Community > Posts By > btcwell

btcwell's photo
Tue 01/13/09 07:57 PM

If nobody fought in wars there wouldnt be any

and there would be a lot less people as well, is no fought back there would be a lot of death and anarchy

btcwell's photo
Tue 01/13/09 07:49 PM
Army_strong you are correct in questioning what your recruiter tells you... They are not suppose to lie to get you to sign, but a few have been know to stretch the truth sometimes. With that said the quickest way to find out is to call a different recruiting office and ask. You choice of 11B is interesting... as a former 11B and still a soldier after 24 years... there is no other MOS that has the comradely or cohesion (well not in the Army) being a grunt is the cloest thing you will find to being a marine. Having spent my entire career in the Army and can honesty say that there is no tighter group than the Marines. If you are truely from MI, then 11B is also a good choice. MI has alot of 11B reserve/guard positions. If you are looking for bonus $ call a guard recruiter and ask about active 1st program. I think the signing bonus is up to 60K. There is merit to taking a MOS that offers a career after military, but any job in army offers leadership and self discipline required by todays employers, not to mention you get military points/preference on civil servant jobs like police/fire. And there is always the college fund to get a degree afterwards. If you are interested in college I would recommend going for a ROTC scholarship before you enlist. it's a lot to think about and a large choice in life, but in the end only you can make it.. dont let others pressure you too much and take your time and think it through... Good Luck..

btcwell's photo
Sat 11/10/07 05:51 PM
I was wondering what everone's thoughts where on writing profiles. I was once told not to be so forward in my profile. To not indicate things that might tend to make one look sensitive. I was told that it will attract the stalker type. I was told to just keep it simple and if they wan't to know more they could ask. Anyhow, after thinking about it, it kind of made sense but I wanted to hear a few more opinions on the matter as to not put all my eggs in one basket...