Am I being blind?
There is a reason you felt compelled to check out his cell phone... it's called "red flags". Reg flags are our gut instincts based on all available information. Ignoring those red flags will only serve to make you an ongoing victim of cheaters, users, etc. As painful as it may be, you have to muster the courage to recognize those pesky red flags and act accordingly... you'll be glad you did in the end.
What's Your Porn-Star Name?
Heidi Drexel.... now that's a "porn" name for ya!
A Man Is Most Sexy When...
cool... I seem to spend alot of time there anyway :)
A Man Is Most Sexy When...
Did you mean "where" or "when"? Cause there's a big difference, lol. I more used to the "when", so of like in "when hell freezes over" lol.
A Man Is Most Sexy When...
Awwww Slowhand, touche!
A Man Is Most Sexy When...
Yep, just fresh out of the shower, with wet hair and nothing on but a towel.... mmmmmm. If I'm dreaming, don't wake me up! All joking aside, a man is most sexy when he's using his big brain.
For Richer or for Poorer
I can say this... I was involved in a live-in relationship where not only did I bring home the bacon, I fried it up and then cleaned up afterwards. Needless to say, this left me feeling very resentful. I put myself through college and have always been fiscally responsible, but no tightwad. The man I marry doesn't have to be rich, but he does need to have enough self-respect and honor to want to do the very best he can at anything he endeavors, inluding making a living.
I'm knocking on 50's door myself...
If I knew at 20, what I know now, I'd have been dangerous! |
Do you live alone? and...
Yep, totally alone. After growing up the eldest of 11 kids, I couldn't wait to be alone, lol. But truth be told, sometimes I do get lonely, as I imagine we all do. That being said, I'm not the type to endure just any kind of relationship for the sake of having company.... did that, and found out being lonely in love is far worse than just plain old being lonely.
Yesss, IAM4U!! Nice to see someone grounded in reality....