Community > Posts By > Swede700

Swede700's photo
Tue 12/11/07 09:03 AM

No, that's not entirely true. Yes, all media is biased to a certain extent. And there is a certain limit of bias that should be expected.

However, Faux News takes their right-wing bias to an extreme level, to a point where they almost make up the news as they go along...ala Bill O'Reilly's supposed "War on Christmas." The other stations report generally from their POV, but there is no insidious intent in making things up as they go along. Faux News creates issues that any person with any sense knows doesn't exist, or over-embellishes it to make it seem more important than it really is, like whether Barack Obama wears a flag lapel pin or not. All news is biased, but Faux News takes that bias to another level which no other news station does.


I woke up feeling ill today and this has really perked me up.

"Fox news is just too biased, but CNN's bias is jussst right."

Sounds like Goldie Locks and the Three News Networks.

Well, there is bias in everything, not just the news, because every conversation comes from a person's point of view determined by their life experiences. So, your opinion right there is biased, in the literal sense of the word, as is mine. However, JSH is not not literally giving us talking points that we have to address during our conversations. Fox does that. CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and MSNBC do not. They don't give their anchors talking point memos (that we're aware of) that they have to address during their discussions.

Swede700's photo
Tue 12/11/07 08:56 AM
It's kind of like what George Carlin says in lots of his stand-up bits. The government doesn't care about the homeless. There are segments of society, which show the worst of us, that they don't want to talk about. They talk about reducing taxes. Guess what folks, reducing taxes doesn't give the homeless an opportunity to get a home. Reducing taxes don't keep people from filing bankruptcy due to out of control medical costs.

And reducing taxes, I'm sorry to tell my dear Republican friends, do not, in reality, create jobs. What it does is give corporations more money to invest in new technology which eliminates even more jobs.

Swede700's photo
Tue 12/11/07 08:46 AM

We've been the World's Policemen since Teddy Roosevelt was in office. What we see today is the greatest hope of Teddy Roosevelt and worst fears of George Washington. There's a reason why he stated in his farewell address that America shouldn't "entangle itself in foreign affairs." This is why.

Swede700's photo
Tue 12/11/07 08:36 AM

I consider myself moderate to liberal on most things. And I agree that all the major news outlets distort to some extent. But the FOX Noise Channel is the worst by far.

nah Fox is just like Commie News Network only on the right instead of the left! Carolina14 hit it on the head.

No, that's not entirely true. Yes, all media is biased to a certain extent. And there is a certain limit of bias that should be expected.

However, Faux News takes their right-wing bias to an extreme level, to a point where they almost make up the news as they go along...ala Bill O'Reilly's supposed "War on Christmas." The other stations report generally from their POV, but there is no insidious intent in making things up as they go along. Faux News creates issues that any person with any sense knows doesn't exist, or over-embellishes it to make it seem more important than it really is, like whether Barack Obama wears a flag lapel pin or not. All news is biased, but Faux News takes that bias to another level which no other news station does.

Swede700's photo
Tue 12/11/07 08:27 AM
The Electoral College works, if administered properly. It wasn't administered properly during the '00 Elections, which is why it appeared to have failed. No, the Supreme Court failed in its' duty and allowed a circumspect electoral victory in Florida to stand, even though the decision was made by an obviously biased Secretary of State in Katherine Harris.

As it generally is, the problem isn't with the system, it's with the people executing the system that are the problem.

Swede700's photo
Tue 12/11/07 08:16 AM
Edited by Swede700 on Tue 12/11/07 08:17 AM
How about this weather? It's kept me out of work today!

Swede700's photo
Mon 12/10/07 10:31 AM
Up next week....Da Bearz

Swede700's photo
Mon 12/10/07 10:27 AM
I'm glad you were born in Minnesota. We Minnesotans have got to stick together...but I think you need to move beyond the Ravens, Zoey 101s, Hannah Montanas, and Cheetah Girls of the World. No more Zack and Codys either.

How about actually creating a show where kids can actually learn something beyond what clothes to wear in order to be cool or uttering morals that make Alicia Silverstone as Cher in Clueless seem more deep and thought-provoking?

Let's move away from reality shows and scripted shows that do nothing but make you feel stupider for having watched it.

Swede700's photo
Mon 12/10/07 10:15 AM
I used to do a perfect impersonation of Pinky. I love it, I'm glad they brought back the re-runs.

The "cartoons" today are nothing more than mostly garbage anime, although there are still a few in the vein of real cartoons like Spongebob, Fairly Oddparents, and Jimmy Neutron.

Swede700's photo
Mon 12/10/07 10:11 AM

He isn't all that funny, I perfer George Carlin.


Swede700's photo
Wed 12/05/07 10:28 PM

I'm all about the Colts, but I have been pulling for the Vikes a little this year too.

Well, it's good to have you at least partially on the bandwagon.

The Colts are okay by me, because they've got several Minnesota connections on their team. Dungy (Gopher QB and former Vikings DC), Tom Moore (former OC of the Vikings), Ben Utecht (Gopher TE), Darrell Reid (former Gopher as well), and even Peyton Manning (dad was QB for the Vikings, Peyton used to go to the Metrodome as a kid). So, unless the Vikings play the Colts in the Super Bowl, I have a soft-spot for the Colts.

Swede700's photo
Wed 12/05/07 10:21 PM
We have a 68-yr old on the verge of Alzheimers, who wanders around the building next door during lunch, browses the Branson website all-day long, has a bunch of toy cars, dozens of empty notepads, and department newsletters from 1978 in his cubicle. If that isn't crazy, I don't know what is. And yes, all I told you is absolutely true. happy

Swede700's photo
Wed 12/05/07 10:16 PM
Happy Birthday to you, even if it was crappy. Just to let you know, they do become more meaningless as the years go by. laugh But, I'll still drink a pint with ya in spirit! drinker drinker

Swede700's photo
Wed 12/05/07 10:14 PM
It's not the greatest movie of all-time, but my favorite movie of all-time is Independence Day. Bill Pullman's Presidential speech before getting on his plane to go take out the aliens moves me to tears every time. I wish our more recent Presidents could be that inspirational.

Swede700's photo
Wed 12/05/07 10:09 PM
Edited by Swede700 on Wed 12/05/07 10:11 PM

i feel one of the worst movies ever made was napoleon dynamite, then follows movies with will ferrel, vince vaughn, and monty python, then the "scary movie" movies

your hot!!

Monty Python movies aren't even close to the worst. They are some of the most classic, quotable comedies of all-time. Is there a reason why you believe that they are terrible?

Will Ferrell, however, is hit-and-miss. Anchorman is absolutely terrible, but Old School and Elf were pretty darn good.

Swede700's photo
Tue 12/04/07 02:35 PM
Well, when there are still books in the educational system in the US that rewrite both the Civil War and the theory of evolution, is it any wonder that people like to make connections where no connections can theoretically exist?

The IQs sound about right, though, based upon the educational systems of the states they are located in. However, those IQs can't be rationally used to make a connection between intelligence and voting preference, because they are independent of one another. 45 years ago, a lot of those same states with low IQs had traditionally voted for Democrats.

Swede700's photo
Tue 12/04/07 02:20 PM
Anyone that truly cares whether someone says "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" has way too much time on their hands. Either that or they've been listening to Bill O'"Really" too much.

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a great holiday season!

Swede700's photo
Tue 12/04/07 12:01 PM
Edited by Swede700 on Tue 12/04/07 12:02 PM

Did anyone see "Bridge To Terabithia"?

Probably the MOST un-Disney Disney movie ever made. I never read the original book, so I was knocked cold by the shocking twist about 2/3 of the way into the movie. Not the best movie I've ever seen, but pretty good.

I haven't been to 10 movies this year, only three. The other two were Spider-Man 3 (best of the series, tho 1 and 2 were awesome), and Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer(also pretty good, but no Spidey).

So, my "best" movie of the year:

SPIDER-MAN 3!:smile:

Yes, I saw Bridge to Terabithia...I also saw Pan's Labyrinth, which was quite good in it's own right. But, so far, my favorite has been 300.

Swede700's photo
Tue 12/04/07 11:58 AM

Oh I could name a few but does anybody remember the 80's movie Howard the duck lol. Even as a kiddo I was bummed by the story line although the duck was kind of cool.

I actually saw that movie in the theaters. It wasn't as bad as people made it out to, I thought Lea Thompson was hot. laugh

Swede700's photo
Tue 12/04/07 11:57 AM
I'm not oppressing you, Stan. You haven't got a womb! Where's the fetus going to gestate?! You going to keep it in a box?!

laugh laugh laugh