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Sun 10/28/07 06:23 PM
who likes it?

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Sun 10/28/07 06:21 PM
I am.

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Sat 10/27/07 10:02 PM
I really don't care who she talks to. Doesn't matter to me. I'm not her friend nor I am concerned with her friends.

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Sat 10/27/07 09:41 PM
Meh now that I think about it I don't care...

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Sat 10/27/07 08:34 PM
O_o..? life story? All i said was hi.. and then she imed me.. and then had to go shortly after

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Sat 10/27/07 08:05 PM
Do you think the first time you talk to someone then they tell you they have to go do you think thats sincere? (this was an IM after an email) I didn't bother to check if she left i'm just wondering. She was one of the few locals who actually emailed back.

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Fri 10/26/07 10:46 PM
btw im just wondering cuz someone did this to me

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Fri 10/26/07 10:43 PM
online do u automatically ask them a bunch of weird ?'s then stop talking to them if they dont answer?

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Fri 10/26/07 07:06 PM
I wish I was out

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Fri 10/26/07 06:30 PM
ur really hot

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Fri 10/26/07 05:58 PM
i wish i knew the secrets of women

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Fri 10/26/07 05:49 PM
thats your opinion and in my opinion and millions other Halo 3 is fun. I like Smash Bros more but what game is out right now? The wii has no good online games right now or i'd be playing that. Trust me when Mario Galaxy comes out my wii will be played

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Fri 10/26/07 05:45 PM
Uh thanks troll. I already have a wii and smash bros on reverse. Stop saying Halo sucks and trolling me.

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Fri 10/26/07 05:40 PM
looking for a quick fix to be single, unfortunately it doesn't work but oh well it's got nice people.

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Fri 10/26/07 04:49 PM
O_O Saw IV? aw man if only my friend wasn't working i'd ask him. Darn.

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Fri 10/26/07 04:19 PM
yep bored and tired and it's miserable outside.

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Fri 10/26/07 04:17 PM
what are you doing? Me nothing I already had school and worked today. bleh

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Fri 10/26/07 04:16 PM
white man's world.

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Thu 10/25/07 09:07 PM
did anyone take a look @ my biggest fear.. that one is actually pretty scary.

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Thu 10/25/07 08:59 PM