Community > Posts By > rodfcutler
Joe Blow
a good boy toy of course,one made simply for little minds. a clean one by al respects,I can assure you!
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Joe Blow
same to you dear!
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Joe Blow
yep,thats for sure!
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Joe Blow
Joe Blow had to go to get a drink of water, but on his way,he stopped today went and kissed his daughter. She was very sad but saw her Dad, and sadness changed to joy cause not only did she get his kiss she got her favorite toy. They both smiled as they watched her toy spinning on the ground, she took the joy of her little boy toy which made a whizzing sound. We all know what the boy toy was doing, if Mother could see me now, she would smash and kill her toy and give her a toy cow. Cause all cows do is go Moo Moo, and dont do anything bad they just walk and strut around which makes Mom rather glad. (Dedicated to good ole Moms!, for they always know best!) ![]() |
Done,gone,bye byes
Done,gone bye yes is time to go away, my welcome has run out at this time this very day. Tomorrow is another day no telling what it'll bring, I may bring happiness to others, and help make their hearts sing! Its been fun but I now must run, I wish you all well with whatever you do be back tomorrow for me and for you! (Dedicated to all my dear friends) ![]() |
We stood around the campfire
We stood around the campfire
as it flickered and snapped, and we sang all the old songs as we danced and clapped. Those were the days camping in the wild, let me feel loose as I was a wild child. Those memories I cherish with each and every day, roasting marshmallows and weinies calling the resident chipmunks to play. But they would only scurry and scramble up a tree, and chirp out their smart remarks for you and for me. (Dedicated to years gone by) ![]() |
Life can be strange
Life can be strange
Life can be strange
Life can be strange
and life can be great, can also cause one to stop and hesitate. Never run too fast and take it all for granted, becuase you can miss all the enchanted. Life can be wonderous with all its beauty, as all those people wlak by and alot of them are cuties! There are also aspects which alone can be cruel, with killing and crime are normally the general rule. Life can be strange dealing with very harsh weather, as with hurricanes and destruction all wrapped up together. But my friends take life as best as you can, and when it is all over we can forever can band together as one,large entity. We will recycle again but not as we remember, for we are all energy, come eternity of Decembers. (Dedicated to our lives as we now know it)! ![]() |
What is to be done
Thankyou once again! Have a good day!
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What is to be done
seem to be,Ya. Thanks for your knd comments though!
Much appreciated and makes me smile to know oyu enjoy them! ![]() |
What is to be done
What is to be done when I know I'm on the run, this is no longer fun as I am sweltering in the sun. My shoes are stickng to the pavement below, but I have a schedule to meet and must continue to go. I climb up the steps as my thongs come off, my feet are now burnng I'm such a dumb cough. If Id of been smarter would have worn shoes, at least Id of been more comfortable wouldnt of ran out of booze. But no had to stop and pull off the tar that gathered on my thongs so didnt get far. The liquor store had closed about 10 mins before, so I hobbled back home as I swore some more! ![]() |
My heart calls out
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My heart calls out
My heart calls out
in hopes that you will hear, the sentimental love of always wantng you near. My heart longs to hold you as we freely shed our tears, knowing that we are meant for us whenever we are near. I cannot explain but I accept how I feel, for these feelings that are eruptng are very very real! ( Dedicated to the one meant for me) ![]() |
We stood huddled together
Thankyou Robbie
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We stood huddled together
We stood huddled together
as the rain pelted down, soon there were ice pellets all over the ground. Stooped down and scooped some ice in our hands, carrassed it slowly we both did understand. Our bond was inseparatble like identical twins, wherever one was the other one had been. We fondly smiled and touched each others skin, tenderly loved each other through thick and through thin We lived our lives as one even when one of us died, the other one soon followed as we both sat and cried. Our tears blended together like coffee and like cream, we laughed and played together and had our fights too ,it seemed! Now one of us is gone though I still hear her voice, she spiritually calls to me and I always do rejoice. (Dedicated to my identical twin, or the one I always wanted) ![]() |
She came to me
Thankyou! Glad you enjoy these.They all come instantly to me,cant explain why or how,but sometimes words start streaming through me and feel must write them down!
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She came to me
Edited by
Sat 09/13/08 11:13 AM
She came to me
with her relentless stare, wasnt really sure if she wanted me there. Had that frown with her upsidedown smile, that could freeze anyone as she passed down the miles. She came to my side as she glared in my face, sent shivers through me all over the place. I turned to leave she grabbed my shoulder, I must give you this before you get older. She handed me a note with her lipstick on the crease, and she handed me another I guess was the main piece. As I read it slowly my face turned to tears, as I realized her secret and her deeprooted fears. She was going to die and it could be very soon, she silently strolled out of my once bright lit room. I knew I had to gather all my wits, before I lost my senses and cry quite a bit. I remember that day the last time with her, that was many years ago when that tragedy occurred. ![]() |
Rebel 58 I feel your pain
You are most welcome! Hang in there as best as you can.
Rod |
The Day had begun
![]() You have my deepest sympathies and hope you will find some peace in knowing that you are spiritually comforted right now! ![]() Rod |