Community > Posts By > LivingByBeats

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 09:17 PM
hellokerilynn: well i'd talk to you, but then you're young and i'm old and then the police would knock on my door, asking my medical history, and it would jst be weirdo out, cuz well you're not old enough to drink and people would use that "does your daughter want a milkshake?" crap and it would just be embarrassing...

so yeah no :\

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 09:12 PM
awww, tanx claudette :D blushing

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 09:05 PM
t: you meant bitters right? like in a martini?

or a good port?

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 08:02 PM
i wanna see kojak hit 6969/
i just had this visual...

first it was a visual of well.. duh 69...
then i had this visual of two dogs chasing each other's tail in a never ending circle

kojak kojak kojah yay... i wannas see you hit 6969

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 08:00 PM
well i'm not the top poster, and i'm not going to bust my ass to be the top poster.. i think i'll just hack the database and change the numbers, reseting everyone else to zero and leaving mine as it is :D yeah that way fair...

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 07:55 PM
well i'd be worried about that corner office... no one has ever told me whats in it when i ask and i don't see anyone ever coming in or out of it, and well, if you'll notice the dust bunnies there at the bottom? and the fact that the light never works above the door?

yeah, that's about the only think you really should worry about here...

other than that? its pretty nice! oh, and 1 more thing... keep your mitts off my coffee mug, i'm sick of buying new mugs all the time dammit.

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 07:52 PM

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 07:48 PM
wet indifferent

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 07:44 PM
the reason that i asked for the name of the dll is that some virus scanning software will incorrectly identify a library link file (dll) as a dangerous executable and or system file which in some cases is simply not the way it is...

if i know the name of the file itself i can tell you whether it even needs to be removed, and/or whether or not some other adware, or spyware application is spoofing it to get you to remove it, as it is an inhibitor to the spyware or adware - which is what usually occurs when people inadvertently attempt to remove a dll which is designed to protect your operating system :)

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 07:42 PM
please post the name of the dll file itself and i will give you the removal instructions ok?

if for some reason you deem that i do not respond to your response in an expedient time, then just email me via this system and i will respond here, with the resolution :)


LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 07:22 PM
hiya :) I'm new tooooooooo!!!

flowerforyou flowerforyou

hope to get to know you better :D

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 07:17 PM
hiya :) flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
there... that covers one for each of you, so i don't find poop in a bag on my doorstep :P

nice to meet each of you also :)

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 07:00 PM
I thought I'd introduce myself now that i've been vomiting over the forum threads in this last couple of days :)

I'm James. I live in two cities at the moment. Toronto, and Vancouver. Currently (and against my will wah) i'm in Toronto to help solve a few issues financially within my family, however, they're not stressful as much as they are logistical.

As some of you may have noticed i write really obscure siht in the forums :D well its the long weekend for me (happy thanksgiving to all my canadian compatriots), and i'm running off of the euphoria of the multicultural cuisine i am currently scorfing down my throat!

I have 1 profession and two hobbies that are professions in a way, though not really....

I am an Information Technology efficiency expert and you can feel free to contact me privately where i will send you a copy and paste of what that is (heh, you didn't think i was really going to type it out individually did you? neener neener:P)

i'm a very confident person, and have a pretty good grasp on my personality, flaws, attributes and so forth, and have a very very very dry twisted sense of humor. I can also maintain that humor for hours at a time with a completely straight face, where I'm the only one that has a clue what is going on...

and i do that because I blog, and that means great blog content. :P

I also work for the Union Gospel Mission and have had quite an abundant experience with prostitutes, drug addicts, and so forth. I'm not a bigot in those area's though, since life choices are made - in my opinion - based upon self worth recognition. And most addicts as we like to call them aren't addicts at all, they're just not comfortable in their own skin.

My other hobbie is throwing parties. I throw raves - well they use to be called raves 15 years ago, but they're not now and they're just parties. I've thrown them in Amsterdam, Toronto, Vancouver, Victoria, and Durban ZA - All places where I've lived.

My forum posts hopefully will not offend or provoke anyone, unless of course i'm writing it for that purpose - which isn't likely to happen because that is why I blog :P

I am just a very direct person. I do not get angry, or offended or annoyed, i just am for the most part, either kidding, or indifferent.

I ski, write poetry, flirt, type really quickly, and pretty much anything. I've been known to see an opera and heavy metal band in the same evening :D cuz why not right?

Please consider me approachable and easy to talk to, and if we don't get along, well oh well, not everyone is going to get along with everyone else, so if that happens between me and other individuals here, please don't lose any sleep over it. I won't heh...

to those whom I've had the privilege of meeting so far, it is an absolute pleasure to meet people of quality.

I can say candidly that I do not as a rule participate in online communities, because my experience has been littered with the lithium or medicated variety of personnel, and i am happy and pleased to note that I have met nothing but decent people here, with the wish and desire to meet more in future :)

so I hope you will all welcome me with the same curiousity and interest as I have approaching this system :)


LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 06:38 PM
well i just read your profile. and you're attractive, as your pictures do attest quite obviously. So i wouldn't worry about it too much at all.

you know? i only came on this site this week. I ended up getting involved in the forums, as I noticed that there were some interesting topics and I was able to crack jokes and be rediculious and maybe you should try that?

i dunno, other than it seemed to work for me. I've also met someone on this system which is a surprise as i'm not prone to online anything to be honest...

so, as you're younger, more attractive, and a woman (which is always better than being a guy on these systems) I think you have nothing to worry about :)

so keep smiling, soon you'll have more guys wanting you than you know what to do with!

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 05:43 PM
riiiiiiiiiiiight... lets do this...
she wanted a "suggestion" she didn't ask for anyone to actually write the essay for her. So I posted enough information to allow for a comparative analysis based on one side of a viewpoint on chauvinism....

specifically chauvinism against men, by woman. The list of items in the comment post can and would only be the foundational standards for the formulation of the essay from a single premise.

it would be up to her to do the research to find comparative data, and/or opposing data which could or does, or does not, as the case may be to contradict and/or challenge the information which was displayed as a - once again for clarity - suggestion....

it wasn't an intention to write the essay and if you were to test the basics alone, it doesn't even fulfill the required word length, which isn't even a firm word length but a style length specific to essay formulation.

Nor did i supply my source or bibliography of any kind at all to allow for her to plagerize the information, thus fail at her attempt to write said essay.

its okay to be smart. yet it is brighter to assume the rest aren't stupid.

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 05:24 PM
if she uses it, she'll fail. its all a copy and paste :D heh

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 05:07 PM
that should easily be enough for an opening dialogue and easily expandable heh:)

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 05:07 PM
you could easily write a synopsis on the aspects of chauvinism in the 21st century. Male and female chauvinism. For example...

Male chauvinism is a term used to describe the belief that males are superior to females. The word "chauvinist" was originally used to describe one who has a fanatical loyalty in one's country. The word was later applied by the "women's liberation movement" in the 1960s and used to describe men who believe women are inferior, speak to them as inferiors, or treat them negatively based solely upon their gender. The slur "chauvinist pig" has been reclaimed by some men as a jocular personal rebuttal or tolerance of such accusations.

Female chauvinism can refer to two things. It can be the belief that females are superior to males. It can also refer to women who replicate male chauvinism and sexist stereotypes.

According to popular writers Nathanson and Young, what they see as 'ideological' feminism is chauvinistic as well as misandric. They assert that many so-called 'ideological' feminists have claimed that "women are psychologically, morally, spiritually, intellectually, and biologically superior to men". They also assert that these feminists consider knowledge created by women to be superior to that created by men.

Wendy McElroy claims that in some "gender feminist" views, all men are considered un-reformable rapists, wife-beating brutes and useless as partners or fathers to women. McElroy and other authors such as Camille Paglia claim that gender feminists view women as innocent victims who never make irresponsible or morally questionable choices. Other feminists such as Kate Fillion have started questioning the idea that women are always innocent victims of relationship problems and men always the guilty victimizers.

Ariel Levy uses the term in another sense in the title of her book, Female Chauvinist Pigs. She claims that many young women in the United States are replicating male chauvinism and sexist stereotypes about women in their embrace of "raunch culture" and traditionally masculine attributes

Nicolas Chauvin, an fanatical admirer and soldier of Napoleon 1, harbored irrational and boastful contempt toward others who did not share his views and principles. The character Chauvin in The Tricolor Cockade (1831) placed the term 'chauvinism' in the French language. 'Chauvinism' is similar to the English word 'jingoism'.

The jingoistic epithet 'male chauvinist pig' came into common usage during the women's liberation movement of the 1960's. Even today, extremist radical feminists are intractably contemptuous toward others who do not share their delusional views and principles.

Both terms 'misogyny' and 'misandry' evolved in the 1960's in the United States. Radical feminists defined term 'misogyny' as the hatred of women. Originally, I defined misandry to mean the hatred of men. After reflection, I changed the definition of misandry to mean the hatred or oppression of males. Then I redefined misogyny to mean the hatred or oppression of females. Radical feminists are chauvinists because they hate and berate anyone who does not share their views.

Kathleen Coulborn Faller displayed her bigotry in Child Sexual Abuse: Intervention and Treatment Issues. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services sponsored her work in 1993 under subcontract No. S105-89-1730 to Westover Consultants. Psychotherapist Kathleen Goodfriend nearly destroyed a family with her brand of chauvinism. Susan Murphy-Milano and K. J. Wilson wrote books on how to lie and make false accusations of rape and spousal abuse. These women are chauvinists in every sense of the term.

Acts of bigotry and misandry include:

(1) the desire or act to subjugate or oppress or punish or harm or injure, or murder a male because of his gender.

(2) the deliberate preference of a female's lie against the truth.

(3) the belief that no father can be a fit parent.

(4) the assumption that masculinity, male physiology, and male hormones cause males to become evil, sexually abusive, oppressive, and violent. The parallel assumption is we must raise boys as we do girls, in the image of misandry, without regard to a child's unique qualities, preferences, hopes, and desires.

(5) the assumption that every male is or can become sexually abusive, oppressive, and violent.

(6) the assumption that females cannot be sexually abusive, oppressive, and violent.

(7) the attribution of negative qualities and humanity's historic evils to the entire male gender while ignoring female culpability.

(8) the promulgation of false statistics against males regarding rape and family violence. The parallel assertion that female acts of abuse and violence against males are insignificant and are justified as self-defense.

(9) the tolerance of female violence and abuse toward males.

(10) the suppression of evidence of a female’s violence and abuse toward a male.

(11) the encouragement or reporting or supporting or the toleration of false allegations and charges against a male because of his gender.

(12) lying or the deliberate creation of false information against any male because of his gender.

(13) the deliberate suppression or distortion of facts showing a female’s guilt or a male's innocence.

(14) the suppression or distortion of a male's testimony because of his gender.

(15) the falsification of transcripts, police reports, court reports, and evidence to adversely affect a male because of his gender.

(16) the denial of historic male spiritual, intellectual, humanitarian, and material contributions to civilization.

(17) the act of coercing women to lie against their husbands.

(18) the act of coercing children to lie against their fathers.

(19) the act of encouraging or instructing females to contrive, or testify to, false allegations of family violence, child abuse, child molestation, or rape against a male.

(20) the act of making false allegations of family violence, child abuse, child molestation, or rape against a male.

(21) the act of falsely testifying against a male to support false allegations of family violence, child abuse, child molestation, or rape.

(22) blaming males for all psychological and social maladies.

(23) encouraging or persuading another to lie against a male because of his gender.

(24) the abuse of a male for personal satisfaction or material gain.

(25) the failure to provide males equal protection under the law.

(26) the use of female pronouns to refer to victims and male pronouns to refer to assailants, rapists, and suspects.

(27) the actual or tacit toleration of mental, physical, or sexual abuse upon a male by a female.

(28) the actual or tacit toleration of any act of depravity upon a male.

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 02:49 PM
all my dates were 20/20

LivingByBeats's photo
Sun 10/07/07 02:48 PM
just don't name your boy sue