Community > Posts By > BeccaP258

BeccaP258's photo
Mon 01/21/08 10:17 PM
Spin The Bottle"


1. i would smack ur ass
2. i would kiss you on the cheek
3. i would kiss you on your forehead
4. i would just give you a hug
5. i would hold your hand
6. i would kiss you on the lips
7. i would make out with you
8. i would make love to you
9. i want to go out with you ... seriously
10. Rub your back..tell u its ok

11. attack u with a baseball bat!

BeccaP258's photo
Mon 01/21/08 06:59 PM
my opinion, if its a healthy long relatinship
then it doesn't matter..
but why does sex have to part of your everyday life.
if you two love eachother just for sex
then waht the hell kinda ****ty relationship is that

BeccaP258's photo
Mon 01/21/08 06:59 PM
my opinion, if its a healthy long relatinship
then it doesn't matter..
but why does sex have to part of your everyday life.
if you two love eachother just for sex
then waht the hell kinda ****ty relationship is that

BeccaP258's photo
Sun 01/20/08 09:33 AM really should get out there. make yourself knwon to people

BeccaP258's photo
Sun 01/20/08 09:33 AM

BeccaP258's photo
Sun 01/20/08 09:30 AM

BeccaP258's photo
Sun 01/20/08 09:29 AM
are going to kick butt today!!!

BeccaP258's photo
Sun 01/20/08 09:24 AM
And looking...
i want to find someone to respect me
and care about me

i haven't had one of those in a long long time

any takers?

BeccaP258's photo
Sat 01/19/08 03:19 PM

i hate them...its not fair..
ok here is my cenario

sorry if i spelled that wrong..

i was kinda sorta with this guy...he lived in LA and live in san diego....we saw eachother every weekend..
we brok eup cause he said that we didn't knwo eachoter enough
and that we would get togeteher again when we know eachother better....gues waht i just found out!

he has a ****ing girlfriend
men suck

ugh he could of just told me he didn't lke me anymore

he didn't have to lie

Sorry this happened to you Becca, but hang in there and be glad it didn't get too serious. HOw did you find out about the gf? just curious flowerforyou

his best friend..and m best friend just told me...

my best friend promised me he wouild tell me if he ever did anything like cheat on me...he just told me..
and i broke down

BeccaP258's photo
Sat 01/19/08 03:15 PM
i hate them...its not fair..
ok here is my cenario

sorry if i spelled that wrong..

i was kinda sorta with this guy...he lived in LA and live in san diego....we saw eachother every weekend..
we brok eup cause he said that we didn't knwo eachoter enough
and that we would get togeteher again when we know eachother better....gues waht i just found out!

he has a ****ing girlfriend
men suck

ugh he could of just told me he didn't lke me anymore

he didn't have to lie

BeccaP258's photo
Thu 01/17/08 08:00 PM
thank you all!

BeccaP258's photo
Thu 01/17/08 07:51 PM
im only speaking my mind
lifes ways are hard and difficult
meeting you was the best
loosing you was the worst

seeing you gives me tingles inside
feelings like ive never felt
running through
in and out
up and down all over

even though its been a while
i think dream and hear
think dream and hear
you everywhere
thinking of our conversations and the way we kissed
hopeing it will last
hearing you call me beautiful
and how you wanted me
how you wanted me forever

it was two months
felt like forever didnt it
telling eachother secrets
i trusted you with everything
now to interfere
i LOVED you
LOVE is a strong word
i dont use it alot
ur my exeption

BeccaP258's photo
Wed 01/16/08 10:33 PM

why vent and dwell on the negative when you can move onto something FUN? devil

drinker drinker drinker

to me, the negitive is stuck in my mind

BeccaP258's photo
Wed 01/16/08 10:27 PM
I have so much going on,
i jsut don't know...
i just wish i could talk to someone
and jsut vent everything to them
all those little things going on in my mind..

but..there is also the fact..
i don't trust anyone..
i wish tehre was someone i could just
vent to
that i feel 100% comfortable with

you knwo waht i mean?

BeccaP258's photo
Wed 01/16/08 08:36 AM
i have major trust issues.
i don't trust just antone
i don't even trust m arents

BeccaP258's photo
Wed 01/16/08 08:24 AM


please can hurt at 18 you can hurt at any age!!! Just because she is 18 and young doesn't mean she doesn't have a right to hurt and be scared! Everyone no matter what age has a right for that

thank you so much gracekelly,
that mad eme feel like u really care

BeccaP258's photo
Wed 01/16/08 08:14 AM

i promised i would save my self for the one..


i wish virginity was a thing u coudl take back

Virginity these days is so passe. I think the average age for losing it, is around 15. And that's bad in itself, but don't frete, there is life after the first guy you've been with.

thts true i gues...

BeccaP258's photo
Wed 01/16/08 08:09 AM
i promised i would save my self for the one..


i wish virginity was a thing u coudl take back

BeccaP258's photo
Wed 01/16/08 07:55 AM
thats absolutley terrible, im sorry

i mean its kinda embarassing,
all my friends have been with their boyfriend for like five years,
we were together for a year
he cheated on me, i'm still scared by it..
i lost my virginity to him cause i tghouth he was the one

BeccaP258's photo
Wed 01/16/08 07:55 AM
thats absolutley terrible, im sorry

i mean its kinda embarassing,
all my friends have been with their boyfriend for like five years,
we were together for a year
he cheated on me, i'm still scared by it..
i lost my virginity to him cause i tghouth he was the one