Community > Posts By > rodfcutler

rodfcutler's photo
Sun 09/14/08 10:17 AM
proper grammar is important too!:wink: No big deal becuase you have made the point in a very exact manner!:wink:

rodfcutler's photo
Sun 09/14/08 08:44 AM
Thankyou as well! Have a good one!

rodfcutler's photo
Sun 09/14/08 08:43 AM
Thankyou! Dont fully understand why nor how my words come to me,but they do and I feel must write them all down.:wink:

rodfcutler's photo
Sun 09/14/08 08:29 AM

I saw her in the doorway
arms open wide,
but was not sure
if she wanted me inside.

She came to me
and melted on in,
and spoke an erie language
asked me where had I been?

Ive wanted you with me
for its lonely up here,
especially without you
just want you near.

Can no longer wait
for your number to call
come with me now
right now or not at all?

rodfcutler's photo
Sun 09/14/08 07:57 AM

rodfcutler's photo
Sun 09/14/08 07:42 AM

Tell me now what am I gonna do
there's no more me,
and there's no more you.

Days flew by
kisses we shared,
times we would skinny dip
that is if we dared!

Times we were alone
were times of despair,
not knowing where you were
or even if you cared?

But reunions were miraculous
holding hands along the shore,
internaly wanting
and begging for more.

It was a precious time
those times well spent,
but now that you died
has left me old and bent.

I do know I will see you
and once again we will stroll,
knowing for all eternity
we will never ever grow old!

rodfcutler's photo
Sun 09/14/08 07:27 AM
you do the same!drinks

rodfcutler's photo
Sat 09/13/08 10:51 PM
stop now please?

rodfcutler's photo
Sat 09/13/08 10:50 PM
Listen,I ask you for a truce,Ok? Enough is enough! I will leave you alone if you will leave me alone.From now on please stay out of my words and I will forever leave you alone!
I have contacted a moderator regarding this and all I ask is silence between us and everything will be fine!
Are we both in agreement on this?

PS What is done is done,let us bury the hachet now and get this overwith,Ok?

rodfcutler's photo
Sat 09/13/08 10:02 PM
Saw her n a crowd
for crying out loud,
didnt know what to say
should I go or should I stay?

She saw me too
guess Id let her be my choice,
if she left me again
it is then I could really rejoice!

Or if she came my way
in order to say
that she might have been sorry
for what she passed to me that day.

She knows she was wrong
but will she confess,
or will she just run away
and truly care less?

Now that was the question
I needed to know,
as to whether I should stay
or turn around and go.
(Dedicated to my bleeding heart),
which has survived to fight another day!!

rodfcutler's photo
Sat 09/13/08 09:52 PM
Thankyou for your tender thoughts! It is people like you that make daily living worth while!flowerforyou

rodfcutler's photo
Sat 09/13/08 09:21 PM
Take time out for yourself my friend! When something s meant to happen,it will! As in my situation,I am 54,lonely,and alone and have been for a ong time but in time and with Gods help,it will happen wen it is maent to happen and not before,no matter how much we may want it ahead of time!
Patience,my friend,is indeed a VIRTUE!:wink:

rodfcutler's photo
Sat 09/13/08 09:16 PM
Oh my glorious child
my wonder of love,
our creation of our union
made of fragments of our reunion.

Our enduring pain
our moments,our gains,
our touch,our kisses
are moments Im missing.

As you lay there beside me
so silent,so still,
my heart cries for you
but know you never will.

I know you are gone
and I can hardly hang on,
but your spirit will guide me
and help me respond.

Will see you again
in our glorious new home,
where God sits and guides us
while he dwells within his throne.
(Dedicated to my cherished new Love)

rodfcutler's photo
Sat 09/13/08 09:05 PM
am sure you will in no time at all! Have a good one nonetheless!:wink:

rodfcutler's photo
Sat 09/13/08 09:01 PM
same to you my friend! All the best of luck to you and yours!:wink:

rodfcutler's photo
Sat 09/13/08 09:00 PM
good for you my friend! All the best of luck with your new Love!Is the most important part of living!:wink:

rodfcutler's photo
Sat 09/13/08 08:53 PM
Edited by rodfcutler on Sat 09/13/08 08:58 PM
I am open for desires
as I tenderly prespire,
my hormones are talking
are you listening?

My mind is racing
as your soul I am chasing,
desiring only you
until my days are through
what magic we could make
as our bodies tremble and shake.

Our lips touch each other
and we touch and we kiss,
nothing in life
is more tender than this.

To sense your biology
to hear your heart beat,
and know you wont ever
want to ever be with
anyone else but me!

My instincts are good
and tuned to your essence,
you and I and the wide open sky
live and love tenderly
and who's to know why?
(Dedicated to my one and only LOVE)

rodfcutler's photo
Sat 09/13/08 08:40 PM
She did him wrong
and wil pay the price,
and what she will recieve
will not be nice.

What goes around comes around
and that is very true,
she has ruined any future chance
of recuping me and you!

I have grown some balls
and has taken some time,
but am tired of beng ripped
so I express it in this ryhme.

My heart once soft
has turned to brittle bone,
maybe someone can melt it
but right now I'm alone.

I am always open
to someone new,
so who knows
maybe it'll be you?
(Dedicated to my new Love)

rodfcutler's photo
Sat 09/13/08 06:15 PM
sorry if I disappointed you somehow.:wink:

rodfcutler's photo
Sat 09/13/08 06:07 PM
I was aked what kind of a boytoy and had to clarify for the readers sake?:wink:

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