Community > Posts By > smuckdaddy

smuckdaddy's photo
Fri 05/30/08 06:56 PM
say they are wanting a serious and possibly forevern lating relationship, but I would like to talk to some of the girls that are actually being honest about that.

smuckdaddy's photo
Fri 05/30/08 06:52 PM
I agree. It's a waste of money, and especialy a waste of feelings, and time.

smuckdaddy's photo
Fri 05/30/08 06:49 PM
Well actually there are a lot of guys like me who do, but unlike me, a lot of them are just to afraid of getting hrt, and that makes them pretty shy.

smuckdaddy's photo
Fri 05/30/08 06:45 PM
yeah but not every guy is out to get a girl just for sex..some of us want them for an actual relationship.

smuckdaddy's photo
Fri 05/30/08 06:41 PM
Some women.and I guess a lot of guys too, don't seem to know what they want, but I'm a nice guy looking for a nice gal.

smuckdaddy's photo
Fri 05/30/08 06:35 PM
Well It takes a lot more trust, faith, patients, and understanding. I think the only way they will work though is if it is log distance for a short period of time, but then this is just going from my experiences so I can't state that as an actual fact.

smuckdaddy's photo
Fri 05/30/08 06:29 PM
for me personally, I likee darker hair. The darker the better, but then I'll go for personaliity a tiny bit more than I do for the looks.

smuckdaddy's photo
Fri 05/30/08 06:24 PM
What's up!? ;-)(-;

smuckdaddy's photo
Wed 05/21/08 01:27 PM
what's up!?

smuckdaddy's photo
Wed 05/21/08 01:25 PM
Edited by smuckdaddy on Wed 05/21/08 01:30 PM
i'm in 62938 (Golconda)

I'm 20 looking for someone 18-22

smuckdaddy's photo
Wed 05/21/08 12:46 PM
Edited by smuckdaddy on Wed 05/21/08 12:47 PM
alright, lets see if you are as good as you think you are then.

smuckdaddy's photo
Wed 05/21/08 12:39 PM

Hello Blue Box Smucker. I think you think you have women figured out. You most certainly do not. One charactaristic in a woman does not mean another must exist.

You have much to learn, my blue boxy friend.

I'm not saying that that's always the case, but I however am speaking from things that have happened to myself and other people that I know.

I know I have much to learn, but i think more you are missing the point of what i'm saying. All i'm trying to say is that if you don't look for signs, you are a lot less likely to get what you want.

smuckdaddy's photo
Wed 05/21/08 12:26 PM

Okay so check this out, this is more giving advice but people are welcome to comment on this.

One thing that iv'e noticed in life, is there are sign anywhere and everywhere. I will use myself as an example real quick.
I am the type of guy who isn't all about sex, i'm a strong christian. I'm saving myself untill marriage, I have a passion for helping others whenever I feel that there is a chance to do so.
I'm looking for a woman who is about the same if not exactly. So basically this is going back to signs.
If i want to get what i'm looking for, i'm going to find people who are close to god. I'm going to look at women who are constantly going to church, where more closured clothing(usually the women that show less cleavage are also less sexually oriented.), and who more often than not,try to go out of their way for other people whn they are in need.

If you look for signs, it's never garrunteed that the relationship will work out, but I can tell you the chances will increase dramatically, so don't just look for looks and try to change people. It's just not going to happen.

Also If anyone want's more advice on whatever, they can feel free to message me.

Tyler Smucker

smuckdaddy's photo
Wed 05/21/08 11:28 AM

Right i met this guy off of a site who was wanting the same things i did.. he wanted a real connection but then decided he only wanted a friend with benefits. which is not something i go for.... so we decided to be friends but he always wanted and tried to get into my pants... he never did, but never wanted anything more either.. so i started talkin to someone else and this guy and i started seeing one another and that guy who only wanted to sleep with me got mad and wont talk to me anymore.. things didnt work out with the guy i started seeing.. but i just dont understand.. if he didnt wana date me why did he get so mad..

It's like this, a lot of guys these days will try and get into anyones pants that they can, and if someone takes away what thy deem to be their oppertunities, htey get mad at that girl because the girl pretty much is saying no but then that's the only time they actually get it. guys... actually i should really just say people because a lot of girls are like this too.... People don't listen to another when they are rejected for something so some just tune it out and will try get what they want anyways.

Keep looking though, I garuntee you that there are plenty of nice guys out in the world.

Tyler Smucker

smuckdaddy's photo
Wed 05/21/08 11:09 AM
It's basically like this, You don't need to lie to relate to someone because if you do, it's not real, and you can't truely realte to someone with lies if you actually plan on getting to know them. Most likeley, he's not going to care about something that little, but if you make a habbit of lieing to him, you will lose him as a friend.

A lie is a lie no matter how big or small, how little or how much of it is actual truth. People start to lose respect and apreciation for you if you stay false to him.

I don't know if I came at you a little hashly or not elsathebloody, and if I did i'm sorry, but the main thing i'm saying, is that i'm encouraging you to tell him that you lied "and why", and then just tell him you will be honest with him. I doubt you will lose him as a friend. And he will deffinitely respect you for that.

This is just my advice to you, but you can do with it what you want.

Tyler Smucker

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