Community > Posts By > Unknow

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Mon 01/10/11 11:13 PM
Now that's a good one and I have been both places.

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Mon 01/10/11 11:11 PM
Funny, I'll have to share that with my senior group. BTW they do make phones for seniors with big keys and letters.

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Mon 01/10/11 11:08 PM
Now that's good common sense on both parts.My guess is Lord Nelson had brown nickers to go with that red tunic.

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Mon 01/10/11 11:01 PM
Well at least she'll have a stiff one if she want it :)

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Mon 01/10/11 10:59 PM
Lucky he only had a derringer :)

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Mon 01/10/11 10:57 PM
Didn't know they did drive throughs at schools, just drive by's or that "coke" dealers had regular hours? :)

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Mon 01/10/11 10:49 PM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 01/10/11 10:50 PM
Appreciated the military humor.

""Machine Gunners - Accuracy By Volume" "
Also the one about "What Do I Feel When I Kill A Terrorist? A Little Recoil" got a chuckle out of me.

" U.S. Marines - Travel Agents To Allah" many seem to want to meet their maker and not enjoy their time here on earth, at least you can help them get to where they would rather be:)

Thanks for the service and humor of the serious duty and sacrifice that the men and women of our military.

no photo
Mon 01/10/11 10:43 PM
If they are that big, I am not interested in that part of the anatomy or person, maybe others though:(. But self pleasure is a great human feature. Don't you think?

no photo
Sat 11/06/10 09:17 AM
I find I am pretty good one on one, but it really depends and what I feel I have to lose. If she is a hot chick I can feel anxious about not getting her info, or seeing if there is a connection.

In a large crowd, it really depends, sometimes I feel small other times I try to get around and mingle and try to see who might be a cool person to know. They don't know you, or you them, so be who you want to be, confident, attractive and friendly. Who does not like that combination?

Most all of this comes from who we think we are, and how we portray ourselves. Am I fat ( we all have ideas on what that says) do I groom myself well, am I overly made up( that would be ladies)are all have things that we project on who we think we are. Lots of guys who look hard actually have great hearts, but they feel intimidating, as it covers up their softness. We all seem to have shells around our hearts, protecting us from past and perceived hurts.

I have found like so many things in life a coach is helpful. So be it sports or a therapist, they are there to help us achieve what we can't do on our own. It could be a grandma or older friend who has lived a little that we can lean of for advice, or a therapist.. Essentially it comes down to loving yourself and not looking for acceptance from the other person.

I find as I have moved along in life the anxiety has diminished. Remember to smile, compliment, and not be too worried about the outcome. Obvious grooming and breath( remember to brush)are obvious things that people judge us on before we open our mouths. For me today seeing people with tattoos, is a sign, just as well. Who you are at 20 and who you are at 40 is usually worlds apart, for good reasons, usually.

no photo
Sat 11/06/10 08:36 AM
If any of you use FireFox as a browser, there is an extension( for $2) called tineye that is a pretty good picture detector. Many times, particularly on other sites you see a good looking person and their photo has been hijacked by a jerk scammer. So you think this good looking person is who you are conversing with, but it is not that person.

With this software you can search the net for where that photo is posted. It is pretty cool software.

Not sure if you will have much luck with a google image search, but that is another avenue to check out.

no photo
Sat 11/06/10 08:19 AM


Before I lay me down to sleep,
I pray for a man, who's not a creep,
One who's handsome, smart and strong.
One who loves to listen long,
One who thinks before he speaks,
One who'll call, not wait for weeks.
I pray he's gainfully employed,
When I spend his cash, won't be annoyed..
Pulls out my chair and opens my door.
Massages my back and begs to do more.
Oh! Send me a man who'll make love to my mind,
Knows what to answer to 'how big is my behind?'
I pray that this man will love me to no end,
And always be my very best friend.

A MAN'S POEM.......

I pray for a deaf-mute gymnastic nymphomaniac with
huge boobs, who owns a bar on a golf course and
loves to send me fishing and drinking. This doesn't
rhyme and I don't give a ****.

The End

no photo
Sat 11/06/10 07:26 AM
Usually if you did not build the computer you only have a partial program on the disc so a wipe and re-install is probably out of the question. Knoppix is one such site that you can probably get done what you need from another working computer after you load the linux on to a CD. The CD contains the new temporary operating for you to limp to the files you need. I had to do it once, successfully.

no photo
Tue 11/02/10 05:42 PM
Hey everyone, want to encourage you to get out and vote. It really is important to participate in the process of democracy.

If you don't know the issues read the paper they have some sample votes, at least get out and vote.

I voted, electronic voting is easy and cool.

no photo
Tue 11/02/10 07:09 AM
Sure was an amazing event, I am sure in a few days after some good cry's it will sink in the momentous mountain they climbed. The city has not had a professional team to cheer about in decades in virtually any sport of significance.

Should be a great parade for the city and an uplifting event in this economy.

no photo
Mon 11/01/10 08:20 PM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 11/01/10 08:21 PM
Man, what a season and series. I am so pleased.

Go Giants!!!