Community > Posts By > coquibella
Vampire moose..
oh snap! it's a band? LMAO! where do they come up with them?
Make some sense
Common sense means to me using the most rational, logical reasoning possible. It's common sense that you shouldn't be lighting up any fires near a gas station but lord knows there has been someone lacking such reasoning and did it anyways. Common sense tells you when you light a firecracker it's wise to move away from it but lo and behold every 4th of July we find people in hospitals with fingers blown off. I don't believe Common Sense is taught specifically but when you are small and your parent told you don't touch the fire cause you will burn yourself that is the foundation of it. Some parents did their children an injustice or some are just lacking it regardless of their upbringing.
I think shyness can sometimes be too little confidence. I suggest trying to be the bold one. Ask him out. Tell him where you want to meet instead of "so where would you like to meet?" Take more control of the situation and you will start feeling more confident. And before you actually meet him stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself "I am the hottest woman alive." I know it might sound silly but I believe strongly in positive thinking and if you create the positive environment then you will have positive results.
Just Leave me Alone!
Instead of "CAN you give me a moment to think" which I'm sorry will always come out angry defensive I prefer "I'm going to need a little time to myself to think." If you can take a breath before saying it you've gotten your point across and haven't ruffled additional feathers. You will only hear me say "just leave me alone" if that is truly what I want.
Do you fart in bed?
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What I really truly want
I'm just gonna put it out there. Make fun, tell me I'm, or just rag on me if you must. I just feel the need to share something at this moment... On another thread I mentioned my love for the movie, The Notebook. Well, its my favorite movie EVER made, and often leaves me feeling hopeful for my future. What I want more than life is a man to hold me and know that I'm forever safe in his arms. I want to know that when I wake up of a morning, he's there next to me. To know that he's as lost without me as I am with out him. I want to feel something that makes my heart race for all the right reasons. I want that passion that only few find, I want to be one of the lucky ones. Maybe this is a bit much to share here, but ya know what? Oh well. I felt the need to get it out so here it is. I loved that movie THE NOTEBOOK too. Although I wasn't feeling all that hopeful at the end... more like "ah... so that's what I am missing out on." Girl, I feel you. I would love to feel all the emotions of something true and real and most of all have them reciprocated. Hopeless romantics are just that... |
Is your ex....
Edited by
Thu 08/14/08 01:01 PM
My daughter's father used to see her once a week most weeks. Now I found out he has a girlfriend (I think he has enough sense to respect my daughter and not force feed her someone that he is just dating... hopefully for his sake) and he told me Monday he will only see her twice a month so he can "have a life." First thing to run through my mind... well isn't that convenient! (When was I allowed to have a life?)Aside from that my daughter misses that retard. We are amicable. I try not to deal with him much and have him pick her up from my parents house. He expects my 6 year old to act like an adult. He takes her to see violent movies (that really bugs the hell out of me) and has 3 times fed her expired milk... and when she was vomiting from the food poisoning who do you think was missing work and caring for her... wasn't the culprit. I am civil for her sake and say nothing against him. Although I am seething inside. In the long run I know that this is the best route for my daughter ... once she's older and can see things in a clear light who knows... maybe she will be the one to pull away from her father that doesn't prioritize her.
I will draw you!
High Elf
Someone please tell me.....
Only foolish decisions are made in haste.
Meet Cute Christian Girls
LMAO!!! Please, you close the door and the devil's freak greets you! LMAO!!! Had a Pentacostal friend in school that slept with most of the male population in a few months. Was even mentioned in the boy's bathroom. They not be as innocent as you hope
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The best thing
erection LMAO!
Jars of testes
naw man cup your jewels and run!
Money for plastic surgery
I love me the way I am so to hell with plastic surgery... women pay for my curves... I'm good... now I would say thank you and go get laser hair removal... imagine no shaving again... now that's a present.
nah.. currently self-hating... but will be right as rain soon enough.
As long as he doesn't have Turrets... we are good.
with respect and chivalry
Back Off
first things first... you tell them you don't want any further communication... period. If they persist ignoring works well and then you move on to the restraining order LOL
I have a serious problem
peepee pads and stern talking to
What I miss most is not...
I'm with you there...
An Emotional Affair
Edited by
Wed 08/13/08 06:07 PM
Marriage includes both aspects, emotional and physical. To become emotionally or physically involved with someone else would translate to cheating to me. I would wager this would have a much larger impact on a woman since women are more in tune with their emotions. Perhaps (this would depend on the individual of course) an "emotional mistress" is a greater infidelity than a physical one.