Community > Posts By > tloutn

tloutn's photo
Mon 09/17/07 03:40 PM
Good luck brother. I thought finding a good woman was hard, but I'm pretty positive there's not any "good men" out there. Why else would we all be single?

tloutn's photo
Mon 09/17/07 03:23 PM
Sandwich . . . who wants a sandwich? Come on over, I've got homemade spinach lasagna in the oven, a green salad in the fridge and chocolate cheese cake for dessert. You will need to bring the wine, because I'm out and all I have is water.

tloutn's photo
Sun 09/16/07 09:02 PM
So, what many of us are saying is that we've closed our minds to people because of age, have we also closed our minds to people of different colors, religions, nationalities? At 38, I have more energy now than I did when I was 28, but I'm fairly mature and tend to look at life like I'm 48, so who do I date? Anyone I find interesting to see if there is anything more to be had in the future.

I recently went out with a lady several years older than me and had a blast. She was fun, could communicate, had real emotions was settled, a very good date. I also recently went out with a lady more than 10 years younger and she was fun, had wild eyed dreams, felt like she could accomplish anything and her mind was open to tomorrow instead of focused on yesterday. Again a very good date.

Now, nothing may come from either date and if doesn't it doesn't, but if I had an age limit, let's say 5 years either way, I wouldn't have met either one of them and wouldn't have learned that age really is just a number, it's chemistry that matters. Just a thought.

tloutn's photo
Sun 09/16/07 05:30 AM
Jimmy Clausen in the next ND golden boy, period. Weis promised his family way too much and now he has to deliver. This year, ND will be awful, but if Clausen matures like Casey and Rick, they will be decent again and could compete for a title.

As for Jones, you support your team through good and bad. As good of an athlete as he is, I'm not sure I would want him on my team, he's poison with the attitude he has.

Hopefully he's at least heard the name Brent Shaeffer who left Tennessee because Erik Ainge got the starting nod. Now Ainge is a fine college QB and Shaeffer is struggling to get on the field at Ole Miss as a WR.

tloutn's photo
Sun 09/16/07 05:30 AM
Jimmy Clausen in the next ND golden boy, period. Weis promised his family way too much and now he has to deliver. This year, ND will be awful, but if Clausen matures like Casey and Rick, they will be decent again and could compete for a title.

As for Jones, you support your team through good and bad. As good of an athlete as he is, I'm not sure I would want him on my team, he's poison with the attitude he has.

Hopefully he's at least heard the name Brent Shaeffer who left Tennessee because Erik Ainge got the starting nod. Now Ainge is a fine college QB and Shaeffer is struggling to get on the field at Ole Miss as a WR.

tloutn's photo
Sun 09/16/07 05:20 AM
WOW! I did not know that about myself, thanks.

tloutn's photo
Sun 09/16/07 05:18 AM
I've never thought of the term "too nice". I didn't think it was possible. I believe we can be "too naive", or "too blind" when it comes to relationships, but not "too nice".

I think most of us have been burned by someone who took advantage of the fact that we were givers, it happens and when it does shake yourself off and go again. It may make me stupid, or crazy, but I'm not going to change what I like about myself because someone else didn't appreciate it.

tloutn's photo
Fri 09/14/07 04:59 AM
Yes, I think it has, but that's not necessarily a bad thing just as it's not a good thing either.

I look at internet dating like going to the grocery store. Most of us have at least an idea of what we want before we get into the store, maybe it's a list, maybe it's just in our heads, but we have an idea. Once inside the store you get your basket, walk around the aisles, check out all of the products and pick the one that catches your eye, or your comfortable with, or fits that particular need on that particular day. That's why it's not a bad thing.

Why is it not a good thing either? Well, how many of us really know what we NEED in a relationship, not just what we want. I think all of us want someone who is nice, attractive, stable, reasonably sane and who we're compatable with on an emotional level. But is that what we need, and is that what we really want and in what order? I honestly believe, as wonderful as those things are, a person NEEDS to be challenged by their partner intellectually and emotionally. A partner NEEDS to be able to inspire you, humble you, and have a sense of themselves and it's hard to judge that based on a picture or two, and a hundred written words, so we probably miss out on some of our best matches.

Anyway, that's what I think and that and about $4 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

One more thing, Pkitty I understand completely the frustration with all of the on-line propositions and I apologize for the idiots that send them out. Those guys (and gals) make it difficult for other people to be taken seriously and it deters decent people from meeting others.

tloutn's photo
Tue 09/11/07 04:29 AM
I was at work, and had just finished an assessment on a patient when the first reports of "a plane hitting the tower" came across the TV. Of course, none of us thought the worst, at first, but then right in front of our eyes, the second plane hit and I was immediately numb all over.

As I stood in the lobby with my boss, and her boss and a small collection of other employees, I realized that several of us had tears in our eyes. I remember thinking what it must be like for the people trapped above the flames, what it must be like to know that this is "your time", and how would I react. Then the unimaginable occurred, we saw a small dark object falling from the north tower and we realized it was a person. That answered my question and I felt tears rolling down my face. But then something else incredible happened, I had just for a moment, a peace fall across me knowing that all those many of these fine people who were suffering, they soon would be in a much better place.

My dad used to talk about where he was when JFK was assassinated and it meant nothing to me. After 9/11 I understand not only why it meant so much to him, but I also have a better understanding of my dad. I'll always remember that day, the sights, the sounds and the people I shared it with.

tloutn's photo
Wed 09/05/07 08:49 PM
That everything happens for a reason, it's just up to you to figure out why.