Community > Posts By > joetox

joetox's photo
Thu 12/02/10 04:33 PM
been over the wrong bridge. a bridge over a railway track not a river lol basicly calling them stupid

joetox's photo
Mon 11/29/10 02:55 PM
one day paddy and murphy are walking along a foot path in the woods when they come across aman holding a basket full of samon.

murphy asks the man "where did you get all that samon?"

the man replies " just over that way you will find a bridge, simply lean over clap your hands and whistle and theyy will jump right out the water into your hands"

"thats amazing" paddy say and carries on "c'mon murphy lets go give it a try".

Paddy and murphy find a bridge so murphy hangs paddy over by his ancles.

Paddy tries and tries but nothing seems to happen. After about 15 minutes murphy asks paddy "any luck yet paddy?"

paddy quickly replies "no but theres a train comin!!!"

joetox's photo
Mon 11/22/10 06:25 AM
a nun wakes up in the morning feeling sick and so goes to the doctors. she explaines to the docot how she feels and what she eats in her diet and so on, but nothing seems to make sense so the doc concludes it is just a bug going round.

However after some time of this continuing she goes back. After doing a few tests the doctor calls her back in to tell her she is pregnant.

The nun gets very irate insisting she cannot be after all she is a nun. But the doctor tells her im sorry this is the only thing it can be and you came through positive.

The nun stops in sillence for a while thinking when all of a sudden she storms out.

She gets back storms into the room where all the priests are eating and says

which one of you sick b*****ds has been masturbating over the candles!

joetox's photo
Mon 11/22/10 06:08 AM
this man rule iis surely the way to go, however it never seems to end up that way. There are too many men under the thumb! Just about all id say. We men must do something and changwwe this with our big manlyness :D