who needs a date ?
I need a donut
what to do?
Because I drive semi trucks, and Id be away 5 weeks at a time only home for 4. Thats not good for a relationship. Ecspecially in the begining stages.
what to do?
I dont know **** it
it was a dumb question. thanks for your help. sorry for any inconvienience. |
what to do?
I dont know **** it
it was a dumb question. thanks for your help. sorry for any inconvienience. |
what to do?
I have a job but if we get together Id have to quit. And its not easy for a ex con to find work.
I mean I have a great job right now. I travel the united states and make money doing it. I love my job. |
what to do?
what do you do when someone loves you but you dont have anything to offer that person but your love?
what to do?
What do you do when a person you care about so much has feelings for you, and you know that there is no way that you can be the person they need or want you to be, seems to be in front of your face, as it has on previous ocassions and gone so wrong, I mean when everyting you've ever wanted are those 3 words? Me all I have to offer a women is my heart and soul. Most say it is, but honestly its not enough. If it was Id be holding the love of my life in my arms, yet im not, Im sitting here alone. And Ill be damned if I cause another the pain that has been placed on my heart. So what do I do, what does a person do?
Can't get mind off ex
With me its more of what we went thru and the love i thought we shared. Other then that she had this thing she'd do with her mouth aaagggghhhhh!
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I dont know heard about it thought it was urgent. I apoligize for any inconveinence
Body: **STATE POLICE WARNING TO MYSPACE USERS** Please read this.....I hope that all of my Friends Post this and help keep our myspace friends safe State police warning for online: Please read this "very carefully"..then send it out to all the people online that you know. Something like this is nothing to be taken casually; this is something you DO want to pay attention to. If a person with the screen-name of imahustlababay or contacts you, do not reply. DO NOT talk to this person; do not answer any of his/her instant messages or e-mail. Whoever this person may be, he/she is a suspect for murder in the death of 56 women (so far) contacted through the Internet. Please send this to all the women on your buddy list and ask them to pass this on, as well. This screen-name was seen on Yahoo, AOL, AIM, and Excite so far. This is not a joke! Please send this to men too...just in case! Send to everyone you know! Ladies, this is serious. Gentlemen, PLEASE let your Lady Friends know.... IF WE CAN PASS ON JOKES, SURELY WE CAN PASS ON A WARNING THAT MAY SAVE A LIFE Please repost. This can also be found at |
The Mark of the Beast
"He (The Beast) forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark in his right hand or in his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name." The Book of the Revelation to John, Chapter 13, Verse 16. The Number of the Beast "Let he that has wisdom count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666." The Book of The Revelation to John, Chapter 13, Verse 16. The Number 666 is so pervasive in direct use and thoughtful calculation as to approach mathmatical impossibility for it to be a mere coincidence. We would be at a loss for where to begin, were it not for the previous Bible verses. MasterCard Corps' official policy is to replace money. We shiver at the concept of any card as our master, but to them it is a corporate goal. MasterCard = 612... I might be a stretch, but no suprise that 12=6+6 so one can almost find 666 in MasterCard. VISA Card is also "interesting" to say the least. If you look at a VISA credit card you see three previous world empires represented. "VI" is the number 6 in the Roman numerals, "S" is the Stigma in the Greek culture whose value is 6, and lastly the "A" in the Babylonian culture is 6 ... i.e, VISA = 666! We are sure they didn't plan it that way. This whole thing is MUCH MUCH bigger than they are. It is only a sign of the nature and origin of their success. Are we moving into a "new" age? 1998 divided by 3 = 666. 2000 divided by 3 = 666.6666666666... the 6's go on forever.... That's a lot of 6's... The Mayan calendar abruptly stops at 2012. The Great Seal of the United States says "Novus Ordo Seclorum" ... Look at our logo in the upper left corner of this webpage. Or look at the back of any US $1 bill under the Great Pyramid with the All Seeing Eye at the top. It says: "Novus Ordo Seclorum" which means "New Order of the Ages"... We are told that the ancient Chaldeans, during the time of the Babylonian Empire when the prophetic Book of Daniel was written, had a numerological technique that can be applied to the english alphabet today. In that system, each succeeding letter of the alphabet was equal to 6 more than the one before it. In our system A = 6, B = 12, C = 18, etc. as shown in the chart below... A 6 F 36 K 66 P 96 U 126 Z 156 B 12 G 42 L 72 Q 102 V 132 C 18 H 48 M 78 R 108 W 138 D 24 I 54 N 84 S 114 X 144 E 30 J 60 O 90 T 120 Y 150 So the $666 question is: What words in english add up to 666? Not many... No english words we can find with less than 8 letters add up to 666. That excludes a LOT of words, but if you find one let us know! The very first word that equals 666 is COMPUTER. The next one we can find is KISSINGER. The third is WITCHCRAFT. These are the only three words we can find that equal 666. C 3 x 6 = 18 K 11 x 6 = 66 W 23 x 6 = 138 O 15 x 6 = 90 I 9 x 6 = 54 I 9 x 6 = 54 M 13 x 6 = 78 S 19 x 6 = 114 T 20 x 6 = 120 P 16 x 6 = 96 S 19 x 6 = 114 C 3 x 6 = 18 U 21 x 6 = 126 I 9 x 6 = 54 H 8 x 6 = 48 T 20 x 6 = 120 N 14 x 6 = 84 C 3 x 6 = 18 E 5 x 6 = 30 G 7 x 6 = 42 R 18 x 6 = 108 R 18 x 6 = 108 E 5 x 6 = 30 A 1 x 6 = 6 =============== R 18 x 6 = 108 F 6 x 6 = 36 Total 666 =============== T 18 x 6 = 120 Total 666 =============== Total 666 Since there are about 250,000 words in english and only 3 we know of add up to 666, the odds of a word equaling 666 is about 83,333 to 1. We'll let you do the math, but we will go into more detail on COMPUTER, KISSINGER, and WITCHCRAFT on another page [Note to editor: add links here]. Then we have word combinations that = 666. Since most words aren't even long enough to add up to 666, it may be reasonable to consider combinations of words that add up to 666. We haven't figured out how to figure out how many word combinations there are that would actually make sense. For random 2 word combo's there would be 250,000 x 250,000 = 62,500,000,000 possible combos... For random 3 word combo's there would be 250,000 x 250,000 x 250,000 = 15,625,000,000,000,000 possible combos... But since there are so many possible combinations there must be a lot of combos that = 666. The ones we have found so far include: NUCLEAR HELL FEDERAL RESERVE NEW YORK US OF AMERICA MARK OF BEAST SON OF SIN F 6 x 6 = 36 E 5 x 6 = 30 D 4 x 6 = 24 E 5 x 6 = 30 R 18 x 6 = 108 A 1 x 6 = 6 L 12 x 6 = 72 R 18 x 6 = 108 E 5 x 6 = 30 S 19 x 6 = 114 E 5 x 6 = 30 R 18 x 6 = 108 V 22 x 6 = 132 E 5 x 6 = 30 ================ Total 858 -192 ==== =666 Right now you are probably saying "Wait a Minute! How does FEDERAL RESERVE = 666?" That is a very good question. Remember, the Bible says "Let he that has wisdom count (i.e. calculate) the number of the beast." If you looked closely at FEDERAL RESERVE you'll see it equals 858, and I deduct 192 to get 666. Where does the 192 come from? Because of the way the computer math works out, the space between the words actually deducts 192 from the total, yielding the end result 666. We find it quite interesting that it took a computer to figure out that the number of the Federal Reserve is 666, not that we think anyone will be suprised... Oops. Found another one this New Year's Eve just 2 hours before 1998. I have for years used SSNUMBER as a variable name to hold Social Security Numbers in many programs I have written. Guess what? You guessed it. SSNUMBER = 666 too. It's a bit more of stretch than the other words and phrases, but is it really all that far out? You can try out these and other words and phrases for yourself easily. Most words and phrases work best if you use all capital letters and skip the spaces, but feel free to try it any way you like. To try your own words CLICK HERE. The next logical step will be to write a program to generate all the possible combinations and match them up against a spell checker. Maybe some bored programmer might do us the favor? Click Here for the computer algorithm used in the calculations. Keep in mind that before the "man of sin be revealed," (2 Thess. 2:3), no one can be 100% sure if we can pick "the right man". And they could lead some gullible Christians astray. The Romans, unlike the Greek and the Hebrews, only used some of the letters of their alphabet as numbers. The six of those numbers/letters are: I, V, X, L, C, D and those letters add up to the sum of 666 ... D = 500 C = 100 L = 50 X = 10 V = 5 I = 1 ========= Total 666 The number 666 has another remarkable property. It is further marked as the concentration and essence of 6 by being the sum of all the numbers which make up the square of six. The square of six is 36 (6 multiplied by 6 = 36); and the sum the numbers 1 to 36 = 666. i.e. 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 ... etc up to +33+34+35+36 = 666." SANTA CLAUS = 666... An early Christian named Irenaeus warned in 170 AD against "counting the number of the beast". "It is therefore more certain, and less hazardous, to await the fulfillment of the prophecy, than to be making surmises, and casting about for any names that may present themselves, inasmuch as many names can be found possessing the number mentioned; and the same question will, after all, remain unsolved. For if there are many names found possessing this number, it will be asked which among them shall the coming man bear." [Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book V, Ch. 30] That said, "Let he that has wisdom count the number of the beast..." |
What is the worse Lie?
When my ex told me she wasnt cheating on me and i knew for a abosulte faact that this was so, heard it with my own ears, I was in the next room and she didnt know it. I even told her that I didnt care I wouldnt be with her but id stay by her side because i still wanted her to be apart of my life and her mine, YOU just cant be with someone you cant trust to be faithful but as friends that illiminates that issue and my love didnt change I stil loved her the same that will never change. I just wanted here to not lie to me about for some reson it hur more when i witnessed it myself. I still love her to death today but she cant stand to be around me and us not be together, or this is what she tells me.
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why yes and i think its giving me the urge to scream aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ok I feel a little better. Only a temporary fix any cures out there?
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those are all diffrent type of situations neither has the ability to free you from that state in which are traped but some however do. And I am proud of myself but Im one of the priviledged few and like it took the death of someone Cruz looked up to and admired for me it almost having to spend the rest of my life in prison.
yes it was based on a true story but how many stories do you think are to be told coming out of that enviroment of course those on the outside can look thru that stained glass and take one success story and assume that it applies to everyone in the same situation but it doesnt happen like that. I made it out but my methods where decided by a judge if not Id probably be in the grave with my 2 cousins or in prison like my 2 younger brothers and some many aunts uncles cousin, or still there wondering I could get to where I am now. there are very few story book ending in that situation although there are many who thrive to achieve just that.
yes it was based on a true story but how many stories do you think are to be told coming out of that enviroment of course those on the outside can look thru that stained glass and take one success story and assume that it applies to everyone in the same situation but it doesnt happen like that. I made it out but my methods where decided by a judge if not Id probably be in the grave with my 2 cousins or in prison like my 2 younger brothers and some many aunts uncles cousin, or still there wondering I could get to where I am now. there are very few story book ending in that situation although there are many who thrive to achieve just that.
I agree with all of you, all Im asking is is it wrong to use negative means in order to change your life for the better. One thing life is alot diffrent from the movies theyre arent many opportunities for kids in those types of enviroments statistics prove that fact, so if one takes that negative situation and uses it to go to college and get out of a debilitating situation does it make that person wrong?
yeah but like Tony Montana are the paths chosen whether selling at personal talent like singing, as Alicia Keys, micro chips like Bill Gates or drugs like Scareface less honarable then another? IN coach Carter you seen Cruz was subjected to selling drugs but he had Carter what about those who dont but have the same goal?
I really dont know anymore I hate the pain I have from lossing the love I just had to go thru it again seems detrimental to self but I just dont care Im addicted now. Maybe I need to go to soul burning love anonymous?
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