Community > Posts By > look_n_4lov

look_n_4lov's photo
Thu 11/16/06 01:09 PM
An 8 year old boy walks home from school each day past an 8 year old
girls house. One day as he is passing by, carrying a football, he can't
resist taunting the girl. He holds up the football and says,
"See this football? Football is a boys game, and only boys can have a

The little girl runs into the house and cries to her mother, "I want a
football!" Being a woman of the 90's, her mother runs out and gets her
one. The next day the girl is waiting for the little boy and he rides up
on his bike.

She holds up the football... "Nah Na Nah Nah".

The little boy angrily points to his bike and says,
"Oh yeah, well this is a boys bike and only boys get boys bikes and you
can't have one!"

She runs in to mom and the next day is waiting for him on her new boys

The little boy gets furious and pulls down his pants, and pointing to
his most private of parts says,
"Look, only boys have these and your mom can't buy you one!!!".

The next day he walks by and says to her, "Well, I guess I showed you!"
to which she promptly pulls up her dress, points to her parts and
proclaims "My mother tells me that as long as I have one of these I can
have as many of THOSE as I want!

look_n_4lov's photo
Wed 11/15/06 08:13 PM
yeah i'm here

look_n_4lov's photo
Wed 11/15/06 05:41 PM
Hey guys. What's going on???

look_n_4lov's photo
Wed 11/15/06 03:36 PM
The school Cafe surved Thanksgiving dinner tonight. It's not the same as
home made. Trust me.

look_n_4lov's photo
Tue 11/14/06 08:26 PM
Hello welcome to the site. Hope you like it.

look_n_4lov's photo
Tue 11/14/06 06:59 PM

look_n_4lov's photo
Tue 11/14/06 04:31 PM
i'm with Nyla. I think 3. One person is both a father and a son.

look_n_4lov's photo
Mon 11/13/06 08:26 PM

look_n_4lov's photo
Mon 11/13/06 03:56 PM
Welcome to the site.

look_n_4lov's photo
Mon 11/13/06 03:51 PM
Yeah i really liked it.

look_n_4lov's photo
Mon 11/13/06 03:45 PM
hi guys welcome to the site!!!!

look_n_4lov's photo
Mon 11/13/06 03:38 PM
I'm in college so i haven't had time lately to read anything but text
books. I usually like to read Anne Rice, romance novels, any thing to do
with vampires, and i just finished Helter Skelter over the summer b/4
school started.

look_n_4lov's photo
Mon 11/13/06 10:39 AM
yeah i don't think the site sends scam e-mail either. I am running
into the same problems though. You talk to guys for a few messages and
then they just disapear or pull their profiles completely. Then of
course there is the guys who act like they are looking for something
real then a few e-mails later it comes out what they really were after.
If all they want is an intimate incounter they sould say it and not tell
people they are looking for a relationship when all they want is sex,
cyber sex, whatever. Then they can find the people they are after and
those of us looking for a relationship will have a beter chance of
finding one. Scorpius i'm sorry your not haveing any luck. That was
really mean and inconsiderate of that girl to ask you questions about
her computer and use you like that. Not everyone is like that. Stick
with it there are a few good people around here.

look_n_4lov's photo
Mon 11/13/06 05:34 AM
good morning everyone

look_n_4lov's photo
Sun 11/12/06 03:56 PM
web = deceit

look_n_4lov's photo
Fri 11/10/06 05:28 AM
Morning guys!!!

look_n_4lov's photo
Thu 11/09/06 06:07 PM
*********HAPPY B-DAY*********

look_n_4lov's photo
Wed 11/08/06 08:31 AM
You said that he was fishing in the ocean not that he was actually in
the middle of the ocean. Did he just bend over and pick it up???

look_n_4lov's photo
Wed 11/08/06 05:41 AM
rambill enjoy your week off. I'm off to my class talk to you guys

look_n_4lov's photo
Wed 11/08/06 05:29 AM
i've been fine. How about yourself?