Community > Posts By > Silentmoon

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Mon 02/28/11 12:55 AM
I have recently noticed that most ladies turn down guys proposal for relationship,most impotantly online.You messaged them or talk personally but no reply to your proposal.Is it that he's not handsome enough,not wealthy,or he approches you wrongly.If he approches you wrongly just know that he is a newbie,dont wait for one that would say who he's not or fellings he dint have for you.It's a great shock for a guy to messaged a lady and got no answer.Yes or no may not hurt but please answer him.Please tell me why?

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Mon 02/28/11 12:34 AM

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Sun 02/27/11 03:49 PM
Several personals have involved themselfs in a relationship.They end up getting various testimonials,some are good while some are bad. What's yours?

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Sun 02/27/11 03:46 PM
Several personals have involved themselfs in a relationship.They end up getting various results.What's yours?

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Sun 02/27/11 03:39 PM
I'm asking this question because i have once been involved in it.A lady/guy that you have been in love with for a long time and you even have future plans together,he/she is just part of you.Unexpectedly you two broke up because of a minor thing after spending several years together.HOW WILL YOU FILL?"

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Sun 02/27/11 03:27 PM

do you come from a wealthy family?


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Sun 02/27/11 03:27 PM

do you come from a wealthy family?


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Sun 02/27/11 03:15 PM
Dont just turn down a guy because he got no job or he is lazy sleeping around.First you should check if he has love for you,if yes then go ahead and be with him.Sometimes you dont have to consumer but a producer.I believe that you can change him and make him serious in life believe me.

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Sun 02/27/11 03:03 PM

Dont lie/ bring her flowers/ say nice things to her/ help her around the house/ make her feel loved for ever.

I have finally see a woman that knows the key to a true love.Quest who? YOU!
I really compliment you,WELLDONE!

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Sun 02/27/11 02:56 PM

I don't have money.

True love dosen't require any money,i believe that someone can have a true love withot being rich.I advice you not to date with money but with love,as this method is true and everlasting.

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Sun 02/27/11 02:24 PM

aha, because the right man for me doesn`t exist (it`s ok, I have done scientific research, so I am positive). Still, I am a happy individual happy

The man for you exist,only because you dint understand your heart.The heart may be on the left,but it's always right.A woman cannot leave without true love.Ask me why?

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Sun 02/27/11 02:17 PM

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Sun 02/27/11 02:09 PM
Any family that the man do the domestic jobs,while the woman pays the bills is a wrong family.For a woman to allow her husband to do domestic jobs it means that she has no love and respect for him,because a wife is surposed to love and respect her husband under any condition he's into.If she fillr that she has money to the extent that she can't do domestic jobs,then let her hire a house help,i think it's a little bit allright.If she insist that her husband should do the domestic jobs,then she is the husband while he is the wife.This marriege is a real "FAKE ONE"

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Sun 02/27/11 07:21 AM
I have studied and came to notice that in some homes a married man always do the domestic jobs while his wife just sat around doing nothing.For example; the man will be the first to got up in morning,he will prepare their children for school(that's if they have any) ,prepare breakfast and then call his wife to come down and take her break fast.He will be the one to bring back their children from school.The man just keep on doing the whole domestic jobs alone while his wife is allright.In some cases if you ask him why are you leaving like this? He would say that it's because of the love he has for his wife.In this case their love is a blind one,because a woman that loves her husband won't let him do any domestic job.Why? Because in any family,the duties are shared differently to every individual,since a family is made up of a man,his wife,and their children.The man will be the one to provide financially to the family,while the wife will help in doing most of the domestic jobs,and the children will do others(that's if they are grown ups).In a situation whereby these arrangements are disarranged,then the family will have no love,if they say they have they are lying."WHAT DO YOU THINK?."

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Sat 02/26/11 02:51 PM
A man and his wife were on their bed sleeping when a rubber broke into their materimonial bed room.The rubber went straight to the woman and made some wispers into her ears and ran to the bath room.The man called his wife and said; honny please do whatever he ask from you,you can see that he is armed and dangerous,'I LOVE YOU!.' But the wife told her husband that the rubber asked her where to get vaseline,that he is a GAY.She then told her husband,honny please do whatever he asked, I LOVE YOU!.".

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Sat 02/26/11 02:35 PM
A man got married to a virgin bride.When it was time to celebrate their honny moon the man was caught with an interest for sex,knowing that his newly married wife is a virgin the man developed a tecnic to use.He went to the wife and told her that it was time for sex,but the wife not knowing what sex means asked the husband to teach her.He told her that her private part should be a prison while his the prisoner.So the couple made sex for the first time which his wife really enjoyed it.While the man is in bed he got testy and got up to take water,but the wife said,'honny the prisoner has escaped! 'The man went back without taking any water and made love one more time.During their love making his phone rang and he went to answer the call,but the wife said 'honny the prisoner has excaped!.' He came back without answering the phone and made love one more.At the end he was really tiered and decided to take a rest,but the wife shouted,'honny the prisoner has excaped!.' The man shouted,"IS IT A LIFE SENTENCE!?."

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Sat 02/26/11 02:33 PM
A man got married to a virgin bride.When it was time to celebrate their honny moon the man was caught with an interest for sex,knowing that his newly married wife is a virgin the man developed a tecnic to use.He went to the wife and told her that it was time for sex,but the wife not knowing what sex means asked the husband to teach her.He told her that her private part should be a prison while his the prisoner.So the couple made sex for the first time which his wife really enjoyed it.While the man is in bed he got testy and got up to take water,but the wife said,'honny the prisoner has escaped! 'The man went back without taking any water and made love one more time.During their love making his phone rang and he went to answer the call,but the wife said 'honny the prisoner has excaped!.' He came back without answering the phone and made love one more.At the end he was really tiered and decided to take a rest,but the wife shouted,'honny the prisoner has excaped!.' The man shouted,"IS IT A LIFE SENTENCE!?."

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Sat 02/26/11 01:54 PM
"If you may want to get into a relationship for the first time or you're already in it.It is important for someone to know the signs involved in a true love.If for example a man should get into a relationship with a woman or likewise,and just when the relationship hits on,the woman will try first to know the back ground of the man,and if the man is poor she will refuse him.If you are a man and you've notice such character before or a woman has turn you down before because you are from a poor family,i advice you to forget about her,because a woman that really loves you wont marry or date you for your money.Some women may say because a man is too short then she cant marry or date him.All this feature (money,body building,color,) and other excuses women use to turn down a mans offer are wrong,a man is surposed to know that any woman that dates you and ask for your money all the time(that's if you're rich) is a wrong date,beware! I'm saying this because i have always experianced and came across such women.But immediately i noticed that a lady is be friending me because or hoping to get something from me,i always be the first to end the relationship.Though i dont have wealth to give to any lady but i just cant s tand being involved in a fake love.This particular behaviour of women has made me to be out of love which i dont mind as long as my heart is alive and true.True love is always "UNCONDITIONAL!"

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Fri 02/25/11 03:56 PM
If i may ask,why must some parents choose whom to love and marry for their children? This question has always been in my mind unanswered,untill now that i have really figure it out.Based on my observation i found out some points why parents choose whom to love or marry for ther children, thus:'1' some parents choose whom to love for their children because of "CULTURAL BACKGROUNDS." Some most parents think that if their child marries a lady/guy with different cultural background than their's,he/she will end up forgetting his/her own culture or be converted to the second parties culture,and also most parents think that some cultures are demonic, only theirs is Godly.'2' "FINANCIAL BACKGROUND:" Most parents stop their child from loving a guy/lady because the lady/guy is from a poor background/family,that their daughter/son cannot marry a guy/lady from a poor family that they are better than,having a second thought that the lady/guy may be after their wealth,regarding him/her as a gold digger.'3' "COLOR,NATIONALITY,AGE."Color,nationality,or age make most parents to make a barrier between their childrens union.They say,why must my son/daughter be in love with a black/white lady/guy!? That will be over their dead body,they always think that their color is far better or having good qualities than their son/daughters love.Likewise "AGE."Most parents may say,my daughter/son cannot marry a lady/guy that is older/younger than him/her.Their resons may be that the lady/guy cannot bring up a child or is too old to consive and such sorts of comments.Nationality is another thing that make most parents to bring barrier between their childrens union.They say that over their dead body should white lady/guy marry their son/daugter (that's if they black farmily),likewise the whites and other ethnic groups.Their reasons are may be their son/daughter may follow the other and forget home,also they think that they are better than the other party." I will like to tell or advice those parents who use the above mentioned as an excuse to stop their children for loving each other that they should fist find out if anything like "true love" exist between their children.If yes! Then i beg of you to allow them to love each other because those words "true love" is all the protection your son or daughter will ever need,and i assure you that your son/daugter is well protected.Please stop using the above mentioned (financhal background,cultural,and color,nationality,and age) to stop true love.As long as there is true love, THEY ARE ALL WRONG!

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Fri 02/25/11 12:48 PM
As a person who can define and explain a little bit of love,and also understands the principles involved in love; i don't know why some people think that for a young guy to date older lady or likewise is wrong! We all, as long as we have sound knowledge in love,know that love dosen't select age.All we need is, and always will be "true love."In my own knowledge and undestanding i know that a relationship between a younger guy and an older lady, likewise a younger lady and an older guy will always bring true happiness and affection as long as "true love"is there.Please i advice everybody to stop abussing or disliking someone when you see he/she is in a serious relationship with someone older /younger than he/she.Just think of love and ask yourself;"is it wrong to be in a relationship with an older lady/guy?"LET LOVE DECIDE YOUR FAITH!