Community > Posts By > Niceladyrealy

Niceladyrealy's photo
Wed 03/28/12 11:55 AM

Is it compatible with Windows 7? Sounds like a software issue, have you contacted their support for help?

Are you trying to write your own program in a BASIC language? If so, they may have a community or website with help resources, tutorials, etc.
ive tested ,loadbmp on win7 and xp, doesnt work,maybe ineed more code? Im trying to load a simple bmp(picture file)inside a "just basic"program. Its the first line of code to add a picture background to the program, the rest ofthe program works. I dönt know how to display a picture with the "just basicomand syntax" i could not find a manual for this program.

Niceladyrealy's photo
Wed 03/28/12 10:22 AM
I got a program called "jus basic version 1.01 i load it onto win7, the help menus does not work: i added loadbmp athe begining ofthe program, it doesnt load anything. My program run,yet the picture doesnt show on screen.

Niceladyrealy's photo
Mon 03/26/12 01:26 AM
How do i add a picture into a program?

Niceladyrealy's photo
Mon 03/19/12 05:28 AM


*Question: Is the XP disc a DVD? You might have a DVD installion disc and your drive might be a CD drive. Seen it happen plenty of times.
the computer was delivered with windows xp already installed,the previous ownersaid the cdrom was working fine,however i tried to put a cd in and the computer still not acknowledging the cdrom drive.theres only a c drive and when i connect the memory stick it picks up an extra drive and no cdrom drive. Thankyou very much for everyones efforto help.

Niceladyrealy's photo
Thu 03/15/12 07:02 AM

System doesn't seem to recognize that you have a cd rom installed! I don't think poking at the bios or mos will help - but check the device status under computer/hardware.. If status is ok, maybe you need a driver update :)
in windows explorer theres no sign of a cdrom, yet i canow open and close the cdrom and a light goes on showing itwork somehow, yet windows xp is not showing that it recognise the cdrom. The people that dönated the pc said the cdrom workd before and since its unpackd here itdoesnt work. Iwonder why

Niceladyrealy's photo
Sat 03/10/12 12:11 PM
Personaly im önly atracktd to kind highly inteligend men. Many relationships dont last bcause of miscomunication and undrstanding. If hes a genius he wijl find awayto make it last. Smart people are nicer than the average 120guy.

Niceladyrealy's photo
Fri 03/02/12 12:34 AM
How do i setup cdrom in bios? The pc doesnt pickup the cdrom. The cdrom has power and ive put a cd in. Theres no option to selèct cd inwindows xp on this pc. Please help

Niceladyrealy's photo
Thu 02/09/12 10:34 AM

I briefly read through the other suggestions all excellent.

However I have a trick I didn't see.

1) Take out the ram, boot without ram. << and take note of any post messages.

2) Put a single stick back in and boot.

This will cause the bios to update due to no memory being installed to the prior boot. Often when a system fails to post, or you just get the little blinking cursor in the top left corner this can help.

If the single stick boots then put in the other sticks.
thankyou so much for everyones help. I will reboot again tmrw morning and givefeedback if the advice worked.

Niceladyrealy's photo
Wed 02/08/12 10:49 PM

I do not have children. My ex of 20 years did not want them. When we divorced, I almost immediately had to have an emergency hysterectomy. I cried and cried in the ER when I had to be taken in to be checked for internal bleeding. If a child walked in, I just lost it crying.

I think it is THE sexiest thing when men are really really really devoted to their children. When they just beam with pride and joy, does anyone else feel that way?
i have respect for any good parent.however cant say it hasexual atraction. Being within a relatiönship there should be a balance, some guys are so devoted to their kids thathey use their girlfriend as a free babysitter and have no time for her otherwise since his kids are more importanthan his girlfriend. I love children and wont mary a guy that wont make a good father.

Niceladyrealy's photo
Wed 02/08/12 04:56 AM

I forgot to say it is not just standby mode it means the system is on, on standby or in soft mode when lit and off when off... you should see this light on all the time from what I have read...but you said it was not on in the past correct?
when i connecthe power the green light goes on and stays on it never flash,its probably just an indication that theres power on the board.computerstill not working. Justhe fans go on and the lighthats all.nothing on monitor. Probably doesnt even read the hardisk.

Niceladyrealy's photo
Mon 02/06/12 09:33 AM

Ive replaced the graphicard and the memory cards. Computer still.dont work. Only sound is the breezing fans and the little green light onthe board.theres nothing onthe monitor it remains a mistery.the monitor works fine on other it must be the?

Is the light on the MB flashing? Is there a speaker in the case? If so, is it connected? If not, you can contact some local computer stores to see if they have a "Mini Onboard Speaker for a Mother Board" or you can buy one online for only a couple dollars, but the shipping might be high.
its a tiny bright green light onthe board,it doesnt flash. Ididnt conect external speaker however soundo work. I moved the output from the graphicard to the onboard and the computer made some beeping sound. When the pc was workin i changd the bios to work on the graphicard.however at current no view onthe monitor. It apear thathere is power on the board and nobootup.nothing on screenot even error mesg.

Niceladyrealy's photo
Mon 02/06/12 04:19 AM
Ive replaced the graphicard and the memory cards. Computer still.dont work. Only sound is the breezing fans and the little green light onthe board.theres nothing onthe monitor it remains a mistery.the monitor works fine on other it must be the?

Niceladyrealy's photo
Sun 02/05/12 08:11 AM

Did you make sure you installed compatible memory, and it is installed properly?
yes. The mem cards thats in the pc were the once that booted up before. I was also advised to remove the mem cards and reseathem again. I hope that works cause now i have to remove the graphicard in order to remove the one mem card. Thank you for every ones help. Iwill bemencely greatfull if some1 can help.i got this realy nice math game for my brother and iwant him to use the computer to support his gr 3 schoolwork this year. does it mean thathe motherboard is not broken if theres a green light?

Niceladyrealy's photo
Sun 02/05/12 05:01 AM
Its an asus a7n266-vm motherboard

Niceladyrealy's photo
Sun 02/05/12 01:55 AM

Actually, I ain't that great looking Big Daddy... I just carry myself like I am. It works out pretty good.
yes. Confident men always have girlfriends.

Niceladyrealy's photo
Sun 02/05/12 01:49 AM
A while ago i took out a memory card to check if the extra mcard i have also work. It didnt. And when i put back the original card the computerefused to boot up and i saw nothing onthe screen. Theres a little green light onthe motherboard,does this mean the motherboard is not broken? And the fanstil work too.

Niceladyrealy's photo
Wed 02/01/12 05:09 AM
I wonder what one can feed a new born baby swallow. I found the bird onthe ground,it fell out of the nest.ive put it back inthe nest. Doeswalows feed only on insects or will the parents eat bread too?

Niceladyrealy's photo
Wed 02/01/12 04:50 AM
I did not see a qute baby bird on the ground today. Yesterday i found one onthe ground a little swallow,just born ,so ive put it back inthe nest, and itstill there, i hope it growstrong andoesnt fall out again.

Niceladyrealy's photo
Tue 01/31/12 09:17 AM

IMHO, men who attempt to "spoil" women feel that they are lacking in some way that makes them unlovable. Attempts at spoiling a woman is their way of detracting her from their perceived flaws. Such men should work on finding themselves to have worth and to be lovable, before entering a relationship. It will save them heartbreak and frustration down the road.
theres probably nothing wrong with some1 that wants to give there partner pleasure in life.theres probably nothing wrong with some1selfworth if they wanto pleasure their partner.

Niceladyrealy's photo
Tue 01/24/12 10:35 AM
bigsmile tears hey were ismy love?sigh

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