Community > Posts By > PacificStar48

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 04/01/17 02:20 PM

Im spoiled looking for the finer things in life, traveling, beaches, nice dinners. Want to be treated like a Queen ☺

Most earn the finer things in life.
Even Queens.

°5 that Divine Ms. Soufie

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 04/01/17 01:53 PM
I looked and really Dude are you kidding or what? This isn't "Rate my profile" but if your Mini photo and whining here didn't sink ya the profile kills ya off for sure.

You might be the nicest guy in the world, your looks aren't hurting you either, but the tempo you put out there is like a Chihuahua on crack. Take a breath and chill. Desperation isn't finny or cute.

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 04/01/17 01:28 PM
I get plenty of mail from younger and I try to be nice with a polite thanks/NO thanks then comes the lip, pleading, or do I know of a fix up. Do I look like Dear Abby; lol

Besides I raised my kids and trained them to raise their own. These younger guys need to do their own chores or be nicer to their own Momma if they need "help".

Give me peer age or I will pass

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 04/01/17 11:50 AM
You certainly captured a common feeling. Well done.

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 04/01/17 10:12 AM
I have gotten so comfortable with doing this solo act that I see a pink flag I out the door; Red flag getting the digits; forget it.

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 04/01/17 09:41 AM
My baggage sometimes is cosmetic case and easily stowable and other times feels like a monstrous cargo container.

I think the easy answer is to blame it on the "childhood stuff" but at some point the chickens come he to roost and you have to own the eggs you laid.

I laid more eggs than I think prudent to blab on line but it is fair to admit that the biggest reason I have "life struggles" is I am too stubborn to give up on some concepts that may never fly in life he real world.

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 04/01/17 12:39 AM
And with this hilarious prose I bid all of Mingleland a fond adue. I doubt my cheapo phone has the correct spelling but these tiny keys make my feeble efforts more so

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 03/31/17 11:05 PM
Nitey bye ya all.

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 03/31/17 10:22 PM
You are the age I was when widowed. I would say it gets easier and people have less hangups about it the more time passes but usually just isn't so.

I would stick with the truth but I think you draw a big red target on your back putting your business out there on line.

Probably better off talking to a professional or putting it in a private journal. Doesn't hurt to take advantage of the free aftercare available through hospice and any of the numerous well written books on the subjects.

Or give yourself a little more time before you go out as walking wounded.
That pretty much guarantee s you will do something you will regret. Not the least being hurting someone else and having that to feel lousy about.

I get the concept of feeling like you have been punished long enough without a lover of your own but that whole thing about your prime time is a myth. It is still all good when ever if you want it to be. My personal experience is it is a lot better actually later.
My sympathy and God's speed to what I hope will be a good future for you also.

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 03/31/17 06:28 PM
I see homeless everyday and I have been following the issue for many years.

I have come to the conclusion that it is an industry like any other "housing" market where a great deal of the money is blown on waste and fraud. Shelters' are few and far between but hotel, boarding houses, Section 8,and substandard apartments that would go bankrupt without the subsidy of vouchers are cash cows.

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 03/31/17 05:30 PM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Fri 03/31/17 05:31 PM
1Self control
4Common sense

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 03/31/17 05:16 PM

My specs!frustrated

They are on your head dear. Lol
I would be happy to find the remote.

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 03/31/17 05:14 PM
Ha ha PHD no missionary work for you huh?

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 03/31/17 05:08 PM

I also believe people are much more bold when they are anonymous and far away, than when they are in person and able to be held accountable.

Often I would 100% agree with that.

The flip side is sometimes the cost of actually disagreement in your own little world is so high that people who so want to disagree won't for fear of being excluded from your inner circle. This is particularly true of family, children or grandparent's, or friends and new sweetheart's.

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 03/31/17 04:34 PM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Fri 03/31/17 04:58 PM
I seriously doubt many forum posts are devoid of personal bias, morals,experience, education, passion, or in some cases obsession.

The last is sad because rarely do those post do much but show opinions run amuck without example or substantiation.

On line is very little like personal polite conversation because posts tend to over lap, have a Sub plot
Even if it is harmless flirting, and because of time delays be disjointed or redundant.

Occasionally you will have conversations that oppose the OP's premise because forums don't require endorsement. Hopefully they contribute some sideview to the greater subject but if you post thinking you are going to only hear what you want to hear it can feel like a rude awakening. As uncomfortable as it sometimes is to hear snarky, judgemental, or oppositional views it can be interesting, entertaining, challenging, corrective, and even helpful to people trying to live in the greater society. Whether that I'd adapting or simply seeing the opposition they ate going to deal with if they stay their course of thinking.
One thing really good about online conversations is the prevalence
Of having your own opinions mirrored
Back at you ate somewhat diminished.

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 03/31/17 12:24 PM

OK, Let me put this one out there. Let's say this person is disabled because of a brain tumor. The tumor was removed. But it left this person with some lingering problems. The person walks with a cane because the tumor and having it removed affected their balance. But not too badly. Also, because of damage to the muscles at the back of the neck from the operation, this person has headaches. Migraines to be exact. This person drives and does for themselves.

OK, Is this person undateable?

I would think it depends on the person their lifestyle bit then o have seen total opposites match and be happy
Common example where military members who by job requirememt are duty ready and very physically fit marry spouses with disabilities.

O don't see useing a cane for balance a big deal at all
I think the history of tumors and migraine might be pretty tough for many. Just because the threat of serious debilitation. And not knowing how often it would disrupt the person
Feeling helpless to comfort a loved one is painful personally Also.

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 03/31/17 12:02 PM
My cactus blooming on my patio. Guess it likes the chilly wind.

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 03/31/17 11:48 AM

Ok.. might not be much of a treat for him but it certainly will for me..mmhhmm.... hello hello

you have big dreams
... I have more than Big but like my granddad used to say dream big or go home...
Packs up his crayons.. I'm going home..
Mother break out the milk and cookies I'm having a hard

Baking Easter cookies today should I save you some?

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 03/31/17 11:22 AM

Oh, the horror!

Not sure it is a horror for women as much as it is men.

Because until they catch on that being overly aggressive reeks of desperation. Which is what gets them "shot down" more often than not.

Unless they are women who are also so desperate. And they repeat "bad picker" behavior until they get stuck with what they snagged; something like a half dead fish in the net that eventually has to be thrown back.

But having a little self worth and actually being more aloof makes them "watchable" even enticing. Which starts the social dance that actually leads to a date.

PacificStar48's photo
Fri 03/31/17 10:21 AM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Fri 03/31/17 10:27 AM
18 to 81; if you are female and go out in public alone for coffee, a meal, buying grocery whatever you can just about lay bet on some guy trying to make points chatting you up.

And yes it does get very old.

I am not sure if it is some genetic drive to stalk vulnerable prey or just bad social training or the overwhelming loneliness that seems to be even more pervasive in our world but a decisive yes it would be nice if more often you at least had to smile and nod denoting you actually wanted the unsolicited attention.