Community > Posts By > look_n_4lov

look_n_4lov's photo
Wed 10/11/06 10:59 AM
toes = piggies

look_n_4lov's photo
Wed 10/11/06 07:51 AM
Wait i thought you said women sould be at home cooking and taking care
of babies. Women can run for president if they want and someday one
will be elected to office.

look_n_4lov's photo
Wed 10/11/06 05:16 AM
hope you feel better real soon!!!<3

look_n_4lov's photo
Tue 10/10/06 08:22 PM
fairy = wings

look_n_4lov's photo
Tue 10/10/06 04:19 PM
What if the roles were reversed. What if way back when women where in
the power position and not men and you Ontario had to fight for equal
treatment. Then some woman was tring to tell you that you should give up
all your hard work and rights and go back to the kitchen doing nothing
but making babies and cooking dinner. I say screw you and i'm truelly
sorry for you if you really feel that way.

look_n_4lov's photo
Tue 10/10/06 04:10 PM
Omg what centery do you live in. Yes women should be able to run for
presedence and any other job they want. As for as all women want to do
is stay home screw you. I'm in college right know and i'm going to make
just as much money as any man would. As for as im concerned you can
crawl back into your cave you sexist pig!!!

look_n_4lov's photo
Tue 10/10/06 07:23 AM
knowledge = power

look_n_4lov's photo
Tue 10/10/06 05:35 AM
lmao....that was really funny

look_n_4lov's photo
Mon 10/09/06 03:45 PM
A fear of a certain place is topophobia. Sorry i couldn't be more

look_n_4lov's photo
Sun 10/08/06 06:53 PM
intertwined = soulmate

look_n_4lov's photo
Sun 10/08/06 06:48 PM
chocolate = kisses

look_n_4lov's photo
Sun 10/08/06 06:43 PM
Lauranne is right that sounds really sexist. Women should be aloud to
like or not like sports it is entirely up to them personally. Women have
every right and capability of being sports fans. Men shouldn't look down
on them either way.

look_n_4lov's photo
Sun 10/08/06 05:00 PM
i just had to tell you i LOVE your screen name. I'm sure you'll find
someone. Most girls want a man that will still open doors for them and
all those other little things that add up.

look_n_4lov's photo
Sun 10/08/06 04:48 PM
If it's just sex then it's not a relationship. If sex is all a person
wants then they don't want a relationship they just want a f*ck buddy.

look_n_4lov's photo
Sat 10/07/06 04:38 AM

look_n_4lov's photo
Fri 10/06/06 09:40 AM
A man buys a parot from a pet store. Soon after bringing him home the
parot starts cusssing left and right. The man tells the parot to quit
cussing. He tries evertying to get the bird to stop but he just will
not. Finally he calles the pet shop and they tell him to put him in the
freezer. Then next time the bird cussed the man put him in the freezer.
After a few minutes the man takes the bird out and the bird starts
saying he is so sorry.He'll never do it again. the man is amazed.He
wanted to know why it worked so well. Then the parot ask "So what the
hell did the chicken do???"

look_n_4lov's photo
Fri 09/29/06 10:48 AM
hi everyone!!!!

look_n_4lov's photo
Thu 09/28/06 01:02 PM
OK i actually thought this one was funny a guy came up to me and said
"do you want to play war?"
(i said)--- "how do u play?"
"i'll lay down and you can blow the hell outa me"

look_n_4lov's photo
Thu 09/28/06 12:45 PM
I don't wear a push up bra or whatever b/c if they don't like what i
got then why am i wasting my time. They will find out sooner or later if
i really like them anyway. If other girls wanna wear them though they
sould completely be able to do that. It is an idea forced onto women
that they need large breasts to be appealing to men. If that makes them
happy or more selfconfident then go for it.I agree the idea that a man
needs a big dick has been pushed on men too. Your forgeting one thing
when men walk down the street no one can tell how big their dick is.
Women have to live with everyone knowing exactly how big they are. Their
breasts are right there.

look_n_4lov's photo
Wed 09/27/06 03:33 PM
I've read some of your postings and you seem like a really good
person. who really cares about others and that's one of the best traits
to have. So love your self and know there are people out there for you
just like your out there for them.