What do you want from santa?
I dont believe in Santa
Single and tired of it!!!!
Every1 can relate 2 that
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Tue 12/14/10 10:57 PM
Here's some advice kristi1986: Dont make ur self more desperate than u need 2 b. All u need 2 do is b patient and the right guy will b there. I cant stand women that make theyselves more desperate than they really need 2 b.
If it was me I would beat the **** out of him and the entire Jets team. Who in the blue hell would ever do that? Call me suicidal but I would do it 2.
What the hell r u talkin aobut?
I hate Winter
Xcept when it sparkles, I hate everything about it. Even shoveling the snow. Now get a snowblower then yeah I wont hate it as much but Ill still hate winter.
Hey,im new,hope this is real
Trust me. Dont meet a girl @ a bar. College, most dating sites, and church r the main places 2 meet somebody. Aside from that welcome 2 mingle. Hope u find what u lookin 4.
New guy
Sup Tony? My name is Cecil.
That's true. Not all but some do. As far as the "digging for gold" I dont do that in public.
They want 2 and dont care who they hurt in the end. All they care about is theyselves. Behind closed doors thats they business, but for the world 2 c uh-uh.
Whats the point of this?
"What Each Kiss Means"?
8 out of 10 women believe that the 1st kiss will tell them everything that they need 2 know about a man.U dont have 2 b the best kisser but u do have 2 @ least make an effort.
Prayer request
Hope he feels bettter
Everyone loves Dick!
Yeah Im not gonna push it.
R.I.P. Leslie Nielsen
It sucks 2 c him go. He was a hell of an actor and a man. RIP Lesile Neilsen
thanksgiving poem
Thats pretty good.
Hey whats up?
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Idk. I really dont know
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This christmas!
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Sat 11/20/10 10:57 AM
Thirsty_30. Y?! Y do u feel u have 2 have mercy on us 4 what we have the right 2 believe in? Who the hell do u think u or anybody else is tellin us what we can and cant belive in?! I belive & represent in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So if u got a problem w/anybodys beliefs then u sure as hell got a problem w/me. I dont want no problems but Im not afraid 2 defend my religion and my beliefs.
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Thu 11/18/10 11:51 PM
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begottem Son, that whosoever beilves in Him should not perish, but have eternal life NKJV (New King James Version)