making her itch. Old Lady looked at him and said so what is it Doctor replied "your cherry�s rotten you just have fruit flies".

kaylas1515's photo
Fri 01/18/08 01:09 AM
What�s the difference between love and herpes?

Herpes last forever.

kaylas1515's photo
Fri 01/18/08 01:06 AM
What�s the difference between a red necks pu.ssy and a football?

If you try really really hard you could probably eat a football

kaylas1515's photo
Fri 01/18/08 01:00 AM
If you had sex 365 times in 12 months and melted all the used condoms into a tire, what would you call it?

kaylas1515's photo
Thu 01/17/08 09:23 PM
its not for me....but if any of you know i can tell the other person....but i gotta head let me know...thanks guys

kaylas1515's photo
Thu 01/17/08 09:20 PM

can you guys block our ip addresses??????? and if there anyway you will unblock them once they are blocked...

IP addresses are outside the scope of us moderators. Anything of that nature would have to go to Mike or one of the other admins.

i ask because someone on here....had their account deactivated..and when they make a new one it gets deactivated right away....

kaylas1515's photo
Thu 01/17/08 09:17 PM
can you guys block our ip addresses??????? and if there anyway you will unblock them once they are blocked...

kaylas1515's photo
Wed 01/16/08 11:42 PM
well i will say i am normal because it makes me unique....ahahahahahah...i rock....

kaylas1515's photo
Wed 01/16/08 11:31 PM

I've had so many dudes tell me that were married that IF WE HAD TO BE TOGETHER FOR 24 and 7,,we'd kill each other,,,but yet THEY call them selves in love,,right.
Well what happens when they retire together...??:wink:

the woman plays cards with her little old lady friends and the man sits at the club and smokes cigars and drinks whiskey all day...hahahahahahaha

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