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Wed 10/24/07 05:31 PM
And clearly why would Betsy come to a topic about an underage poster if she didn't feel guilty? Yea... that seems like a guilty conscience to me not that I care. I just hope the guys on here that talk to her know that she's like 14/15 years old.

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Wed 10/24/07 05:28 PM
Betsy obviously you know you're underage otherwise you wouldn't delete your profile.

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Wed 10/24/07 05:24 PM
Well considering I know she's underage how is that not nice truejedi? because i'm exposing her for the fraud she is?

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Wed 10/24/07 05:20 PM
well betsy considering you're not an adult you should be out of the conversation.

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Wed 10/24/07 05:19 PM
what do you lose?

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Wed 10/24/07 05:16 PM
yea screw u jackass get a picture.

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Wed 10/24/07 05:14 PM
i know this person on here is like 14 is there a way i can report them?

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Wed 10/24/07 04:49 PM
How does it sound?

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Wed 10/24/07 04:42 PM
Anyone play? if anyone plays it leave your gamertag so i can play you sometime/

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Wed 10/24/07 04:40 PM
You're right it's not stupid and i enjoy a few of the people I met here a lot. I'm not desperate enough for a personal I think if it happens it happens. I don't think i'm that bad off that I'll never meet someone to date. I just wanted to see if anyone had actually found a date close to them to see if this site would give me a chance. This site however is a great social experience and most of the people here are polite and knowledgeable.

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Wed 10/24/07 04:21 PM
well, i probably only speak for myself but i'm looking for someone young since i'm young and all the young girls around me don't email me back so yep.. not enough

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Wed 10/24/07 04:13 PM
I'd talk to ya but u probably think im too young :tongue:

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Wed 10/24/07 04:01 PM
well my long distance relationship wasnt even that far like 45 mins but it was a total waste of 2 1/2 years of my life. when we met later that day she told me it didnt work in person and dumped me :'(

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Wed 10/24/07 04:00 PM
well if they lived in the same site like 30 mins thats fine but im talking like 500 miles in diff states. i've already emailed everyone around me no one emails back! its so stupid that everyone nice is from far away

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Wed 10/24/07 03:57 PM
because i'm young and can't deal with a long distance relationship not to mention already had one and it totally didn't work out what so ever. I can't travel nor can I move like some of you.

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Wed 10/24/07 03:56 PM
any girls?

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Wed 10/24/07 03:52 PM
Jw.. It seems like most of the relationships on here stem long distance which is a total no no

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Wed 10/24/07 01:46 PM
search then hit search by username

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Wed 10/24/07 01:46 PM
Well, like I said in another topic been here a few months lost the password to my last account.

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Wed 10/24/07 01:40 PM
i get money between the sheets