gimme that ole time...
hi did u ever heard about women her husband never do any thing bad to her but she lie with domestic violance to get all his money to enjoy it and even stop him to see his kids if u dident hear it iam one of them and 3 more friends good luck with the law i agree who said its women country I will be quite blunt here. You probably need to heal from the past before you can have a successful relationship in the future. If you are holding on to bad feelings from the past it will show in your behavior to other women. |
gimme that ole time...
It is a big deal. You were effected by it! I think that you posting it is a good thing! It gives more exposure to it! Also, gives you a chance to talk about it and process it! And I am sure there are other neighbors that feel the same as you do.. that it's upseting. Well put Tanyaann. I think it certainly is something to be concerned about, and it helps to share. |
Hi I am a lonely Christian single living in England. I wonder what makes us different to other singles? Welcome Bocelli. I noticed you were from Northampton, England. I also used to enjoy walking country lanes, and the old British pubs. I have lived in the US now for a number of years. I am wondering if you are questioning why there is a forum for Christian singles. There are other forums for other faith groups. I hope you enjoy being on this site, and welcome here. Thank you so much for such a warm welcome. Pity you don't live ..down the road or we could have met for a coffee ![]() yes indeed! A good hot cuppa! ![]() A good ploughman's lunch to go with it sure would be good too. ![]() |
Hi, I believe we live in a throw away society. When we are done with something we throw it away. Clothes, cars, relationships. Even marriage. We believe there is always something better than what we currently have. We need to be true to ourselves and be willing to work things out when things get tough. Most of the time it is a one sided relationship, that's what brought us here in the first place. What happen to being married till death due us part. Too many wondering eyes and people peeking over the fence to check out if the grass is greener. I believe we need to get back to the Bible (Basic Instructions Before Leaving the Earth) And treat Marriage with respect. Good points grins. Welcome. ![]() |
Add me please, and we'll talk about this one on one. I have a very strong opinion about the subject, but don't want a bad rep from either side of the fence. (if you know what I mean) Debbie Hi Debbie, welcome here. This a forum for just Christians, so I hope that all who take part here will allow each other to voice their feelings and thoughts without condemnation. I hope you will feel comfortable enough to express your opinion. God bless, ![]() |
What a lovely song terrberr - welcome here. and thankyou for the link Allen. ![]() |
I like them both Allen, particularly "The Air that I breathe". It is nice to watch the video whilst listening to the words. ![]() |
Give Him Praise!!!
Thank you for all that you are and all that you do. ![]() ![]() ![]() Just Like Me Dear Lord, forgive our yielding to temptation; Forgive our pride, our love of worldly things. Have mercy on our love of sensual pleasure, Compassion on the sins that self love brings. It must be hard to understand us sometimes; So very different is your heart and mind. But wait, I just remembered that you do know What it’s like to be a part of humankind. You suffered just like we do, and you were tempted. You lived with us so you could comprehend The things that we go through each trying day, So you could give us mercy, and be our friend. Thank you for compassion and forgiveness; Thank you for your love and empathy. Thank you, Lord, for coming down from heaven To experience life’s trials, just like me. By Joanna Fuchs ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I don't understand why the Christians god would want to 'force' his rule. Or at least the Christian version...
He doesn't. That is man's thinking; that never works. The crusades were in response to an invasion, even though they got out of hand. It seems whatever group has too much control, trouble is not far behind. well I tend to doubt that many christians know the difference about following after man, they might assume men as in non-believers, but they follow their church leaders where ever they might lead even if they really have no clue where those leaders are actually taking them maybe even before they are ready to go .
I take it to mean human beings (period). Personally I think the church and it's supporters have a definite problem with defining 'normal decent people', which I think actually leads people to turn from christians as a whole
People are people, no matter what their culture, belief system, or lack thereof. Hopefully there will always be more good. As for other countries, there are those that wish to stop parents being able to discuss religion with their children, and if they do so to have the children removed. I don't expect that to make it into law any time soon, so it does not worry me unnecessarily but the idea is ridiculous. What about the children's rights to be able to think and inquire. I would be equally against the reverse. I was fortunate to grow up in a home where I did not have religion preached at me, my faith was something I chose for myself. My Dad and I talked about evolution and I concluded it was not for me. |
![]() ![]() they are men. ![]() |
Soul Mate
Very nice. ![]() |
Christian Meeting Place
"I was there" |
Try this winx. That is the root of the link you tried to reach. You can then look for the article in question. "Uncertainty shrouds UN driver's death" hope that helps. |
Give Him Praise!!!
Come and lift up the name of Jesus, Join the cherubim around the throne. Make His praises known, among the people, For He has claimed us as His very own. Chorus Praise Him, praise Him Praise Him in the morning light. Praise Him, praise Him, Praise the One who endured the night. His redeeming blood has paid our ransom, His obedience has met the cost, Now we are walking in the newness of creation, With joy unspeakable, no longer lost. Chorus So let us take the song of His salvation, Sing it gratefully thorough out the land. Put on the righteous robe of God’s own sacrifice, And join the chorus with the blood washed band. Chorus Words and Music by Steve Tichenor |
Bible Study Anyone?
Rightly dividing the word of Truth Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness. 2 Timothy 2:15-16 KJV There is so much confusion and deception going on today. Rightly Dividing makes things clear as to what false teachings are out there, and what the truth is. I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. 1 Corinthians 5:6-7 KJV ![]() ![]() |
it is comman knowledge they do not negosiate with terrorists if they attack regardless of those held hostage by terrorists they will be less likely to hold hostages in in the future thus saving lives in the long run That is a tough stance but I find it difficult to blame them. "We do not differentiate between those dressed in military uniforms and civilians. They are all targets." - Bin laden |
well, I read to the end.. "When I asked Terry Lindvall about his personal hopes for Regent, he told me that he is still a film maker at heart, and that he believes the next century will be shaped by the people who can tell the best stories. ...... ------------------------------------------ Copyright © 1995 by The Atlantic Monthly Company. Interesting, it seems he might be right. I will avoid quoting scripture, but that is one good reason people of faith should rightly divide the word of truth and not follow after man. Being able to see the whole picture helps also, rather than a one-sided view of the problem. I think it would serve people better to figure out what they want for the world as a whole, do most normal decent people want to live in peace. Do they value freedom. Concentrating on what unites people instead of dividing is surely a better way to reach that goal. |
Were Back
I like the word Acts because it is a Greek word (praxeis) often used to describe the achievements of great men, and that is what I think of when I look at that particular book. - what the desciples did when they received the power of the Holy Spirit. BOOK OF ACTS 1:1-8 This book notes what Jesus accomplished. God is a promise keeper v. 1-4 Two promises: A powerful kingdom A powerful spirit "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you." – These were Jesus’ last word and is stresses throughout the remainder of Acts. The Book of Luke stresses the work of the Holy Spirit and these verses continue this theme. The Apostles were told they were to be witnesses but not until they received the Power of the Holy Spirit. |
Christian Meeting Place
Self-control is critical for success in life, and a new study by University of Miami professor of Psychology Michael McCullough finds that religious people have more self-control than do their less religious counterparts. These findings imply that religious people may be better at pursuing and achieving long-term goals that are important to them and their religious groups. This, in turn, might help explain why religious people tend to have lower rates of substance abuse, better school achievement, less delinquency, better health behaviors, less depression, and longer lives. Published: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 - 11:21 in Health & Medicine University of Miami professor of Psychology Michael McCullough |
Christian Meeting Place
Religion Sociologists and anthropologists tend to see religion as an abstract set of ideas, values, or experiences developed as part of a cultural matrix. For example, in Lindbeck's Nature of Doctrine, religion does not refer to belief in "God" or a transcendent Absolute. Instead, Lindbeck defines religion as, "a kind of cultural and/or linguistic framework or medium that shapes the entirety of life and thought… it is similar to an idiom that makes possible the description of realities, the formulation of beliefs, and the experiencing of inner attitudes, feelings, and sentiments.”[7] According to this definition, religion refers to one's primary worldview and how this dictates one's thoughts and actions. |