Topic: profile
btcwell's photo
Sat 11/10/07 05:51 PM
I was wondering what everone's thoughts where on writing profiles. I was once told not to be so forward in my profile. To not indicate things that might tend to make one look sensitive. I was told that it will attract the stalker type. I was told to just keep it simple and if they wan't to know more they could ask. Anyhow, after thinking about it, it kind of made sense but I wanted to hear a few more opinions on the matter as to not put all my eggs in one basket...

openheart45's photo
Sat 11/10/07 05:54 PM

no photo
Sat 11/10/07 06:05 PM
For people who don't post in the forums, the profile is pretty much all we have to go on in order to find anything out about the person. If the profile is empty, or contains nothing but vapid cliches, or relies on "If you want to know anything, you'll have to ask me," or basic information is missing, I don't bother going any further.

Better than 90% of the profiles I have read while going through Mutual Match selections are worse than useless.

My own philosophy is that "more is better" -- my profile is really long and meandering, but that's because I use it as a sort of ongoing blog-type thing. It's intended to act as a sort of adjunct to my forum posts, going into more detail about things I observe on JSH, as well as the whole fiasco of the dating site mentality in general.

Not everybody has the time or the interest to do it that way, but the few who actually do write something worth reading, do get my attention.

I've only run into a couple of stalker-types here, and they gave up pretty quickly when I made it clear I had no interest in playing that game.

no photo
Sat 11/10/07 06:07 PM
My old profile was like a bible so I cut the fat off. The forums help a little it's just unfortunate you never see anyone local on them.

SoonToBeDivorced's photo
Sat 11/10/07 06:08 PM
Mine, too, is rather long. I have surfed some of the profiles and found that the ones with little to no information are the ones who are only looking for one night stands (and I've only been here for a short period of time). I'd rather know more about a person before contacting them.

no photo
Sat 11/10/07 06:16 PM
Mine says enough I think. I think I cover all the necessary information.

Totage's photo
Sat 11/10/07 06:18 PM
I change my profile alot just to seem if the response changes (views, e-mails). I you should be honest and highlight your positives, don't mention any negatives. Don't give your whole life story. Give just enough to sparl an intrest. Be creative and stand out. Don't make it look like a copy an paste job. JMO

Puffins1958's photo
Sat 11/10/07 06:50 PM
I would be honest in what you wanted and what you were looking for. This way when people look at your profile, they will see the TRUE you...

I hope you find what your looking for...


fortsmithman's photo
Sat 11/10/07 07:08 PM
Honesty is best You want people to know you not something make believe.

no photo
Sat 11/10/07 07:10 PM
Some people aren't honest though.