Community > Posts By > Gemini84

Gemini84's photo
Thu 06/11/09 01:39 AM

lol This is sad...

I think when it comes to talking to people online, it's very easy to judge them right away from their grammar or the way they spell - since that's what we see first - their typed words.

Now, I'm bothered by misspellings and poor grammar, too - it bugs me to no end. As well as the folks who refuse to spell words out - how hard is it to type the Y and O before the U? Bah.

Anyway, I'm curious - and this is for those of us who are indeed bothered by poor spellers - let's say you met someone face to face (not online) and you got along great with them. Then, they send you a text message, letter or an e-mail at some point later on and you see that spelling isn't their forte. Would you tell the person to get lost even though you've been having a great time with them in person so far? lol

I don't know. Personally, I say even though I'm bugged by someone who cannot spell or write properly, it doesn't mean the person is a complete moron, lol... It's just unfortunate that by meeting people online, we usually see one's flaws before we see their good qualities. It makes it very easy for people to reject someone without getting to know them.

People online, good qualities? Look at my picture...think I have good qualities?rofl

I didn't say everybody had them... ;)

Gemini84's photo
Thu 06/11/09 01:34 AM
lol This is sad...

I think when it comes to talking to people online, it's very easy to judge them right away from their grammar or the way they spell - since that's what we see first - their typed words.

Now, I'm bothered by misspellings and poor grammar, too - it bugs me to no end. As well as the folks who refuse to spell words out - how hard is it to type the Y and O before the U? Bah.

Anyway, I'm curious - and this is for those of us who are indeed bothered by poor spellers - let's say you met someone face to face (not online) and you got along great with them. Then, they send you a text message, letter or an e-mail at some point later on and you see that spelling isn't their forte. Would you tell the person to get lost even though you've been having a great time with them in person so far? lol

I don't know. Personally, I say even though I'm bugged by someone who cannot spell or write properly, it doesn't mean the person is a complete moron, lol... It's just unfortunate that by meeting people online, we usually see one's flaws before we see their good qualities. It makes it very easy for people to reject someone without getting to know them.

Gemini84's photo
Sun 05/31/09 01:42 PM

its a triple tie
monster squad,goonies, and drop dead fred those are the best movies ever and maybe the sandlot

The guy who played Chunk (Jeff Cohen) is really sexy now lol go figure! And I forgot about Drop Dead Fred, I loved that movie! I need to find it now :oP

Gemini84's photo
Sat 05/30/09 09:41 AM

stepbrothers of course...

Yep, that was the first funny movie that came to my mind, too lol Totally hilarious!

History of the World: Part I, too!

Gemini84's photo
Tue 05/26/09 08:53 PM

Gemini84's photo
Tue 05/26/09 06:58 PM
I literally was just reading this on Yahoo - pretty interesting.

Brett's a woman, though ;o)

Gemini84's photo
Tue 05/26/09 05:30 PM
Any mature guys in South Jersey on here who aren't just looking to get laid? lol I can't find anybody willing to talk to me properly. By properly, I mean have an actual, normal conversation with me - they wanna talk about sexual crap right off the bat and it's a huge turn off - not to mention insanely immature... and annoying. lol

So, yea.. if you:

• Know how to talk to a woman.
• Are single, never married, have no kids.
• Live in South Jersey.
• Are between the ages of 24 and 38.

Please message me lol

Good luck to ya all :o)


Gemini84's photo
Wed 11/14/07 04:33 PM
lol... silly stuff

Gemini84's photo
Wed 11/14/07 04:28 PM
So sorry to hear that :(

I think you are doing the right thing.. doesn't sound like he deserves you. You don't need the drama..

Gemini84's photo
Wed 11/14/07 04:25 PM
lol oh, animals do great things...

Right on, gator, right on.

Gemini84's photo
Wed 11/14/07 04:22 PM
lol nice...

Gemini84's photo
Mon 11/12/07 03:48 AM
Hot.. though I get jealous if it's longer than my own, lol

Gemini84's photo
Sun 11/11/07 01:43 PM
I have to agree with Tongue.

Staying friends after breaking up, most of the time turns out badly. Causes drama later on and an ex is just like having baggage... a lot of people are uncomfortable with someone they date who is still in contact with an ex. So unless there are children involved... my opinion on it is negative, lol.