Community > Posts By > wispy_moon

wispy_moon's photo
Mon 12/17/07 04:15 PM
laugh entire 7th fleet. awesome.

wispy_moon's photo
Mon 12/17/07 04:13 PM
Well, that was what I was shooting for. :) being real and all.

wispy_moon's photo
Mon 12/17/07 03:30 PM
so, my 22 y.o. makes me cougar. lol

wispy_moon's photo
Mon 12/17/07 03:28 PM
OK, I changed it up. tell me what you think.

wispy_moon's photo
Mon 12/17/07 03:12 PM
wow! that is really good advice. thanks a lot!

wispy_moon's photo
Mon 12/17/07 03:09 PM
damn! lol. were you older or him?

wispy_moon's photo
Mon 12/17/07 03:08 PM
A cougar is an older woman that "preys" on younger men. lol

wispy_moon's photo
Mon 12/17/07 03:06 PM
Is there a minimium age on being a cougar? And how big does the gap have to be for you to rate being called that?

I was accused by a friend of being a cougar because I casually dated a 22 yo. Yes, that is 9 years difference, but is it really THAT bad. haha

wispy_moon's photo
Mon 12/17/07 03:00 PM
I couldn't do that. lol. It's either I am fat or not mentioned at all. I am a very blunt person and don't think that I should be shading the truth. curvy women to me sounds like a chick with nice hips and tits and little waist or at least not a tummy.

wispy_moon's photo
Mon 12/17/07 02:49 PM
Thanks for the input. I will try to find something MORE positive to put into it. It seems so short without it.

wispy_moon's photo
Mon 12/17/07 02:45 PM
I have actually started losing weight, but I have found that in the past, It has been easier to do it when I am dating someone.

wispy_moon's photo
Mon 12/17/07 02:44 PM
Ok, I will do that. Yeah, this is the only place I don't get the old creepy guys. lol

wispy_moon's photo
Mon 12/17/07 02:38 PM
OK, so, I have been on here for a bit and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for me to spice up my profile to draw more attention. NO one has even looked at my profile in about 2-3 weeks...maybe longer? Does it read bad? Should I eliminate the pics? Do I need different ones?

wispy_moon's photo
Mon 11/19/07 08:34 PM
thanks, I tried that. lol. no one seems to be interested enough to respond....not even to say no, thanks.

wispy_moon's photo
Mon 11/19/07 06:42 PM
I am looking for decent men in Wisconsin. Preferably, in the Northwestern area.

wispy_moon's photo
Wed 11/07/07 08:48 PM
That's bull crap that the negative media influences want to think. There are plenty of programs thru the VA to help out any and all veterans. They offer shelter, vocational rehabilitation, medical aid, and fincial assistance.

I am a former marine and even though I did not serve in a war, I am eligible for compensation payments and health care thru the VA. If these veterans really wanted to be off of the streets and helped out, all they have to do is contact the local Veterans representative for their county and assistance will be provided.

Before critizing, maybe you should look into the subject and what IS being done. You can't just look at one source and say it is the truth.

Semper Fi

wispy_moon's photo
Mon 11/05/07 09:17 PM
Thank you everyone for your input and seeing that the overwhelming majority say let him go and move on, I am thinking that that is the right thing to do. sigh. I will erase his number yet again. lol

wispy_moon's photo
Sun 11/04/07 01:23 AM
Maybe, but he never talks like that to me. It's like he is wooing me all over again.

wispy_moon's photo
Sun 11/04/07 01:15 AM
Then why is he calling again?

wispy_moon's photo
Sun 11/04/07 01:10 AM
Ok, so this is going to be a bit of a long story.

About 6 years ago, I met this guy online. We talked online for about 2-3 weeks and then I gave him my phone number and we chatted daily for about 2 years. I did go and meet him once and it was nice, but I wasn't ready for a relationship. It wasn't the right time in my life, yadiya, after the 2 years we get in a big fight because I won't take it to the next level.

We don't talk for about 2 years and then he ends up emailing me and seeing how I am doing. He is still thinking about me. crazy. Anywho, I am still not looking for a relationship and we stop talking almost immediately.

So, now skip ahead another 2 years. It is last month and I am finally ready for a relationship and I am actively looking for a mate. Out of nowhere, he shows up online. Now, mind you, in these 2 years, I have not seen hide or hair of him. We start talking over the phone immediately, it is like there has been no gap in our lives, and we are out on a date. I am shaking, nervous, and crazy about him. I always have been, but couldn't act on it before.

We are talking everyday, 2-3 times a day, and 3 weeks later, he just bails on me. He tells me that he doesn't feel the same way he felt before and doesn't want to continue on with me. I am devastated, but move on. Almost 2 weeks later, he texts me. I ask him why he is. he calls, "are you mad at me again?", I tell him no, and then he proceeds to tell me that it has been strange not talking to me and he misses it. He then tells me how sexy and hot I am. What the hell????

So, tell me, What is REALLY going on?