new and searching
welcome, and blesssed be...........
what not to say to a cop
im on the patch......thats good,
what not to say to a cop
a man was driving too fast trying to get to work on time, when he creasted the top of a hill and saw a cop. the cop pulled him over and asked why he was driving so fast. the man replied " im trying to get to the hospital, it's an emergancy,, see im an anal streacher". the cop asks, "what's an anal streacher?" the man replies " well, first you stick one hand in, then two untill it's streatch to about 6 feet.", the cop asks "what do you do with a 6 foot asshole?" the man replies, "give him an radar gun and a badge and put him on toip of a hill."
what's the difference?
what's the difference between a penis and a paycheck?
you don't have to ask the wife to blow the paycheck |
i couldn't have said it better myself
if it wasn't for the computer, i don't know what i'd be doing
blonde joke
why do blondes hate cool-aid? they can't fit 2 quarts of water in that little packet
A few good one liners...
whats the difference between a penis and a paycheck?
you dont have to ask the wife to blow the paycheck |
Bumper sticker
1. i may be fat, but your ugly and i can diet
2. work harder, millions on welfair are depending on you. 3. suicide is telling god you cant fire me i quit |