Community > Posts By > Glass_eyes

Glass_eyes's photo
Sat 11/10/07 08:35 PM
dizzydean5: Aww isn't that nice...well you're just another i'll add to my list.

Glass_eyes's photo
Sat 11/10/07 08:24 PM
Totage: With how obscure my hobby is, there's no other way other than to buy online. There's probably only 2 stores in the entire united states that would carry this stuff. Most of the items made for them and modifications to them are done by freelance artists. A huge majority of them are very trustworthy, and it doesn't affect how I purchase items over the internet.

Knoxman: Thank you for understanding...There's this BS pretty much anywhere there's money to be ripped off. It makes me want to call 1-800-slap-a-hoe laugh

Glass_eyes's photo
Sat 11/10/07 04:55 PM
Don't worry...I'll get it handled sooner or later. If she pulls more of this bull sh*t on me, she will be banned because of prior complaints.

Glass_eyes's photo
Sat 11/10/07 04:44 PM
adj4u: She apparently doesn't have control over anything because she conducts her business with a maturity level of -956,436,598

Glass_eyes's photo
Sat 11/10/07 04:33 PM
She said that she would send a refund, the items, and extra items by THIS Monday. If she does or doesn't, I will let you know on Monday or Tuesday.

Glass_eyes's photo
Sat 11/10/07 04:24 PM
Msteddybear2U: Yeah...there's alot of scams going on right now in the asian ball-joint doll world because there's such a large profit from scamming people, and us doll collectors are just sometimes too trusting of each other.

Glass_eyes's photo
Sat 11/10/07 04:22 PM
Yeah, it was, but I feel better now. ^^

Glass_eyes's photo
Sat 11/10/07 04:18 PM
I'm buying stuff for a doll that is twice to three times more expensive than a car payment, and you're telling me to take a breather?

Glass_eyes's photo
Sat 11/10/07 04:12 PM
Nope...I'm hoping that this silly girl will come to her senses and send my things on Monday.

Glass_eyes's photo
Sat 11/10/07 04:09 PM
Lol, sorry guys...I just needed a place to vent. :tongue:

Glass_eyes's photo
Sat 11/10/07 04:07 PM
Ok, let me explain my hobby before writing about what's going on. I collect VERY expensive dolls. Everything about them can be customised, and you can buy accessories, clothing, furniture...anything you can think of. The doll that the items were purchased for has a value in excess of $800. This will explain why i'm so angry with this person.

back in july, I ordered cigarettes(x5) and an ashtray for my doll. The girl who I ordered them from received my payment for sure. She sent me a messege stating so. She then told me that she broke her fingers back in august (I highly doubt this story now) and that she would have to wait until she's healed to sculpt them. Ok, fine... I can understand that having that kind of injury can affect sculpting the items. in October, I pmed her to see if she was able to complete the order and ship the items out. She said that the order was completed, and that she would send it out that week. By saturday, I had no response. So I sent her another private messege. Then she started pulling stupid excuses on why she couldn't send it out. i.e "my dad works too late" and "I don't have a car, so I can't get to the post office" THAT IS TOTAL BULL. In my opinion, there's no EXCUSE or reason why you would have a customer wait for that amount of time. I am a student, AND I work, and I still find time to ship items and payment out in a timely manner. I did not hear from her for about 3 weeks. It was now November, and I'm pretty sure that in a month's time there would be at least one chance to send something out. I sent her several messeges throughout the 3 weeks. No response. I was getting pretty fed up with her, then I found out that she had gone on the website after I sent messeges asking where my stuff was and blatantly refused to reply. So, finally I posted a "problem transaction" thread in the doll forum I go on, and then I sent her a messege saying that I filed a problem transaction with the site moderators, and if she didn't send my stuff out by the 16th, I would file a police report for fraud and theft. And what do you know, not more than 2 minutes later she replied to me saying that she will send my items, a refund, and extras. So now because of her OWN stupidity and irresponsibility, she is out of money and business. I also found out when I posted my problem transaction thread, that I was not the only one she did this to. Others had doll items in excess of $150 being held for months on end and just to get them back, they had to threaten legal action.

whew...that was a mouthful.

Glass_eyes's photo
Sun 10/21/07 07:58 AM
well of course you're going to say there are real people in the commercials, and that very well may be true for some of them. But, the agency I am with do national commercials for huge companies like that. including dating commercials. So I highly doubt that everyone is genuine.

Glass_eyes's photo
Sat 10/20/07 08:02 PM
You have to be careful on the internet nowadays. people will steal your ID, try and play mind games with you, or lure you in and hurt you physically.

Glass_eyes's photo
Sat 10/20/07 07:54 PM
Yeah...It kinda defeats the purpose if your match is far away like that.

Glass_eyes's photo
Sat 10/20/07 07:47 PM
If he calls himself a "christian" then he shouldn't discriminate against other people because of their lifestlyes. And that seems like that's exactly what they are doing.

Glass_eyes's photo
Sat 10/20/07 06:06 PM
and one huge, huge setback for eharmony is that they don't match homosexual singles...You can't just forget or ignore a huge group of people if you're a dating site.

Glass_eyes's photo
Sat 10/20/07 05:57 PM
Hey I saw your pictures, and you are beautiful, so shut yer pie hole! flowerforyou

Glass_eyes's photo
Sat 10/20/07 05:52 PM
LOL @ Lex I think those people are pretty ugly.

and fat.

Glass_eyes's photo
Sat 10/20/07 05:48 PM
Different things fwork for different people. If you met someone amazing on there, then, that's wonderful. But I personally think it's fake. I'm with a modeling agency, and they even said that they use ACTORS for commercials like that.

Glass_eyes's photo
Tue 10/16/07 03:48 AM
You really can't do anything in paint if you just have a mouse. Most of the time, people have tablets. Even with that, on paint you can't blend colors or make perfect lines without it looking "blocky" because the program isn't advanced enough.

I just want to get started on the computer with my art skills because I'm planning on going to college for video game design.

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