Community > Posts By > passionsabound1
Sex or chocolate 😉
Both compliment one another.
Do you come here often?
Must be a lot of contaminants.
Sausage balls.
I have not. Most are not sincere. I have discovered that though many give the impression they are in the US, they are actually in Africa. Others also get to a point of asking for monetary hand-outs, or the equivalent.
I'd love to meet a lady that really lives in Montgomery, or Prattville, Alabama for coffee, and conversation.
Doctor who
My son, and I cannot possibly entertain the idea to catch the incarnation. I much prefer the doctor to be a man.
sex or chocholate?
I love sex, and chocolate. They go hand-in-hand.
This morning, I thought of having to do laundry.
Nude at home
There is just something about hanging nude.
Cpaps do work. I have been told my Cpap is keeping me alive.
What are you doing? - part 3
I am about to leave for the mall for lunch.
I slept well. I feel rested. :)
My first thought was if my alarm clock was going to ring, and it did. :)
I have tried for 5 1/2 years. I dated about 14 ladies, and though I cam close, I have not found one. One tried too hard, and one just dropped me, the rest just dated me one time.
I have no idea of the real meteorologist's report for Montgomery, Alabama, but it looks very nice outside. It is merely very hot. Humidity is very present. It is not cwowdy, or partwee cwowdy eithew. huhuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Elmer Fudd
Dating in today's time
I second BlakeIAm. There is too much self-centeredness. I totally agree.
I thought that this should not only be Friday.
Coffee, a smile, and the word of the lord.
I am very sincer to meet a Montgomery, Alabama lady for dating. I love movies, dining out, playing frisbee, going to live theatre, the arts in general, laughter, great conversations, and taking walks. :)