Why do people go to church?
We believe What's in the bible is important, and God intentionally guide the apostles to write. Why does God put the story of the early believers way of life?
Hate being single
I wish I was here at the time you posted this Christianguy96. Even though you left the site, I'm gonna post this anyway. Hoping it will encourage someone's heart. Being single is hard. I've been single for 6 years now. Its hardest especially when you see people around you getting married and starting families of their own. One thing I'm learning is to try and enjoy my singleness. Its a time of reflection, and getting to know myself and what I really want. But its also a time for me to spend getting to know my Savior Jesus and what he wants for me. I have good days when I enjoy being single and I have bad days when I just cry and wonder when its gonna be my turn. Please believe me when i say God sees you. He knows your heart. He knows what you desire and long for. I believe we just have to keep ourselves busy doing the Lords work. And in between, keep praying for your future help mate. God already knows who they are. I believe he just wants us to seek Him and His kingdom first. He hasn't left you. Your prayers haven't fallen on deaf ears. Keep trusting in him. He loves you and he wants the best for you. Don't be yoked with unbelievers. That's a trap. I've noticed its so easy to find a non believer to date but when it comes to finding a true person of God, its so difficult. Don't search for your future help mate. Let God bring you two together. Be blessed. Be encouraged. God loves you. And as your sister in the faith I love you and I'm praying for you. All of you. God bless. XOXO Val Hi Val I am sorry to hear what you had felt. Yes I do understand how bad it is to wait for indefinite time. Remember that God's timing is the perfect one never once He is late. If we hasn't have one, means we haven't needed nor ready in His sight. Keep up the good work Val ![]() |
Good job
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I found myself is a situation at work as the doctor of operations of a pretty large company where a woman who works in the office came into me to complain that the CFO was sexually harassing her. He would corner her in hallways and rub up against her and make unwanted advances. 3 additional woman came forth to me as well. Similar M.O's. He was slick, he zeroed in on lower pay scale office workers, young women with not much business experience. They were just learning. Some were single, some married.. made no difference to him.. pure predator. To tell you the truth I really didn't know what to do.. after all he was the CFO. The number 2 man in the corporation. But I went to HR, told the HR director to get a lawyer to investigate the woman's claims. With the CFO having no knowledge. And I stepped back out of it as not to be involved in the investigate. Long story short, the lawyer recommended firing the CFO, Based on the allegations she heard. She deemed them credible... so did I. I took this report to the President of the company, he was upset by the allegations. ( his wife was livid) but he did not fire the CFO. I just shook my head. I remember thinking, "are you kidding me!" Over the next 2 months all of the women resigned. None sort damages.. they just left. I felt terrible. because I knew in my heart and mind, that they were telling the truth. They had no reason to lie.. none. I did get to go to his office when it was his time to tell his story to the lawyer ( which he had no idea was even in the building) and say to him. " come with me, someone wants to talk to you".. felt good.. but short lived. I left about a year later. |
True... hurted people, hurt people
Edited by
Thu 10/12/17 02:48 AM
Is there any real guy who truly looking for a long term relationship over here? I've got countless guys who text me just to laid me down at all cost. Is there any real guy who really wants real relationship n not just the lustful one?
I understand there is cultural difference between western n asian. In my origin we are still holding on to traditional values. |
Dating and relationship
Hi Linda,
Yes strongly agree with you. Unfortunately it is trending now and it has a special terms called "ghosting" for an act where a man became a vanisher, disappear and re appearing. During that they usually need their time to reassured if you're the right one by keep on looking on the others, when they haven't found your competitor they need to ensure we're still there. As ladies we know what kind of guy he is and we need to decide will we wait or just leave, we are the one who make the decision here ^.-b |
Similar characters, actually the only almost relationship I got is with my cousin's son. We have very lot of things in common including how we think, and the best part of being with someone who has same characters and values, adjustments become reasonable and easy to handle. (We just fail to get blessings from both parties and we still becoming a really good relatives n friend)
Love will fades, but respect and kindness will lasts. |
How to catch a man .....
Hi Blondie, nice topic ^.-/b
How to catch a man? Hmm I never catch, i attracted them, by becoming the right person. I imagine my dream man (Simon Sinek °•(>̯┌┐<)•° kyaaa) then I imagine what kind of girl that match him? I try my best to find which part of me that might suitable and be good at it. The main problem here, he is so far away n I don't know how to get to connect with him sobz sobz T_T Here's what the becoming the right person in my mind, I strongly agree with this link: |
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Tue 10/03/17 07:06 AM
No, everyone lives too far away ![]() Same here ![]() But I did met 1 guy on my area through this site just once ![]() |
Giving out your cell number.
I just give them my gm@il address which I specially create for this such things. I will ask them to find me on hangouts instead of whatsapp
![]() |
Hate being single
I think we should be happy when we're single.
Find something we like to do the most and be good at it, and we don't have to dwell with our self pity nor hate being single. There are things we can do better while we're single. Enjoy it to the max ![]() When you are happy with yourself, you look attractive ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 09/30/17 08:55 PM
Yes it works here in Asia. Most of Asian remain virgin until they finally get married. However the younger generation seems to do pre marital sex. But generations around 27 and above more likely still live in our traditional values.
single man needing women
woman's mind
Are you hungry? - I am hungry
Are you cold? - I am cold OK have fun - something is wrong n don't go and have fun Are you going to wear that.. - change it! At least that's what my friend does. I'm no drama girl would definitely say what I mean, I mean what I say |
Genuine People?
Hello everybody:) I agree - incredibly many "people" here are not real. The same questions and offers from everybody. ![]() What to do? I can't imagine. Now I see chatting with such "men" just like practice in my writing skills in English.:) +1 me too.. that's why there are several scammers with good English ability still chat me until today Lol |
NO sex before "I do"
How many of you make a pact to wait till you say "I do"? I'm separated and about to jump into the dating world and this is what I desire for my new relationship(s). Are there men out there actually willing to wait? Honouring the Lord with our soul and body is non negotiable in our Christain journey. would definitely be wise to wait in all ways possible.... 1 Corinthians 6:9 9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Adultery = voluntary sexual intercourse between a married man and someone other than his wife or between a married woman and someone other than her husband Fornication = consensual sexual intercourse between two persons not married to each other Yes I do wait, in fact I've refused the guy who always calling me near to his bed time so that he could have imagination that we are cuddling. I don't want to lead someone committed to sin because of me. For me it's not about purity, because it won't be fair for the rape victim. But rather about how we preserve it to the right one, and give him the honour. |
Truckloads after truckloads of em. ![]() Thank you Integrity, I have refuse it. Thank you very much:) |
sounds like a Trojan horse to me .. hope you didn't tell him .. always safeguard your personal information until trust is established .. that is just commonsense ![]() Thank you very much Blondie, yes I am strongly agree with you. Thank you for your reminder, it's a great confirmation for me here. Wish you have a nice day :) |
Hi guys, Is it a normal thing for you guys to give someone you met online just for a month a gift? I know that we can give without love, but we can't love without giving. Is it normal for you guys to send a girl you barely know a gift? Especially when she's so far away. I met someone online, he said that he live in Alabama. We talks and have a great conversation for about a month. I've never doubts him before, he seems to be okay and normal, he didn't show any scammer quality before. Until he asked for my dress, shoe size fave perfumes and address. I know that some people's love language is giving a gift. Isn't it too much for someone you barely meet, is it? Or is it a normal thing there? Since there's a lot of scammer who deceived their victims by claiming to send a package to the victims then charge the duty exp to the recipient (victims) here. Sorry if my suspicions sounds so negative here. Thank you very much for your response ^^ Wish you luck with your search ;) Did you somehow mention that your parents are rich? or that you wanted to immigrate to the U.S.? To answer your question, it is NOT normal here in North America to send gifts to cyber friends. Don't give out any personal information to strangers you just met on the internet. Lots of bad people out there. Hi MzRosie, Thank you very much for your clear reminder. I refuse it. Yes thank you very much for your reminder n response I highly appreciate it. Thank you MzRosie. I'm blessed. Wish you have a nice day:) |
Goodness me, don't give anyone your address. Besides, all those that live in the Souther States are tight wads. Well that's what some people from the north told me. ![]() Working at a resort in the South...I'd say more times than not, you're right ![]() Thank you Pisces :) |