The real unhinged.
Youre good at making me chuckle.
Uh Obamacare is dying on its own. Say thank you Obama Wall St bail out A complete fraud Even lefty rolling stone pointed that out. Come on. Unemployment numbers.... Notice he had to revise downward when it was apparent the numbers inflated or his new trick. Dont add those who have given up. By todays mark its even easier to see in comparison just how bad Obama fd up. His old econ advisor has been making rounds lately reiterating Trumps awesome jobs and economies reports. |
The real unhinged.
Sad but true for lefties But Obama a forgotten man. Almost entirely already. Hysterically Notice pundits never bring him up or try to use him as a defense weapon. Because he consists of ............nothing. The emperor who really had and still doesnt have any clothes. He does have Netflix! |
The real unhinged.
Trump has condemned violence. No proof to the contrary.
Trump promotes jobs and hasnt cost any player a job ever. No proof of his claiming to throw commentary out there careless of fact. Any examples would be informative. However Many have outright lied about him. Have used him in effigy. Believe he did not win his Presidency. Have our elected officials instructing the general public to resist. Resist what? The laws by which we live. Antifa being given millions to teach violent tactics. As in break ribs noses. Gouge eyes out. Its in the news and you can google it. |
The real unhinged.
Media if thats what you call a pack of liars these days
Are unhinged. Knowing the truth They have long ago decided the public should be lied to. And then shamed into not going along. Bullied. Attacked physically. Portland mayor will be sued for not protecting public as violence escalates under a "stand down" order. Open borders means No restriction of any kind. Not gonna happen. But the left wants this violent underhanded bs approach. Remember pattycakes words. They bring a knife We bring a gun! |
The real unhinged.
Message from the keft is epitome of
Unhinged The list so long its unrestrainable. The hypocrisies, violence towards those with differing opinions and a completely biased opinionator class calling themselves journalists. Get a grip. Trump is quite brilliant. Proof everywhere. Who cares how he speaks. Man gets the job done making his predecessor look like someone who played patty cake all his un-professional life. You cant win a war of any kind when your army is packed with liars who use straw men on the front line. The political suicide pool is filling up. |
Only Reno Lesbians
Howdy guys
I am trying to find out I guess if I can or may obtain the same feelings for a person who would maybe be so different. I love blondes...fems..and actually women who were never living a gay life until meeting me. They seem to me like real women. Happy to be a women. Pour it on. I love that. And then theres the real lesbians....many of whom are very attractive. Lovely. But theres a difference. Ive yet to really pin point it. Thanks for your responses though. To each their own right? |
Only Reno Lesbians
You find someone youre really attracted to..they dont want a relationship
Many whom youre not attracted to all want relationships. I myself have to feel it. Deep inside. Cant fake that! I wonder how many stay true to the"type" they have usually pursued in the past. |