Community > Posts By > markecephus
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Hey guys,
I wanted to take a little time, and explain this. First, we do not want you to feel as if you aren't adults. If you weren't, then you wouldn't be here. The site has certain guidelines, and those guidelines have to be followed, or we lose funding from advertisements. Please be aware, it takes a lot of money to run a site this size. You have no idea of the costs involved. We have admins, public relations people, technicians, programmers, and then the costs of power, new servers (and yes, new servers are in place and the site may change a bit) Those people do not work for free, and i can assure you, Vanchau is not about to pay the cost of this site from his pocket. |
Traitorous Terrorist Bureaucracy Anti-American Socialistic Fascist Catastophic Um, you left out.. Narcissistic |
Just what do you think Obama will accomplish in Africa? What ever it is he wants to accomplish for one hundred million dollars could bribe or pay for what ever it is. At the very least he could feed some starving people or rescue thousands of people who are being held as slaves. Now if he took that money and bought the slaves and set them free, then I would be impressed. How is it not possible for him to TRAVEL AND help starving people or rescue slaves? why are people so green with envy over these so called 'vacations' that are part of his diplomatic duties abroad? there is plenty for a President to do,, no one thing means he suddenly is unable to do any of the rest,,, You are a fine poster, and i mean no disrespect, i do though, have to respectfully differ with you. 1) The president, was elected to the office of the United States presidency. This entails looking after the best interest of Americans, such as decreasing the national debt, increasing American jobs, encouraging construction/business, ensuring national security, etc. In the United States. Not Africa, Iraq, or any other country. This country, The United States, you know, the people who voted for him? 2) One of his promises, was to reduce the national debt. Instead, it has Increased at least 6 trillion since he took office. 3) Using homeland security for purposes other than it was intended. 4) Gathering private information from U.S. citizens. Including D.N.A., Phone and internet records, etc. 5) Ensuring social security. Well, there is a bill to cut social security, however, you can get Obama care, and if you do not, you will be taxed for it. I could fill this entire page.. but i'll stop here. I am a compassionate man, and i do feel bad for those less fortunate, in other countries, however, they have their own government. The United States will never prosper, by directing all of the attention to foreign soil, and at the same time, taking the American dream away from the people who love it so dearly, and 'spitting on' the men and women who have fought and lost their lives to defend it. |
well this looks rather promising, doesn't it?$6-trillion-since-obama-took-office/ I'm sure he will work to reduce it, right after his vacation to Africa, which has an estimated price tag of 100 million dollars. How many of you guys can afford a vacation? And to clarify, it is relevant, as it is homeland security, and the 'president' is using that for his personal agenda. thats what i was trying to point out... if obama wants my respesct, then he needs to start doing something to make the country better, with more jobs. I don't care who's fault it is, the country needs help, and i fail to see how going to Africa/Ireland or anywhere else is helping... Presidents do not singlehandedly or solely create jobs,,, not being able to see how international relations HELPS America,, seems a personal issue to m e Responsible presidents, would not take 100 million dollar vacations when the country is somewhere near 17 trillion in debt, if not more. |
I'm sorry i missed this thread. I hope you are healing nicely, Carol.
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well this looks rather promising, doesn't it?$6-trillion-since-obama-took-office/ I'm sure he will work to reduce it, right after his vacation to Africa, which has an estimated price tag of 100 million dollars. How many of you guys can afford a vacation? And to clarify, it is relevant, as it is homeland security, and the 'president' is using that for his personal agenda. |
I have a name for him, and i would share it with you, however, decorum prohibits me from posting it here.
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I used to think that you had nothing to worry about if you have nothing to hide, but now thanks to the Obama Administration targeting people who disagree with them or who don't believe in what they believe in I don't feel that way anymore. Oh, make no mistake... the government intends to collect d.n.a data on everyone. This is just the beginning, those who offer voluntarily.. compensated with whose money? The next step, is any driving infraction, which lands you in jail, even if you are not jailed, you will submit fingerprints, and you will give a d.n.a sample. Do your homework, guys, i did. Not to take this off topic, but to further prove my point, the government is collecting your phone records, public posts, and any other private information they can attain. Furthermore, you must have and provide a birth certificate, in order to renew your driver license. You must also provide your social sec. card, and at least two pieces of mail to prove your residency. My mother has had a driver license since she was 15 y/o, and because she was born at home, she had to jump through hoops to obtain a birth certificate. My mother is 76 years old, and i'm fairly certain she's not a terrorist. Read on.. all of this, is due to "homeland security" which is a joke, and obummer is using it to build his private army. Tried buying bullets lately? the shelves are empty. Why? Because homeland security has bought them all up, in fact, starting last year, and up til now, homeland security has purchased more ammunition, than the United States military uses in combat AND training in five years. Homeland security has ordered more, keeping ammo makers working overtime just to fill those orders... That is because they had a plan, in case he gun ban failed. The media will not tell you all of that. I'm even surprised, the media did post the cost of Obama's trip to Africa next month.. Relax, the price tag is only $100,000,000.00. Personally, i believe that could wait, since we owe trillions, and the American dollar is fast approaching the American .50 cent piece. In other words, your money is only worth half of what it was. The trust level of government, as reported, is the lowest it's been in 40 years. I could go further, but i'll leave you with this. If anyone truly believes obama is doing a good job, then you aren't being realistic, and you aren't looking at the negatives, or you simply choose to ignore the issue. That is not to say that i choose to be negative. I do not. I'm actually a positive person, but i do know how to look from both angles, and when the bad begins to (and continues to) outweigh the good, then i have to conclude the outcome will only be negative. |
It should also be noted, on each email, near the 'block user link', there is also a 'report user' link. Please do report suspected scammers. Users can also be reported by clicking the 'report user' link on the person's profile.
I haven't checked this, but i did ask my friend, who is also our singer for the link. |
The rumor is this, and no, i haven't thoroughly researched
See this link... There is also a rumor, that, man made static generators, capable of producing a static charge powerful enough to interact with the aluminum powder in these chem trails, creating powerful storms. Supposedly to reduce the population, under the guise of combating "global warming" I have also been told, the firing of the static generators are producing sounds of "explosions" all over the world. Is all of this true? I can't say, as i said, i have not personally researched all of this. We all have to agree, though, without doubt, there have been many more "natural disasters" than normal. Might be worth researching, at least. |
Sure go get you one out of the jar let me know how many licks it takes to get to the center..... ![]() Kristi, everybody knows it's three.. don't you remember the commercial? Just popping in to say, i hope none of you folks, or your families were affected by the recent tornadoes in Texas. My heart goes out to those folks, and my prayers are with them. |
Happy Birthday Red Lace!
Happy Birthday, Red
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He should be impeached, and a number of senators as well.
You guys may also want to research chem trails, if any of it is still accessible. These "chemical trails" are being sprayed, causing abnormal weather events, such as the recent ice event in Minnesota, the likes of which, i have never even heard of. There was also the disastrous weather in the north eastern states, causing a major league impact there. Recently, the deadly tornadoes in Texas. One woman tried to bring this to light, and was threatened for it. I could care less if they threaten me, i tell it like it is.
Reactivating my account
Hello scuderia13,
Your profile is active, and yes, members are able to see your profile. |
Happy Birthday Vivian
Happy Birthday, Vivian!
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