86 Women Killed in War on Terror
Updated: September 12, 2007 Since the attack on America on September 11, 2001, a total of 86 women deployed to Afghanistan, Iraq and Kuwait have lost their lives in service to America. Most Americans, and even members of the media, are not aware that 86 brave servicewomen have died in the War on Terrorism. With few exceptions, news stories about their tragic deaths usually appear only in the military press, or in small hometown newspaper stories and television accounts that rarely capture national attention. Everyone in this war is serving "In Harm's Way," but “Direct Ground Combat” units, such as the infantry, engage in deliberate offensive action against the enemy. Most of the servicewomen whose names are listed below were killed by improvised explosive devices (IEDs), and some died in military plane crashes. Nine were mothers of one or more children age 18 and younger. One female soldier, whose body was shattered by an explosive device she was attempting to disarm, died in the arms of her soldier husband who was stationed nearby. Walter Reed Hospital in Washington D.C. has cared for many female heroes who have lost legs and arms. When two women Marines and a female sailor were killed in a Fallujah truck attack in June, eleven more were sent to Brooke Medical Center in Texas, which specializes in the treatment of severe burns. Hundreds have received medals for serious injuries and for personal valor under fire. Heartbroken family members have expressed indescribable grief and great pride in their daughters, which is universally shared by a grateful nation. It is always when soldiers die, but losses of women in this war are unprecedented in modern history. According to Army Times, 7,000 women served in Vietnam, but only 16 were killed, most of them nurses. In the first Persian Gulf War, 33,000 women were deployed, but only 6 perished due to scud missile explosions or accidents. (Nov. 24, 2003) Some have argued that the women who have died are no different than the men. But deliberate exposure of women to combat violence in war is tantamount to acceptance of violence against women in general. As a nation we must consider the long-term implications of this cultural shift, which many see as a setback for our values and civilization. At times in our history it has been necessary to send young men to fight in defense of America. Women have always served in the armed forces with courage and distinction, but there is no military necessity to send young women and mothers to fight in close combat areas where they do not have an equal opportunity to survive, or to help fellow soldiers survive. Concern for men who are fighting and dying in this war should not preclude discussion of problematic policies affecting our women. Decisions by Default Disrespect Women As the war advances into its sixth year, it is appropriate to ask serious questions about policies that have led to this grim reality. Our female soldiers are being asked to shoulder heavier burdens and greater risk than military women have ever faced in America’s history. Recent policy changes have been implemented with deception and advanced by default, with elected representatives in Congress paying almost no attention to what has been going on. In 1991 the military service chiefs expressed strong reservations about the consequences of repealing women’s combat exemptions. Their testimony was forgotten when the Navy’s Tailhook scandal led to sweeping changes in policy and law demanded by feminists who have not suffered the consequences themselves. Former Congresswoman Patricia Schroeder argued, illogically, that abuse of women in a Las Vegas hotel corridor was wrong, but combat violence at the hands of the enemy was perfectly all right. The Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) has not heard testimony about women in combat since 1991, 16 years ago. Nor did the SASC have time to hear a single word of testimony about the findings of the 1992 Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Services, which recommended that most of women’s combat exemptions be retained. The House Armed Services Committee (HASC) did hear five minutes of testimony from former commissioner Elaine Donnelly about the panel’s report in 1993, but nothing more on the subject was heard until May 19, 2005, when the HASC briefly debated limited legislation regarding women in or near land combat. The last committee hearing on the subject occurred in the House in 1979, 28 years ago. Female soldiers and the men with whom they serve have a right to expect that policies and laws will be honestly explained and faithfully enforced. But as CMR has explained in several articles posted on this website, critical policy decisions are being made by default, in violation of current Defense Department regulations and two specific laws written to ensure congressional oversight. Neglect of this issue by President George W. Bush, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and by members of Congress shows disrespect for our women in uniform and the importance of congressional oversight. Failure to discuss this issue could also result in successful litigation to include civilian women in Selective Service registration. It is long past time for the Bush Administration and Congress to pay women the compliment of taking this issue seriously. The following list of the names of deployed women killed since 9/11, updated on September 12, 2007, should be viewed with sober reflection and gratitude for the courageous women who gave their lives in service to America. Unless otherwise indicated, all were soldiers in the Army: Afghanistan: Marine Sgt. Jeannette L. Williams, 25, KC-130 crash in Pakistan mountains, Jan. 9, 2002 AF Staff Sgt. Anissa Shero, 31, loadmaster, MC-130H, crash on takeoff of Special Operations mission, June 12, 2002 AF 1st Lt. Tamara Archuleta, 23, co-pilot Pave Hawk helicopter, crashed while picking up two injured Afghan children, Mar. 23, 2003 Sgt. Maj. Barbaralien Banks, 41, Chinook crash, Apr. 6, married, one son, 19, Apr. 6, 2005 Spec. Chrystal Stout, 23, Chinook crash, Apr. 6, 2005 1st Lt. Laura M. Walker, 24, IED attack on Humvee, Aug. 18, 2005 Sgt. Wakkuna A. Jackson, 21, IED attack on convoy vehicle, Aug. 19, 2006 Reserve Sgt. 1st Class Merideth L. Howard, 52, suicide car bomb attack on Humvee, Sept. 8 Iraq: Pfc. Lori Ann Piestewa, 23, captured, died in captivity, Mar. 23, 2003, two children, 4 and 3, Mar. 23, 2003 Sgt. Melissa Valles, 26, non-combat gunshot wound to abdomen, cause unknown, July 10, 2003 Spc. Alyssa Renee Peterson, 27, gunshot wound to head, cause unknown, Sept. 15, 2003 Pfc. Analaura Esparza Gutierrez, 21, RPG attack on supply vehicle, Oct. 1, 2003 Spc. Tamarra J. Ramos, 24, non-combat injuries, armor medical company, Oct. 1, 2003 Pfc. Rachel Bosveld, 19, MP, attack on Baghdad police station, Oct. 26, 2003 Pfc. Karina Sotelo Lau, 20, Chinook crash, under fire, Nov. 2, 2003 Spc. Frances M. Vega, 20, Chinook crash, under fire, Nov. 2, 2003 Chief Warrant Officer Sharon T. Swartworth, 43, CWO, JAG Corps, Blackhawk downed under fire, Nov. 7, 2003 Sgt. Linda C. Jiminez, injuries following a fall in Baghdad, Nov. 8, 2003 Staff Sgt. Kimberley Voelz, 27, explosive ordnance disposal expert, bomb exploded, died in soldier husband's arms, Dec. 14, 2003 Capt. Kimberly Hampton, 27, helicopter pilot, downed under fire, Jan. 4, 2004 Sgt. Keicia M. Hines, 27, MP, struck by vehicle, Jan. 14, 2004 Pfc. Holly Jeanne McGeogh, 19, vehicle hit by IED, Jan. 31, 2004 Pfc. Nichole M. Frye, 19, Civil Affairs Reservist, vehicle hit by IED, Feb. 16, 2004 Capt. Gussie Jones, 41,non-combat death (surgical nurse, possible heart attack), Mar. 7, 2004 Spc. Tyanna Avery-Felder, 22, shrapnel wounds, Apr. 4, 2004 Spc. Michelle Witmer, 20, Wisconsin NG MP, killed by small arms attack (one of three sisters in the Army), Apr. 9, 2004 Spc. Isela Rubalcava, 25, hit by mortar round to Stryker brigade, May 8, 2004 Pfc. Leslie D. Jackson, 18,vehicle hit by IED, May 20, 2004 Pfc. Melissa J. Hobart, 22, collapsed while on guard duty, mother of 3 year-old, June 6, 2004 Spc. Julie R. Hickey, 20, Civil Affairs Reservist, died in Germany after complications from non-combat related illness, July 4, 2004 Sgt. Linda Terango-Griess, Ordnance Company Reservist, 33, vehicle hit by IED, July 11, 2004 Sgt. Tatjana Reed, 34, vehicle hit by IED, July 22, 2004 Sgt. Shawna L. Morrison, 26, IL NG, 26, hit by shrapnel when barracks mortared, Sept. 5, 2004 Spc. Jessica L. Cawvey, 21, vehicle hit by mortar, single mother of 6 year-old, Oct. 6, 2004 Sgt. Pamela Osbourne, 38, three children, ages 9 t0 19, Oct. 11, 2004 Sgt. Cari Anne Gasiewicz, 28, convoy vehicle hit by grenade, Dec. 4, 2004 Sgt. Tina S. Time, 22, vehicle accident, Dec. 13, 2004 Sgt. Jessica M. Housby, 23, IL NG, hit by IED near truck convoy, Feb. 9, 2005 Spc. Katrina L. Bell-Johnson, 32, truck overturned, cause unknown, mother of 1 year-old, Feb. 16, 2005 Spc. Adrianna Salem, 21, vehicle rolled over, unknown cause, Feb. 21, 2005 Pfc. Sam W. Huff, 18, IED attack on Humvee, April 18, 2005 Spc. Aleina Ramirez Gonzales, 33, Puerto Rico, April 15, mortar attack on forward operating base, Apr. 29, 2005 Spc. Lizbeth Robles, 31, vehicle accident, Mar. 1, 2005 Spc. Carrie L. French, 19, bomb hit on convoy, June 5, 2005 Marine Lance Cpl. Holly Charette, 21, attack on truck convoy in Fallujah, June 23, 2005 Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Regina Clark, 43, 1 18 year-old son, Fallujah attack on truck convoy, June 23, 2005 Marine Cpl. Ramona Valdez, 20, Fallujah attack on truck convoy, June 23, 2005 Staff Sgt. Tricia L. Jameson, 34, medical specialist, Army NG, IED explosion while responding to a casualty incident, July 14, 2005 Pfc. LaVena L. Johnson, 19, non-combat related injuries, July 19, 2005 Spec. Toccara Green, 23, IED explosion, Aug. 14, 2005 Airman 1st Class Elizabeth N. Jacobson, 21, IED explosion, Sept. 28, 2005 1st Lt. Debra A. Banaszak, 35, non-combat related injuries, Oct. 28, 2005 Sgt. Julia V. Atkins, 22,IED attack near Humvee, Dec. 10, 2005 Sgt. Regina C. Reali, 25, IED attack, Dec. 23, 2005 Sgt. Myla L. Maravillosa, 24, RPG attack on Humvee, Dec. 24, 2005 1st Lt. Jaime L. Campbell, 25, helicopter crash, Jan. 7, 2006 AF Senior Airman Alecia S. Good, 28, Gulf of Aden helicopter collision, Feb. 17, 2006 Pvt. First Class Tina M. Priest, 20, gunshot wound to the chest, unknown cause, Mar. 1, 2006 Pfc. Amy Duerksen, 19, of injuries suffered in Iraq, Mar. 11, 2006 Spc. Amanda Pinson, 21, mortar attack while waiting for bus transport, Mar. 16, 2006 Marine Lance Cpl. Juana Navarro Arellano, 24, of wounds received in Iraq, April 8. Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Jaime S. Jaenke, 29, Humvee struck by IED, Iraq, June 5, mother of 9 year old girl. Pfc. Hannah L. Gunterman, 20, vehicle accident in Taji, Iraq, Sept. 4. 2nd Lt. J. T. Perez, 23, IED explosion near Humvee in Al Kifl, Iraq, Sept. 12. Sgt. Jennifer M. Hartman, 21, suicide bomber attack on West Baghdad Substation, Sept. 14. 1st Lt. Ashley (Henderson) Huff, 23, suicide attack on convoy, near her Humvee, Sept. 19. Sgt. Jeannette T. Dunn, 44, of non-combat related injuries, Nov. 26. Maj. Megan McClung, USMC, 34, IED attack near Ramadi in the Anbar province, Iraq, Dec. 6. Maj. Gloria D. Davis, 47, gunshot wound in a non-combat related incident, Dec. 12. Senior Airman Elizabeth A. Loncki, 23, ordnance disposal team targeted by car bomb, Jan. 7, 2007. Command Sgt. Maj. Marilyn L. Gabbard, 46, Black Hawk helicopter crash near Baghdad, Jan. 20. Spc. Carla J. Stewart, 37, transportation convoy vehicle rollover, Jan. 30. Marine Cpl. Jennifer M. Parcell, 20, female suicide bomber attack at checkpoint in Anbar province, Iraq, Feb. 7. Marine Capt. Jennifer J. Harris, 28, helicopter crash due to enemy action in Anbar province, Iraq, Feb. 7. Sgt. Ashly L. Moyer, 21, IED detonation near her MP vehicle, Mar. 3. Pfc. Katie M. Soenksen, 19, IED detonation near her MP vehicle, May 2. Spc. Karen Clifton, 22, RPG attack on her vehicle, near Baghdad, June 21. Sgt. Trista L. Moretti, 27, indirect fire during an insurgent attack, June 25. Spec. Michelle R. Ring, 24, mother of two young boys, mortar fire attack in Baghdad, July 5. Capt. Maria I. Ortiz, 40, indirect fire attack in Baghdad, July 10. Staff Sgt. Alicia A. Birchett, 29, non-combat related accident in Baghdad, mother of 3 young boys, Aug. 9. Sgt. Princess C. Samuels, 22, indirect fire near Taji, Iraq, Aug. 15. Spc. Zandra T. Worthy-Walker, 28, indirect fire near Taji, Iraq, Aug. 15. Spc. Kamisha J. Block, 20, non-combat "friendly fire" incident, MP battalion in Iraq, Aug. 16. Spc. Marisol Heredia, 19, injuries suffered from a non-combat related incident, July 18 in Baghdad, Sept. 7. Kuwait: Reserve Sgt. Denise Lannaman, 46, non-combat-related incident at Camp Arifjan, Oct. 1. |
I think you've missed the point here. All of these women volunteered to serve, and most probably volunteered to work in a career field that would put them closer to harms way. They were well aware of the risks involved and in today's military environment, would probably have filed sexual harrassment charges against anyone trying to stop them. I don't necesarily condone the practice of allowing females in combat career fields, but these ladies have endured a long struggle to earn their right to choose these career fields when they wish to. I suspect they would be offended by your efforts to deprive them of their right to serve proudly in whatever capacity they choose to serve. Peace
spase i didn't you don't understand of course it's was women's right to join the military whether they volunteer or were recruited through selective service. The fact here is that within our own media rarely do they ever let the public know that women have fought long and hard in combat and died with pride and honor in serving her country. They always mention men who fought bravely .
Spasetrucker, I agree with you completely. As having served 9 years active in the army, and have been at(or in front of) the front line in Desert Storm, I learned one thing about women that has changed my perspective about women in general. If they want help,they'll ask for it, and if they don't, and you think that they do need help, you'd BETTER ask before just giving it to them. We probably have a military of a million(just an estimate on my part), which includes all five branches, active, reserve, and guard. Of those(another estimate) say we have 10% of all are women. That's 100,000 women. And as we have not had a draft here in America since Viet Nam, they all knew what they were getting into, just like I did when I enlisted coming straight out of high school just about 7 years after Nam ended.
I salute ALL of the people that have served, are serving, or are thinking about serving, and I esp salute ALL of the people that have lost their lives to keep me free, and their families too. |
Also Women have always wanted to be Equal to Men ....Why would War be Any Different ??
Much love, and respect for our men, and women who have served, do now, and those who have died to protect our freedom.
God Bless You All ![]() |
Spasetrucker YOU ROCK!!!
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