Topic: Saw her in a crowd
rodfcutler's photo
Sat 09/13/08 10:02 PM
Saw her n a crowd
for crying out loud,
didnt know what to say
should I go or should I stay?

She saw me too
guess Id let her be my choice,
if she left me again
it is then I could really rejoice!

Or if she came my way
in order to say
that she might have been sorry
for what she passed to me that day.

She knows she was wrong
but will she confess,
or will she just run away
and truly care less?

Now that was the question
I needed to know,
as to whether I should stay
or turn around and go.
(Dedicated to my bleeding heart),
which has survived to fight another day!!

Queene123's photo
Sat 09/13/08 10:04 PM
she ran awaydrinker

rodfcutler's photo
Sat 09/13/08 10:51 PM
stop now please?