Community > Posts By > gwen2377

gwen2377's photo
Thu 09/02/10 06:17 AM
Hun, I know exactly how you feel, its like every time I start talking to a guy who says he wants a relationship, it always turns into "all I really want is sex". I have tried a couple different things and it has helped somewhat

1. when the converstion starts leaning towards sex, I change it to something else

2. if they don't take the hint I tell them I want to get to know them as a person first

3. if they keep bringing up sex, which most do, I tell them I don't have sex with anyone until I know we are exclusive, that one runs quite a few off :)

4. if they start to send picture texts with them naked or the like I keep some very gross naked pictures that I have gotten as texts and send those back to them

those have worked pretty well, nothing is fool proof tho but keep looking out there I promise there is someone who is worth it and makes you feel worth it too

gwen2377's photo
Wed 09/01/10 07:15 PM
really? and where might they be?

gwen2377's photo
Tue 08/31/10 08:15 PM
went and saw this on Saturday :)

gwen2377's photo
Tue 08/31/10 06:44 AM
Age is but a number, I have dated younger that have been more mature than people my age but on the other side I have dated older who never matured past 18. SO I would say each person should be judged by their person not their numbered age

gwen2377's photo
Tue 08/31/10 05:23 AM
I would say, IMO, that these guys are just looking for live dolls, dress em up, take em out and put them away til next time. I have had that happen more than once and its quite annoying. I am honest with guys and explain that this is who I am, jeans and tanks, shorts and shirts. I will dress up sometimes but its not something I want to do all the time, those that care wont mind and those that do don't matter

gwen2377's photo
Mon 08/30/10 06:40 AM

I don't think 10 years older or younger is a big age deal, now. I have dated both, I am 33. Just start out casual and see what happens, don't put pressure on yourself or expectations on her though.

As for getting out more, I know its hard when you are chained to your computer, I was like that after my divorce, but you really should force yourself to get out. Start out small, a trip to a walking trail and walk a little, or borrow a dog and take it on a walk, or even window shop around the mall? You will then feel better about yourself which makes it easier to meet people :)

I sort of started to do this today actually. I had these coffee shop flyers I had been given a few weeks back to put on houses around the neighborhood (wanted to help the lady out), and.....after my friend and I had spent one morning hitting a bunch of streets near me, I got lazy about it for a while and they just sat here. It didn't help that my friend hasn't been around either, as usually if I ever do go out, it's to meet him and do something and even that hasn't always been that often.

Finally though, I decided I had to force myself to get some of this done today, couldn't keep putting it off as I tend to do a lot at times admittedly, and I went out and did one block that I had been meaning to do for a while. Wasn't much but it was something at least, baby steps you know?

baby steps are great!!! Like I said I have been there and done that and its hard to get out and do stuff, especially alone but you will get there. Each day just push yourself a little further

gwen2377's photo
Mon 08/30/10 05:54 AM
I just catch and release but have caught a ton of blue gill and some big mouth bass in the local lakes and ponds. So relaxing to go spend and afternoon or morning casting. Friday night a group of us are going fishing for catfish, cannot wait :)

gwen2377's photo
Mon 08/30/10 05:41 AM
I don't think 10 years older or younger is a big age deal, now. I have dated both, I am 33. Just start out casual and see what happens, don't put pressure on yourself or expectations on her though.

As for getting out more, I know its hard when you are chained to your computer, I was like that after my divorce, but you really should force yourself to get out. Start out small, a trip to a walking trail and walk a little, or borrow a dog and take it on a walk, or even window shop around the mall? You will then feel better about yourself which makes it easier to meet people :)

gwen2377's photo
Sun 08/29/10 06:55 PM
are there any guys in the area that are stable and grown up with a bad boy side too?

gwen2377's photo
Sun 08/29/10 06:46 PM

Welcome irish and gwen.

thanks :)

gwen2377's photo
Sun 08/29/10 06:30 PM
Im new to, so HI!!!! and good luck to us both :)

gwen2377's photo
Sun 08/29/10 06:04 PM
attraction isn't what makes the relationship, that can help start one but won't keep one going

sometimes ones views on making another person happy varies person to person, do you over load a female? text and or call all the time? that can be a little much for some females

plus, I know this is hard, you can't start out thinking, "this person will cheat on me" then its ruined before it even begins. I know that for a face because I have been cheated on enough times and find it hard to trust from the get go.

If finding a good one was easy we wouldn't all be on here looking, would we?