Community > Posts By > PacificStar48
I dreamed I went to the Crocker Art Museum and met a distinguished gentleman who was playing the piano and just felt like he was an old friend and we chatted for the afternoon went sight seeing all over town over the next week and watched the sun come up down on the river where I smelled the coffee and woke up.
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can you fell in love again
Absolutely. I feel at my age I am way more able to love again and on a level so much better than when I was younger and more distracted. And that the level of the love will be greater because as you live you learn what a serious effort it takes.
Searching for someone...
Well the obvious suggestion would be looking at church but but there are many different churches and other groupes that Christians tend to affiliate with.
Internationally Habitat comes to mind but there are loads of ways people "become the hands and feet of Christ" as commanded. Ndn As a person seeking friends I think Is would reflect on how Christ treated his friends and how others in the bible treated theirs. I have always thought the basic ship. commandments are pretty good guides for friendship. My guess you probably have people very close to you that are already offering you friendship and you ate looking right past them every day Hope these ideas are useful. |
Searching for someone...
Well the obvious suggestion would be looking at church but but there are many different churches and other groupes that Christians tend to affiliate with.
Internationally Habitat comes to mind but there are loads of ways people "become the hands and feet of Christ" as commanded. Ndn As a person seeking friends I think Is would reflect on how Christ treated his friends and how others in the bible treated theirs. I have always thought the basic ship. commandments are pretty good guides for friendship. My guess you probably have people very close to you that are already offering you friendship and you ate looking right past them every day Hope these ideas are useful. |
Single mom with two kids
I am new on this . Looking for friends. Been on other dating sites and all I get are people that want me to stop talking to my ex and drop my kids. Having a hard time with beening single without people I meet wanting to make me leave or not talk to someone. Does anyone else have this trouble While I can get a new person not being big on you being real great pals with your Ex but if the contact is about your kids or they want you to step away from your kids I hope you would invite them out of your life fast and tell them not to waste any time about going out of the door because it just might crack their behind another way than the Good Lord split them. I don't have kids in. My life at this point; mine are grown and flown raiseimg their own . And I don't date people who have kids because I have finished that life stage but no dang way I would give a plug. nickle for any one who would ditch their kid's for me. Of all the people in the world I sure you can find better friends than that. There are all kinds of Single Parent's Groups and if you can't find one; start one. |
separated with a daughter
Most decent folks will give you and your daughter time to get through the your separation and figure out what you are going to do; figure out your marriage problems /fix them or end the marriage and move on with life. Hopefully successfully for everyone's sake.
Which is tough if you are having to wait while the divorce goes through but I can be a good idea to just coast through that time because you are really likely to make mistakes if you jump out of the skillet into the fire dating someone who probably isn't that great a choice if they won't give you some time to get your life together on solid single standing. And it might seem like it never will happen but I promise it will. Good luck. . |
No show, no call or text???
I think a large percentage of the people who chat on line have no intention of showing up in real life.
The person on the screen is just a diversion when they are bored. They can't or don't want to change their li es and it is sometimes the only adult in their life that responds with more than "thank you for shopping here". |
What few want to remember is parents have little or no power to force a child or dependent adult to take medication or control their behavior by physically restraining or corporally punishing a person even if their behavior is disruptive and or menaceing until it is an immanent threat to self or others. Many families are intimidated and often overwhelmed especially when there are conflicting opinions within the family.
. You also can not just go pick up mental health medications with out patient participation in frequent expensive basic evaluations, blood work, and even the application for reimbursements. If the patient doesn't allow you to talk to the doctor your not involved. And patients often secretly abuse substances and create damage or theft of personal property . Not to mention make homelife chaotic 25/8/365. Since the Only access to a psychiatric bed in this community is through a ER evaluation one way or another the patient must go willingly or be arrested to be involuntarily 51-50ed. Even if the patient asks for inpatient it may not be offered or qualify for reimbursement. If they n Become compliant even if it is because they become tired or distracted from their current episode they may be discharged and put on a wait list for the next available appointment that can be weeks away. Then they are discharged to the curb to get home the best way they can; if they even want to go home. The ambulance nor the police transport them. Nor does mass transit and they do refuse to if this person is or has been disruptive. . |
What Are YOU Afraid Of?
katálogophobia. Fear of long lists. [/quot You have better eyes and patience than I have to read all that mess. I guess I don't have that many fears to need a fancy me for. . |
kids in profiles
I found that if my children knew the people in my life weather extended family, employers/co workers', neighbors, friends, and yes dates it was not nearly the big deal that being secretive and making some big production out of a couple hours away from home with another adult while they were in the excellent care of others.
Or we were all doing something in a community setting which was a common occurance with all the activities we were in and other families we associated with. If and when those outings became repetitive and the relationship significant there was no traumatic reveal or intrusion. I would not have even considered dating someone my kids would not have liked. Or liked them. That would just be too complicated. And unnecessary. Single parents are hardly rare or are segregated from general society. While my children were well raided with socially appropriate manners from an early age I didn't just wear them out dragging them around to jump at the whim of some last minute date that I would have considered an insult even if my children's were not part of the process. You only have the respect you demand as a single person;male or female. If you allow someone to be sloppy with your time or act like they are doing you some big favor to go out with you it should be a clue to drop them like a rock. They are selfish and deserve to be alone. |
Edited by
Sat 03/25/17 03:56 PM
I believe having lost what I thought was my entire family for the Years across my childhood that it had a profound effect.
I never stopped looking and was repeatedly emotionally beaten uP by every life stage that was missed. It did not help that I spent most of those years living under the threat that I was a whisper child that would most likely never pass in either culture and being denied any human value in the home. And all nurturing even though I had the physical trappings of basic necessities most of the time. I learned to mimic social bonds of other families but not a lot of comfort or satisfaction in that when you know it is just a public face that had no real foundation behind closed doors. Fortunately I was able to thrive in a public school and go on to develop an identity and pass for what was and still is by majority the ruling class. And I probably actually had closet friends because of it. The most harmful or noticeable fact or impact is saying that is difficult to attain my full trust is the ultimate understatement. And I can spot that in others from a mile away. A plus becauseany who can't trustake others miserable for it by also being in Trudy worthy because they think it does not exist in han relation ships. Lucky for me I have come accross a few. But it has driven to be fierce up loyal and family centered. If you are my family, friend, client I will do well above the standard to help you sustain and thrive; even at great personal cost. Not site how fair that is but I take pride in going the extra mile for the deserving and vunerable. Does make me pretty hard to take advantage of. I tend to chew up and spit out people who mistake my kindness for weakness. Something that is also carried through in. My faith. And other values. I don't like bullies on any level. While I was reunited later with my Mother ( and much later Father) to say that security (unquestioning sense of being someone's child) that existed before never completely returned. In my birth parent's (family) defense I think they tried it was just too many Years. Do I think it harms children most decidedly I do. Because the absence of either parent, perfect PR not tons a child of a big chunk of their identity so they are always feeling like part of their foundation is damaged no matter how they shore it up. It is very difficult not to get comfortable once you. Make whatever peace there is on living without a parent. You don't have much patience for wanna be. Mother's that just play at it. |
keeping your options open
Because I tend to avoid long marathon dates; especially ones that are formal and expensive I have rarely had someone complain. And I don't send mixed messages about where my feelings are at. If anything I am being pressed to reciprocate feelings that are slower to develop for me. I don't know if it is the type of men I select usually very mature,secure, and decisive an know what they want; but they are also Not so desperate that of what they want isn't eventually being reciprocated from me that they won't with someone else. As far as dating more than one person; certainly. BUT and this is HUGE If an initial consensus to Court is made then I am absolutely exclusive to that person. Since I do not advertise my personal relayipnships , especially on line, few would be aware if I was dateing or courting. One thing that would immediate ly end a friendship, dating, or courting relationship would be for someone to try to monitor my private life One of the reasons I usually avoid those who need to have personal security or are public figures. Which sometimes come across my path with the work I did and now volunteer for. Growing up as a preachers brat and later an officer's wife I have had more than enough monitoring to last a life time. Lol , |
keeping your options open
Because I tend to avoid long marathon dates; especially ones that are formal and expensive I have rarely had someone complain.
And I don't send mixed messages about where my feelings are at. If anything I am being pressed to reciprocate feelings that are slower to develop for me. I don't know if it is the type of men I select usually very atire |
keeping your options open
My dating method is to not get in a rush about deciding anything prematurely.
While I generally have a clear cut response in if someone has impressed me or is wasting both of our time often in the first several minutes of in person contact if the answer is it just isn't going to "take" and I try to be gracious about it but not pretend it oit |
self editing
Certain I should but I operate fr the theory that my opinion I'd just that an opinion that others should take as just that. If they want to get all bent out of shape it of their problem.
Over the years I have volunteers more hours than I can count but I have started paying attention tochow much they value the time and money they get. If I feel like they are throwing it around, enriching them self, or just treating the volunteers like servants or second class employees to the sometimes overpaid staff then I will stop.
What really irritated me is how dome disabled and elderly are exploited simply because they are isolated or someone wants them out of the house . |
girlfriend is upset.
I fell in love with a woman I haven't seen yet. We've been exchanging emails for 20 months now until she decided to end it. She lives in Berlin but I tried tracking her IP address it says she lives in Frankfurt. I will do anything to find her. Please, anyone I just want to apologize and to tell her I can wait. Trust me you are not in love with a person you have never met You are in love with the idea young have. Made up in your mind. It may be similar to the person but it is an idealized version Tjat may be a person you do fall in love. I prefer to say grow to love fully but could just ad easily be betu unhappy with when the actual person is seen ad a real person That doesn't eben touch the probability that the person who has played with your feelings that long is a fake and maybe even a crinal. |
You guys are so prejudice! It is not all foreign girls need a visa! The majority of the American have never been outside US, so of course they don't have a passport. Many foreign girls are very high educated and come to US legally, for working in better jobs. Sadly however many of their degrees and license's are worthless in the USA until they go through extremely expensive recertification. They often are paid less and slower to be promoted which is part of the discrimination that flows down on the entire family; including parents grandparents and other family including children. If it is a big closely knitted family it can be less dire than it sounds but if it is a small family where there is limited language ability it can be very difficult in times of high stress. |
kids in profiles
In the real world our children are being watched more than not. In traffic, in stores, at school, in parks, via satellite, and what
many tend to ignore on so called filtered devices that kids know how to get around than their parents. What Patents need to do as Mich as possible is communicate to children of about how easy it is to capture a photo and how modesty is smart That and the responsibility for people who do something vulgar with pictures sets ONLY on the perpetrators not the victims. We can and I think DTP nistimg on bicts of cre like they fif something to deserve it. When they haven't. |
Edited by
Wed 03/22/17 03:21 PM
I think it is more about self definition. If you see the sum of yourself as disabled and that is what you project about yourself then that is how others will see you.
I am many things; things that men generally find very desirable for a friend, date, wife, mother, and citizen in general. Can I, could I always do those things without "help" to one degree or another. No But I did not make my "needs" the responsibility of my parents,siblings, friends, or dates at dome point spouse's Maybe that I'd why most don't reject me as disabled evrm though I assure you I have meet the legal definition. |