Ready4theweekend's photo
Tue 11/13/07 07:55 PM
I get headaches from pulling to many g's or high perfromance aerobatic manuvers on occasion, (not a total bad thing I actually got to pull gs'). What I do is get someone to give my neck and shoulders a massage, right below where the arm his the torse is does it for me. Have someone massage your neck following any pain you feel and that will lead you to the cause of your problem. (if it is caused by strained muscles)

Ready4theweekend's photo
Tue 11/13/07 07:43 PM
The way I see it is life is a b**** she gives and takes but you got to move on. I know some things that always make me feel better in a time of sadness.
1. I am blessed with friends that have my back I need something they're there.
2. I know that if someone did something to make me sad intentionally then they weren't worth my time to begin with; and i won't give them the satisfaction of getting me down.

Ready4theweekend's photo
Tue 11/13/07 07:36 PM
Skydivers, whats sa matter don't trust your pilot not to right are they?

Ready4theweekend's photo
Tue 11/13/07 07:28 PM
I tend to have another of those sterotypes going for me. Flyboy, look at my photo, I'm actually quite nice save maybe a little cocky. It's great I just tend to attract the no offense intended, dumb blonde, types. You know the sort that knows more about nail polish than she does about anything else. That sort. I don't scare people the way thunder does but, I know I'm pre-judges as an airhead as well and that is most certainly not the case.

Ready4theweekend's photo
Tue 11/13/07 07:13 PM

I like to watch magic

Ready4theweekend's photo
Tue 11/13/07 06:57 PM
Well I hope to see you around later.

Ready4theweekend's photo
Tue 11/13/07 06:53 PM
Awe it was fun, I don't get to write poetry to much, I have a bad case of writers block usually. Besides been there, done that, got the restraining order laugh In all seriousness not all guys are jerks. You seem like you'd make a great girlfriend for some lucky dude. Message me sometime I'd love to have some new friends.

Ready4theweekend's photo
Tue 11/13/07 06:41 PM
Hi I am a profession Magician nad am offering any JSH user a discount on any performance. I specialize in mindreading, and othe psychic effects. Message me for further information

Ready4theweekend's photo
Tue 11/13/07 06:14 PM
Like it:
Not getting yelled at when I dissappear for a weekend (save maybe by my family)
Getting to flirt with all the girls I want
Easier on the bank account laugh

Hate it:
Gets kind of montonous
Don't get to be close to some one
Miss being missed

Ready4theweekend's photo
Tue 11/13/07 06:12 PM
Any time I'm flying, performing, or having fun!

Ready4theweekend's photo
Tue 11/13/07 05:44 PM
Air Traffic Controlers raining on my fun, guys who hit their girlfriends or women period when not in extreame life and death self defense, the idiot techs at my school, and finally morons in general. I feel better now thanks

Ready4theweekend's photo
Tue 11/13/07 05:37 PM
My nickname stands for SuPerior to FONZY bucause even the Fonz can't top my coolness laugh or my ego for that matter laugh

Ready4theweekend's photo
Tue 11/13/07 05:27 PM
Me lady a price is riding
Riding upon a stallion of white
His heart is dying
He is looking to make futures bright
Dry your tears and stop a crying
For though he may not come tonight
He is patiently waiting
Waitng for his lady in white.

Trust me he is out there. And take it from a guy whose lost a girl or two it sucks on this end to.

Ready4theweekend's photo
Tue 11/13/07 05:27 PM
Me lady a price is riding
Riding upon a stallion of white
His heart is dying
He is looking to make futures bright
Dry your tears and stop a crying
For though he may not come tonight
He is patiently waiting
Waitng for his lady in white.

Trust me he is out there. And take it from a guy whose lost a girl or two it sucks on this end to.

Ready4theweekend's photo
Tue 11/13/07 05:21 PM
Awe I'm perfect and I'm not gay. Far from it never mind straight as an arrow I'm straight as a laser. I cook, I clean somewhat, I guess you can call me a poet, and I massage. Do I fit the bill? I'm perfect if you can get over the ego in need f it's own zip code. lol

Ready4theweekend's photo
Tue 11/13/07 04:51 PM
Neverwinter Nights
Any of the Elder Scrolls
RPG ish Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl

Ready4theweekend's photo
Tue 11/13/07 04:46 PM
Hi, I'm from Troy Ny, My inerests are Magic, like Abra kadabra, travel, and having fun. I'm a Computer Sciences Major, and that about sums me up. Later.

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