Community > Posts By > Jzoner81

Jzoner81's photo
Sat 12/04/10 04:44 PM
yea i mite wait till it get to 99.99 before i get it or get a used one

Jzoner81's photo
Fri 12/03/10 08:02 PM
The Wii is...ok but i do agree that the PS3 and the XBOX did ****-jock the idea for motion gaming, disregarding the PS2 failed attempt at Eye-toy. But PS3 wants to stay close w/ their like ball stick but XBOX went alll the way w/ their NO CONTROLLER gaming unit, the Kinect. I personally would like the Kinect over Wii and appearantly may other ppl have too. The Kinect, in it's first 25 days sold (not shipped, but SOLD) 2.5 million units, when in the Wii's debut only manage about a couple hundred thousand. So when it comes down to motion gaming, its the Kinect ftw

Jzoner81's photo
Fri 12/03/10 07:38 PM
Hi guys, I've started a new web comic called Full Crescent and I wanted to see what you guys think about it. It's a comic for those looking for a good, strong story (meaning if you're jus looking for a hack & slash, this mite not be for you, until episode 18 anyway) It's more about the story than art, it's illustrated just enough to get the point across, But here's the premise of it...

Genre: Action/Drama

Season 1 Plot: The Jzoner, protector of the Earth, must stop a cult group known as the Spellcasters, a deadly group of spell users, from taking over the world. But while doing so the Jzoner learns about his unknown pass and about the true secret of his home world and why he even exists at all. With the help of a spell using jewel thief named Hexia and a Military cyborg named Flint, the Jzoner must find out the secrets that lie within him in order for him to stop the Spellcasters before they bring an end to the human race.

Episode 18 is best for those who just wanna jump into it and it's (HERE) ----> ""
but for those who want to see the whole story, episode 1 begins (HERE) ----> ""
-episode one is mostly the intro episode to lay down the foundation for everything and the story comes together (meaning all the main characters come together and the quest starts) at about episode 4.

But other than dat, thanks guys and tell me what cha think and the comic is weekly, so if you like, subscribe and enjoy

Jzoner81's photo
Fri 12/03/10 07:35 PM
Hi, I've been told dat i need to get out more and have a lil fun cuz I do admit I do work alot. So i'm jus lookin for possible friends in the Greenville area to hangout w/, go to a movie or just out on the town somewhere. Let's get drunk and pass out in our own juices lol, jk...maybe XD

Jzoner81's photo
Tue 11/30/10 12:19 PM

you do whatever is good for you.....whatever fills your soul with contentment...........

it works for many..............

for me????Never in a millon years!!!:heart:

lol thank u guys for the support

Jzoner81's photo
Tue 11/30/10 12:06 PM
With all the emotional turmoil I'm goin thru with the seperation b/w me and my gf I think I mite just go celibate. The terms of our separation were jus to go out and have fun w/ our lives w/o being tied, but its just to have fun, not date ne body else. But since I am young i wanna get my career in order first, make the money, THEN i'll go out and party n stuff. So I think dat's what i'll do and in the meantime jus work on myself and my goals and so being celibate may help me focus more.

Jzoner81's photo
Sat 11/27/10 10:31 PM
Yea but it contradicts what she wants to be though, she wants to be this high powered and respected person in her field and I think that if you have a "party" background, dat crap comes back to bite u. but idk

Jzoner81's photo
Sat 11/27/10 10:29 PM

lock her in the basement and hide the liquor glasses smokin

lol i've considered it

Jzoner81's photo
Sat 11/27/10 02:12 PM
I've been in a relationship with a wonderful girl for about 3 years now and I know that as ppl grow they change. Well she's been basically cooped up in the house for most of her life (strict parents), not rlly letting her go ne where. But now that she's about to go to college, she's now old enough to pretty much do whatever she wants and recently she went to a party and basically went stupid. Now she wants to go out all the time w/ her friends, which is ok w/ me cuz I feel dat after being cooped up so long she needs to go out. But she wants to be a party girl tho, like get piss drunk, run in the street but naked, go to clubs and all that other stuff. She's loyal so her cheating isn't an issue it's just that I feel that ever since she's got a taste of that "night life" it feels like recently she's been distant. She once proposed that we separate for a while (it was just a thought) b/c she was afraid dat she mite do something to hurt me. I told her that as long as she's having "legal" fun and not cheating on me then it's all good but she wants to grow up and be somebody and if she goes out and does all dat crazy stuff, it won't really look good on her morality record. I love her to death and I dont wanna separate from her. wat do u guys think?

Jzoner81's photo
Sat 11/27/10 02:04 PM
Of course there is, there's always a man for a woman and a woman for a man. Someone always has their perfect match out there, trouble is is just finding them.

Jzoner81's photo
Sat 11/27/10 02:03 PM
hell no