Community > Posts By > misterapathy

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Fri 11/09/07 06:17 PM
course some people are greedy and just wanna screw as many people as they can i suppose. sometimes no matter what it cant be helped.

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Wed 11/07/07 06:38 AM
*****WARNING***** spoiler ahead. skip post if need be.

ok heres the thing. i saw it and i understand. it explains why john hates murder so much. it tells you all you need to know about the back story of why he is the way he is and how he can afford everything. but what no one really knows yet is exactly how he picks his victims. i believe there will be some pattern revealed later. sucks eric mathews died. i liked him. what i wanna know is if jeff died. i know he was shot but was he wounded or killed. if he died the hunts on for his daughter still. does the cop finish it up and save her? we know thats gonna happen sometime. possible saw 5. also it showed johns body being autopsied and a tape coming out of his stomach. so thats another one. saw 6 maybe. like all the other saw movies it leaves us waiting 1 whole year to be answered.

it answered some questions from previous ones. who the blonde woman he was with was. where billy the puppet and a few other things came from. and mostly why the police hadnt caught him beforehand.

i really love this movie.

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Wed 11/07/07 06:17 AM
its tough for me. cradle of filth is my favorite band and they are british. matter of fact alot of metal i like comes from europe. but here in the states we have great bands too. metallica (old not new),korn and manson.

id go brit , but i havent gotten over you guys throwing spice girls on us.

USA for my music fill.

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Wed 11/07/07 05:58 AM
if she had a son named stiffler it would be comedy gold.

i like older women. they have that look on them. they know whats up. its nothing strange anymore actually. gettin quite commonplace.

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Wed 11/07/07 05:54 AM
eh it happens. like a funny game of russian roulette (spelling?) you might have some blanks but eventually ya gonna get the bullet. she'll be there sooner than you know. enjoy life and hang out with your friends. many older people wish they could see long lost friends.

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Wed 11/07/07 05:24 AM
its all pretty harsh. sometimes thats what you end up being. i hate that too.

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Wed 11/07/07 05:07 AM
heh. i havent had any =P

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Wed 11/07/07 05:06 AM
hrm... good one.... she would definately have to light my fire first. but if she did (and i love the spooky girls) wherever i needed. ive got vacation time and car gets good MPG

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Wed 11/07/07 04:52 AM
i just posted on a topic and it got me thinking. when someone cheats on you then your left wondering why after you find out. simple. same reason i smoke.

eh? yeah.

i smoke because its something i do. i dont remember when i started or even why now. i just know i do. i know its bad but i do it anyways.

when a significant other goes behind your back to get something you would freely give them, they know its bad. (if they care. if they dont to hell with them.) there is probably any combination of a million reasons why.

you cant do anything about it once its happened but there is a chance to stop it from happening. it involves communication and honesty. you need to talk with them about things they want and perhaps even desire. heres a few ideas.

if you see her lookin at pictures of ripped guys and she is kinda all oggling them. take a moment to look in the mirror. maybe a lil flabby in the middle. get a gym membership. stick to it. get results. make sure its you she oggles over.

if your sex life is gettin kinda played out from same ol same ol. spice it up. try some new things. rent a dirty movie. buy some toys. hell go to a trip club. something. men if she has asked you to go down on her and your all like "naw man. i dont do that stuff man its all weird." you need to buck up and prepare to dive. i havent met a woman yet who didnt love it once you got started. and practice makes perfect. same for you ladies. men love oral sex too.

maybe the bodies and sex lives are fine. maybe its a matter of someone not getting enough attention. always offer to spend time with each other and not just be in the same room. if your playing on the computer and they want to cuddle, get off the computer and cuddle. the internet (barring the end of the world) will be there tomorrow. they may not be.

stress sucks. it makes you cranky. but when you get home even from the worst day of work always remember who you are talking to. the person you speak to is someone you care about. never yell at them. never hurt them. beating your spouse until they are too scared to go anywhere is never a way to win her love.

look at the one you care about. always tell them you love them. dont forget for even one day. tell them several times. show you love them. do for them whatever you can even if it means you will yourself do without.

these are only a few things. it works with both sexes. its not foolproof by any means. sometimes it will just happen no matter what you do. but ive noticed time and again its happened to someone and if they had followed one of the 5 things i mentioned above it would have help saved it.

feel free to leave feedback and opinions.

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Wed 11/07/07 04:25 AM
i remember now how it came up. we were talking about celebrities we would love to get in bed. hers was reese witherspoon and mine was fairuza baulk. thats what started it. then we started talking about people we knew that we had a crush on.

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Wed 11/07/07 04:16 AM
what do you mean?

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Wed 11/07/07 04:07 AM
alright this is a strange way to do it. before the "I dos" me and my wife talked. (idunno how we got on the topic and stuff) but we decided that if there is someone that we really wanted to have sex with then we would DISCUSS it with each other and get approval first. a few rules kept it simple.

1. ALWAYS safe sex.
2. no relationships. its just a temporary thing.
3. never let anyone come between us. i'll always be there for you and you will always be there for me. never risk that.

as odd as it sounds thats a working deal. we reserve that for a "OMG ive always had a thing for them and i might have a chance for a one night stand." situation.

not used it yet. but as long as we adhere to those rules we shouldnt ever have a problem.

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Wed 11/07/07 03:52 AM
play the field but be good about. try not to step on any toes. 8 years is awhile. just date around and maybe talk to some friends. great source for nice guys they might know. good luck to ya.

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Wed 11/07/07 03:49 AM
men and women in uniform i mean. sorry.

i think the past matters mostly to yourself. i used to be a meth addict. i got over it and now i tell people how bad it really is hoping that i can keep at least one person off it. use your past to benefit yourself and others.

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Wed 11/07/07 03:45 AM
"just sitting back things will never happen"

those are true words. i agree with what your saying.

props to our men in uniform. you guys keep us safe at home.

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Wed 11/07/07 03:40 AM
aight man. i got ya covered cuz i been there. i really have. my wife and i dated on and off for 11 years before marriage. ive had to deal with her boyfriends and girlfriends (shes bi) while we were broke up. its hard as hell. hurts bad. i tried dating others and it was all short lived. i knew who i wanted to be with and how i had made so many mistakes to end up losing her. what i did is i proved i was the stronger man and accepted things as they were and i stood by her as a friend. they F***** up and i was right there for her. when she needed me i was there. she realised that through all the things i had done before and later all the hell she put me through i would always be by her side. in the end i got the girl of my dreams.

my advice to you. she needs a friend. your young and made your mistakes. if you truly love her stand by her side and show that you will always care no matter what. thats all i can say man. good luck.

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Wed 11/07/07 03:30 AM
someone stole one of my disks..... no install for me. im not buying it again.

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Wed 11/07/07 02:35 AM
idunno. i suppose a good guy won't tell ya that they are good. you just gotta learn if they are. and theres millions of people in this world. somes gonna be good for ya, somes gonna be bad for ya, and a few are just plain outta they head. im married and not looking to cheat. just came to talk to a few friends and maybe meet a few more. but if i was single (and in florida) i would ask ya out pretty quick. your a really attractive woman and im sure your gonna get alot of guys just wantin to get some tail. good luck making it through those turds and finding gold.

nice tat by the way. <heartogram>

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Wed 11/07/07 02:17 AM
dude....that hat totally rocks.