Community > Posts By > goldenstar

goldenstar's photo
Tue 10/02/07 07:58 PM
i dont use toilet paper

goldenstar's photo
Tue 10/02/07 07:40 PM
i agree about that

goldenstar's photo
Tue 10/02/07 07:14 PM
just sounds like complaining and accepting the way it has always been

goldenstar's photo
Tue 10/02/07 06:49 PM
with an attitude like that nothing will change

goldenstar's photo
Tue 10/02/07 06:33 PM
i concur

goldenstar's photo
Tue 10/02/07 06:22 PM
wonders why hot moms?

goldenstar's photo
Tue 10/02/07 05:53 PM
is no one interested in what happens in our country????

goldenstar's photo
Tue 10/02/07 05:36 PM
y do u care? ur ur own person don't let the past define who u are and get u down

goldenstar's photo
Tue 10/02/07 05:33 PM
I as a straight woman would willingly give up my rights for marriage if it could be transferred to a gay couple that wanted to get married. I think we should be able to do that hell, better them then me

goldenstar's photo
Tue 10/02/07 05:22 PM
when he's chris and he lives in RI

goldenstar's photo
Tue 10/02/07 05:21 PM
I will be so happy when obama wins! yippee

goldenstar's photo
Tue 10/02/07 05:06 PM
BUSH SHOULD BE IMPEACHED!!!!!!!!! he's as dumb as a bunch of bricks and so are all of the republican candidates

goldenstar's photo
Tue 10/02/07 05:03 PM
barack obama barak obama barak obama barack obama barack obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

goldenstar's photo
Tue 10/02/07 03:49 PM
o Florida don't even get me started on flippin Florida and Katheryn Harris and all jeb's scandalous shenanigans

goldenstar's photo
Tue 10/02/07 03:32 PM
when he washes the dishes and takes the trash out

goldenstar's photo
Tue 10/02/07 03:29 PM
the world today never ceases to amaze me

goldenstar's photo
Tue 10/02/07 03:28 PM
i saw mtv's so called rock the vote last time we had and election they had Paris dumbass hilton as the spokes person for "vote or die" the girl wasn't even registered. They were making fun of it on the news a few weeks after the election

goldenstar's photo
Tue 10/02/07 03:20 PM
everything's just my pants

goldenstar's photo
Tue 10/02/07 03:17 PM
yeah that's right

goldenstar's photo
Tue 10/02/07 03:16 PM
so true. like u said if they vote at all