Community > Posts By > laylanie74
A long wait
so true |
Never There......
i talk to my son dads 2 or 3 times a week, he just doesnt want to visit or spend time with him.
my sons b day is coming up, its the most intrest hes shown in his son for months, mostly caues i invited his grandmother too, so hes got show intrest, but he ll do his usually brag up his boy and take lots of pics to show people what a cute kids he's got. |
Never There......
my 9 year old told me while shopping she didnt understand y i had more kids, her brother 7 years younger than her, her sister 8.
i told her, her father and i wanted more kids but it didnt work out that way and her brother was planned, her sister wasnt she was an accident. first words out of her mouth were ya i know to bad, u didnt give her away like her dady wanted u too. her sister was 3 months early and has some minor complications. i do understand her point of view, she was and in many ways still an only child. she lives almost full time with her dad she sees me when she wants. but she misses one on one time. her siblings have no fathers, hince the original post. her father loves the other 2 espically my son, which iam thankfull for. the first time my son called him daddy he didnt correct him, my sons never heard him called by another name, we agreed when hes old enought to understand we ll explain the difference to him. i have made my kids lives complicated and hope they will understand someday there loved even if we arent the picture perfect family, everyone secertly dreams of. |
yes but not in new zeland lol
Never There......
thanks all
i want him to know his dad. but his dad has to want to know him. guess i just dont want to accept, he many not have anything but a hit and miss relationship with him. |
You Could Be...
prefer a rabal moon
new orleans just cause ive always wanted to live there
Never There......
ok i ll admit iam grouchy i knew my sons father 17 years, which is over half my life, before we dedcided to have a kid together. at 5 months pregnancy he had apiffany that he and fatherhoodand he werent a good mix. the day before i had our son the "omg iam gonna kill myself" text started. i get one or two a month iam at the point of not talking him out of it anymore. he also signed over custody on chrismas eve the year his son was born. and when we do talk iam the one that keeps him from his son, so he sees no reason to help out, he pays a whole 87$ childsupport. he also lived 6 blocks away from us. my question is: iam just stupid to keep hoping he ll want to have anything to do with his son? |
People Who Contact Me....
well at least they dont ask u to get married and have there 12 kids.
butz i knozes my englishes izz badz butzz iz tryz to beez goodishss andz i dont knowsh zz ruffles buttz i gotzz layzzz |
lack of fear
dont want to know were the tazer was :)
Boy or Girl?
girl lol
whats the heart rate i can tell u for sure girls r higher my daughters were 160 and 155 constant my son was never higher than 140 |
Hey, its a bad habit.
bad habit hello men good habits not sure i have any |
Abusive Relationship
the police cant do anything its not illegal to talking about doing something. as far as tell her its up to u.
id stay out of it personally, i tryed helping a guy friend what was being emonionally abused by the lov of his life, and another female friend abusing her boyfriend, no one espically the victium wants to hear it there always an excuse, they just suck u in, and u ll be the one arrested or hurt. it sounds bad, but u have to make the decision how far u want to go. cause theres no quick fix and chances r after she leaves him the next one will be worse than him. she has to be the one wanting out. and i had an x that threatned to kill me even showed me the gun and bullets. i told him to do it if he had the balls. 2 weeks later his dad helped me move out. |
best think is tell his doctor they can have him tested, my daughter has a speech imparment but she was born 3 months early, thats not uncommon. but evert time i have a comcern i talk with her dr and omt therapist.
my sons father sister has 3 of he 4 boys with varing degrees of autism. u only notice it in the oldest. just keep smiling |
omg thats too funny i miss woody lol
Doesnt Feel Pain
she kinda the same way,its getting her 3 year old brother to realize just cauze she laughs doesnt mean it doesnt actually hurt her. |
Odd feelings
hes trying to steal ur pick up lines run hide quick :)
i use to work at an animal shelter the most original is a pittbull name C.A.T. or D.O.G
my fav was a black kitten named Fezz or the shepard puppies name jack and danials :) |
omg too funny
Youngest & Oldest
my parent wer 22 year difference
ive date someone 15 years older and 10 years younger it not so much and age thing unless ur in your teens as a muturity thing |