Community > Posts By > JohnShandor

JohnShandor's photo
Mon 11/05/07 06:49 PM
Thanks mnhiker. Got to love the old foot tickle trick.

JohnShandor's photo
Mon 11/05/07 06:30 PM
That is too cool, I did not know that they were this far east. I have seen them in Montana up close, but, in my backyard (well close anyway). Yes I was a rocky and bullwinkle fan as a kid. I love the Moose.LOL

JohnShandor's photo
Mon 11/05/07 06:21 PM
UP sounds nice. Really, you have Moose there?. I know wolves are there, worked an a project in school that released wolves in to the wild. Went to WVa and Pa. Was quite fun. Others got UP so have not been there. I liked No Cal for a while. South too hot cannot cool down. I am looking forward to snow. About mid Feb is when I am ready for it to go.

JohnShandor's photo
Mon 11/05/07 06:12 PM
Mine is user name. John, straight up.

JohnShandor's photo
Mon 11/05/07 05:00 PM
I don't like the lower ppl. Been there a few times and do not like it. All natural up there , I might have to plan a trip and go exploring this ( when is better time up there spring or summer?) sometime. I love the outdoors and seeing new places. I like Montana because everytime there you have to stop skiing as Moose or Big Horn cross the trail. Have seen wolves, Elk it is really nice. (I studdied Zoology in college, so I like animals).

JohnShandor's photo
Mon 11/05/07 04:55 PM
No have not been there, I usually head to the mountains. Spent a week in Tahoe last year. Really like Montana. Good people good skiing. Been there 4 times. You got any good hills in the UP?

JohnShandor's photo
Mon 11/05/07 04:51 PM
I like the firat few snows when wverything is covered and looks nice. But I do not like when there are big piles of grayish mis in parkinglots and on the road it is ugly and dirty. But a good snow, makin fresh tracks, heading down the mountian on some deep cut 195 K2s. Man that is great. I know I am sick I actually travel to the snowyest places to have fun.

JohnShandor's photo
Mon 11/05/07 04:21 PM
I am like thunderbear. I haold doors and wait for people to enter. It was how I was brought up. Too manu rude people out there. The other day I was at the convo store it a a drive thru on it. There was 1 person working a friend on mine named Anita. These 2 guys came throught the drive through and bought 6 12 packs of soda and 2 cases of beer. I helped her get it all to their car. Why would you do that? Go inside and get your stuff. I live way out in the country and this store gets my business all the time. I know everyones name that works there.

JohnShandor's photo
Mon 11/05/07 04:07 PM
Nice deer. I will be in WVa over thanksgiving hunting my family land. Cant wait.

JohnShandor's photo
Mon 11/05/07 03:57 PM
now the biggest thing is the leaves changing color. I love that. took off work today and drove close to 200 miles looking at the leaves. the crispness in the air, a message from a friend, my dog catching her frisbee, a text from a friend. Knowing that my life is getting better. I like the simple things.

JohnShandor's photo
Fri 11/02/07 06:23 PM
Mine is getting happy. cherrybomb and I have really connected. She is great. I felt a tingle from her first reply. We have spent long hours talking. Do not dispair, everyone has a soulmate out there. It might take some time but you will find the one for you. Trust in that and be true and honest.If you play games than that is what you get. Karma can be a butt bitter ther your best friend. Yin and Yang the good for the bad. Be true and hang in there, it will come for you.

JohnShandor's photo
Fri 11/02/07 04:32 PM
Thanks aqlla. The moment I walked in the house I knew it was done. I talked to some friends and family and was assured that Things would be OK. It took a day or 2 but I have realized that this is the best for me. I do not need to be with someone that could do that. I like to be around people and talk so I joined this site and have talked to some great people. I have been able to open up and let some of that stuff out. That has helped in the healing a lot. I have been talking to a great girl I met on here her code is cherrybomb. She has been wonderful. I send her long messages but she always replies and has kind words for me. I am hurt yes, but I have to use what has happened to make me stronger and continue with my life. This was not my choice but hers and I will not beat myself up over it. I think I am a good guy with a lot to offer and if she does not want it then fine, maybe this will allow me to meet my true soulmate, she obviously was not it.

JohnShandor's photo
Thu 11/01/07 08:28 PM
They are all fuel injected now, EPA crap, buy a used or non used 06 or earlier. You can actually work on those yourself. It is sad to see the great bike company having to bow down to government regs.
Now before I tons of hate mail FI is nice but when it comes to bikes, I would rather have a carb.I have studied the old system too much. Why fix something that is not broke?

JohnShandor's photo
Wed 10/31/07 05:45 PM
I know I look like a total D. I am new to this Inet thing and thought that each post was concurrent. We ahve a live post deal at work and I assumed (yes I know what that means) that this worked the same. I am sorry. I was posting thoughts and got tied up in the situation.

JohnShandor's photo
Wed 10/31/07 05:37 PM
Thanks, just speakin the mind brother.

JohnShandor's photo
Wed 10/31/07 05:02 PM
Tks PJ. What really gets me is that people do not understand what a biker really does out there. I have been in a car with work mates and have seen 20-50 bikes go by. They have said "must be a bike gang" or "would hate to be where they are going", or "there is going to be trouble". What is not understood is these bikers are probally out on a poker run for some kid with cancer helping his family raise money for treatment or on some other type of ride that HELPS the less fortunate. I know, I do it atleast 2 times a month. I hear we have a ride to raise money for so and so, I am there, digging into my pocket for them and riding for their cause. Every year I ride a bike laden with gifts for Toys For Tots. Does the Ahole in the SUV notice me, if he/she does it is with disdain.
Sorry for the rant, this is a good post and struck a nerve.

JohnShandor's photo
Wed 10/31/07 04:18 PM
On October 14 i cam came home after a day of paintball with my friends to an empty house and a note. My now ex wife had left. I meet her 12 years ago at work. We have lived in Texas and Ohio and have lived a good life. She has not had to work for the last 7 years (our choice for her to be at home). She had 3 girls when we met they are 20, 19 and 16 now. Her ex is a POS and does not care for the kids. The middle girl is a celeb wannabe and very disrespectful. Our last 2 oral exchanges (read fights) have ended with her saying F-You **** and F-Ypu Assh*&e. I had had enough. I told my ex that is was time for her to move out. She had graduated (I bought her a $7000 car for a gift) and woked a good job. My ex and I had many discussions on this No Fights. Well I came home and the house was cleaned out. In the note it said " you gave me a choice and I chose my daughter". Whe I walked in and saw what had been done, I was floored. I picked myself up and said This Is Over! I began to move on with my life the next day. All I can say is be strong and true and be yourself. I know that my soulmate is outthere (might be you CB) and we will get together and have a good life.

JohnShandor's photo
Wed 10/31/07 04:01 PM
Yes I agree. We are real people we just like to ride on 2 wheels. Yes, we might not fit the current fashion syle but try hitting 75 in a 3 piece armanie ar holey holister jeans. At least up in Ohio that is kind of chilly, LOL. I ride because I want to, that does not make me bad, just outside the norm.

JohnShandor's photo
Wed 10/31/07 03:52 PM
No Doubt, We get little respect. That is a shame. I know too many brothers and sister that would lay it all down for each other for the rest of the wotld to treat us how they do. You do not see that kind of loyalty in corporate America!Life Free and Ride Hard!

JohnShandor's photo
Tue 10/30/07 05:53 PM
Thanks. I would love to have you on the back of my bike. ;) that is all I got on here. My custom is comming alone quite well. I will post pics next weekend when i do the last prefab before being torn down for final paint (not a chrome guy, all black and polished aluminium). Pics should be up Sat night, prob late 11 or 12 eastern time. CB you will look great on this sucker. 1980 Kaw550 LXT streached 4" and raked 18 degrees. Redone frame and rebuilt engine. Looks kinda Exile with a little Detroit Bros. thrown in for good measure. Old school Drag bars low profile mirrors light and signals built into fener. No front brake, clutch and throtlle integrated onto bars. Look for the pics let me know if a category for this bike.

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