Community > Posts By > lewydllf

lewydllf's photo
Wed 09/28/11 09:16 PM
well, lets make one thing very clear...............i like women!!
i dont like men and have no kind of homosexual tendencies. NONE.

lewydllf's photo
Tue 09/13/11 09:15 PM
thank u ladies for your kind and helpful suggestions. they are truly appreciated. peace and love.happy

lewydllf's photo
Mon 08/22/11 10:56 PM
if a single lovely lady gave me a chance at :wink:

lewydllf's photo
Fri 08/19/11 08:35 PM
wow!! what a tough crowd. so it seems no lovely females would like to get to no me, huh. what does a man need to do? just asking for a chance thats all.

lewydllf's photo
Sun 08/07/11 03:19 PM

"For the word of God is quick, and powerful,
and sharper than any twoedged sword,
piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit,
and of the joints and marrow,
and is a discerner of the thoughts
and intents of the heart."
Hebrews 4:12


excellent verse; true to His Word. " the word of GOD...." He truly makes it plain. all we need to do is read with a most incorruptible mind. YHWH GOD will lead us to His truths. always. might take some time because we have so much carnal junk that affects our spirit man or woman. The Eternal One will always be merciful and just. let us be blesed and give thanks to the Almighty One.

lewydllf's photo
Thu 08/04/11 06:34 PM
kindest of manners

lewydllf's photo
Thu 08/04/11 06:33 PM

Men say they want a good woman, but when they read a profile or look at a photo that simply says; I don't take crap! They tend to say you are mean, too serious and pass you by.

Come on! Basically, we are all looking for the same thing; someone to love us for who and what we are. It is just a matter of the right chemistry and the first meeting.

You will know in the first meeting if there is any connection or not. I have learned to not look at all men as potential mates. Most, are just not! Some people come into your life for a few minutes; others, a few hours, still others, perhaps a few days, week and so on. But seldom, will you meet many, who will be in your life for years. And they don't have to be intimate with you; you just may be luck enough to find a friend.

I'm in my late 50's, I'm tired of the dating game. I'm easy going, but I'm serious about what I'm looking for. I don't care about race, we are all God's children. Your integrety, sincerity, ability to love, willingness to work with me for a better us: These things are important to me.

So...that being said; just where in the heck are the real men?

Just asking.

well, in brevity, im here! one of them at least. im just answering.
of course i say that with the lindest of manners.

lewydllf's photo
Mon 08/01/11 09:16 PM

Best way I can explain this question is as follows.

Romans 8:14 "For all who are led by the Spirit of God are childrent of God

what an amazing scripture. the truth of GOD is amazing. let us always seek His truths.

lewydllf's photo
Mon 08/01/11 09:09 PM
hello everyone. my name is lewy. hope to hear from a few. peace and love

lewydllf's photo
Mon 08/01/11 09:03 PM
hello all!!

lewydllf's photo
Tue 07/26/11 10:33 PM
thank u ceriserose.

lewydllf's photo
Tue 07/26/11 02:55 AM
hello everyone! como estan?!!

lewydllf's photo
Tue 07/26/11 02:52 AM
would it be so shocking to hear that the holy bible as we know it, is fallible.....let us think about this for a minute. it is with GOD's love that i share this with you all.

i say the WORD of GOD is infallible!! let us remember that the Eternal One wants us to learn His truths. perhaps we sometimes get caught up on certain words or certain titles but GOD makes it fairly easy for us to comprehend. have we become too intelligent or educated for our own good?? let us never think we know enough because that will be our demise. His mercy truly endures forever. be blessed.

lewydllf's photo
Tue 07/26/11 02:37 AM
if the question is posed, "is everyone a child of GOD?"...
then the truth of the matter is -no-.
hello, it is because of GOD's tender mercies that i exist. and it is because He loves us so that He shares His truths to those who sincerely seek His wisdom. therefore it is with love and respect to all who might read this that i gladly share this.

now, allow me to say this. the LORD is a mighty powerful Creator and a most loving merciful GOD. He has created everything. and in that creation we as humans fall under that catagory. hence we are all creatures or human beings but only those who truly believe in the Messiah and the Creator God are His children. God is a god of love but He's also a god of justice. it is His justice that will matter in the end. let us seek Him with a contrite heart and become one of His children. be blessed.