Community > Posts By > spasetrucker

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Wed 09/26/07 08:10 PM
Physical attaction would be phirst. I think the physical attraction gets a person's attention and then it depends on whether you connect emotionally.

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Wed 09/26/07 07:17 PM
I will pray also.

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Wed 09/26/07 04:02 PM
Pretty cool!

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Wed 09/26/07 10:14 AM
They have to watch out for us. They can't hear us coming.

How do you get those smileys to work?

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Wed 09/26/07 10:00 AM
Maybe you're chronically quiet. The most common complaint I get is that I'm too quiet. I used to let that bother me....... a lot. But I am past that now. I'm just naturally quiet and I have come to understand that some folks don't like that. You might consider looking inside yourself to determine what YOU want from life and how you can acheive it without compromising yourself. Then go for it. I've never been suave with the ladies. Too quiet. But it seems to me that trying to "make" a relationship happen is likely to be counter-productive. After many "crash and burns" I think it's better to pursue who you are and what you like. You're bound to make some new friends and acquaintances along the way, and even if you don't find love at least you'll be happy. Too many people are caught up in a situation where they can't do what they want and be who they are without losing their special someone. It could be that you are far better off than you have realized.

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Wed 09/26/07 08:00 AM
Wheels falling off? Messive a-mails? Married people in chat? Cookie dough? Amazing!

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Wed 09/26/07 07:22 AM
Welcome to both of you.

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Tue 09/25/07 09:57 PM
Welcome TX. This place can be the RX for the blues.

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Tue 09/25/07 09:47 PM
Fanta: No I don't think we should stay in the United Nations. They don't like us. They take our money, stack the deck against us, and treat us like scum.

Philospher: I don't know what polyanna means. If you don't tell us I will be forced to take the long trip over to Encarta just to find out.

I am mostly a conservative, conspiriatorial nut who is very upset over the behavior of our wonderful President Butt, er....... I mean Bush. What has he done with his brain?

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Mon 09/24/07 09:41 PM
Those are good!

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Mon 09/24/07 09:37 PM
Welcome to paradox. I'm pretty new here myself. People seem to be really nice here though. Welcome.

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Mon 09/24/07 09:30 PM
When I die I want to go like my Grandfather, who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car. I don't know the author

That's not a Christian quote, but besides being funny, for me it speaks a lot about how our attitude determines how we deal with life's problems.

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Mon 09/24/07 09:23 PM
If we weren't in the United Nations he would never have came here. Maybe we should just drop out of the UN. We're already in this mess so I'm going to keep rooting for our side. The other side doesn't like me. I will say this, in 1972 I was stationed at Lowry AFB, CO. I went to tech school there for the Air Farce. At that time we were selling F-4 fighters to Iran and some other foreign countries. Everyday I stood in line at the chow hall with Iranian, Iraqi, and I think the others were from Turkey, airmen. When we sell planes to other nations we also provide them with training for their troops that will be doing maintenance on the ground. We all sat at separate tables, but we got along quite nicely. In the evening they were at the club drinking our beer and admiring our "American blondes." I'm pretty sure that all of us common people from everywhere in the world could get along quite nicely if it weren't for the politicians both liberal and conservative. And oh yes, Iranians love our cheeseburgers too.

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Mon 09/24/07 06:16 AM
I think you've missed the point here. All of these women volunteered to serve, and most probably volunteered to work in a career field that would put them closer to harms way. They were well aware of the risks involved and in today's military environment, would probably have filed sexual harrassment charges against anyone trying to stop them. I don't necesarily condone the practice of allowing females in combat career fields, but these ladies have endured a long struggle to earn their right to choose these career fields when they wish to. I suspect they would be offended by your efforts to deprive them of their right to serve proudly in whatever capacity they choose to serve. Peace

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Wed 09/12/07 05:55 PM
I hear the flu has been going around.

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Wed 09/12/07 05:52 PM
Another Sho-me here. Think proud Springfield!!

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Wed 09/12/07 05:41 PM
Hello all. New to the group, and I thought this looked like a good place to get my feet wet. I am Christian myself, and though I'm not as well read as some here appear to be, I am solid in my belief. I will read and watch the great debate from the sideline. My only comment for now is to all the people who say they haven't been to church in awhile. I haven't either. My perception is that after you get past your twenties even the most well intentioned church doesn't really know what to do with single adults. It can be hard to find a place where you feel like you fit. Churches in general, are oriented to serve married people and families. Though I don't think it is intended, singles often seem to be treated as second class citizens. What do you think? Steve

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