best way of talking to God
| more listening and less talking....
.....a lot of people through history have bought into this one...think I'll just wait and see....would prefer a pleasant surprise but if not, I'll never know....not to worry I'm clean....don't believe in this sin idea but I do believe in making mistakes.
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Age gap
LaydeeD...I'm older than God, know a little of what is right and obviously a lot of what's wrong...
Women, they have been writing and talking about them since the garden of Eden I've had four wives and they got progressively younger, but not obscenely so. People are strange creatures.....fear and confusion....get rid of the confusion get rid of the fear.... Good luck with look like a nice lady.... |
JESUS LOVES YOU NO MATTER WHAT """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Then why do us Catholics have to go to confession? ....gota get leverage somehow....that guilt trip is a great leveler |
ladybars , to attend service and pay ![]() Lived in Thailand for twelve years, Koh Samui most of the time.. |
marital affairs
....change your pic....Hugh Jackman works for me....see above...
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marital affairs
pls give me suggestions There has been some great suggestions so far.....but have you ever thought of going on mingle2...just a suggestion.... |
Love is an illusion lets face it in a materialistic world women only crave things and what men can do for them its a sad realisation. but love is extinct so love at first sight is a myth. can love your kids, your dog, your horse...everything else is inclined to be high maintenance.. ![]() |
Does God understand?
So....what sort of Devil do you girls embrace..
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Quote"Actually, all the presidents of the US except 2 are descendants of a 13th century English king... on a side note, all the prez's cept 1 are descendants of George Washington..."Quote ....Yes you get a lot of that in small isolated communities... ![]() As a side note old King John must have put it about a bit... ![]() |
What's your philosophy?
MAX-WAS-TAKEN....that's why we stay away from the crazy chicks....nice pic though.
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On the Alien that Trump is in the White House, it should be leaked and on the World News, anyhow the Ruskie would know.... the Russians were talking about leaking some kind of info about aliens a few years ago, then they became the democrats enemy... the by, Hollywood says all the proof since the Civil War is in the bottom draw of the Presidents desk, Trump will find it before his first term is out... And the Royal family are a race of reptilian aliens.....Hum!! |
On the Alien that Trump is in the White House, it should be leaked and on the World News, anyhow the Ruskie would know....
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Fri 08/04/17 04:36 PM
What have you got against Humanity? Come on your having a go.... ![]() ![]() |
I would ask him why he did what he did on the cross for us. As I don't deserve it. Why he would love such a displicable child to put himself through such pain and agony seeing his own children do such a gruesome act to him and nothing do nothing in return but love them/us. Not too hard....God, if there be a God, is not interested in the flesh he's interested in the spirit....Youall may want to contemplate that... |
LDR never ever works for me. I should've learned that by now. For me, if you're not living under one roof or seeing each other on a daily basis, it IS LDR. And that doesn't work for me. There are manythings it dosen't woeks for us but we still try , don't loose hope ok Guess green cards are hard to come by at 24....try the older crowd.. ![]() |
Church....good place to pick up women....Miss msharmony there....
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Fri 08/04/17 03:47 PM
Thanks Keith for the comment on the pic, she is my youngest....another warrior accused me of being a sicko, makes you marvel at what goes on in the minds of some people....
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Interesting conversation y'all have going here. The common thread is people being 'able' to change. I have a different take on change, You may have read this in my posts on other topics in the past. I had an alcohol problem in the past. I went to rehab and AA meetings for a few years. It taught me how to drink, basically. Most alcoholics see alcohol as a monster that destroys their lives. I saw my drinking as a weakness in myself. When I drank, I caused problems in my life, for that, I was an alcoholic. I gave up drinking for years. I stopped going to meetings and stopped beating myself up. I realized that I was the one that was weak. I took control of my life. I have a fully stocked bar in my house right now. Its mainly there for entertaining purposes. I do enjoy a nice drink every once in awhile but I never get drunk anymore, ever. I can fully control myself now. Lots of alcoholics will tell you it is one day at a time. I have taught myself to live one moment at a time. When you face death and survive it gives you a new perspective on things. It changes you. Not knowing or expecting a tomorrow also changes you. It gives you a special push to have control of yourself in the moment. Everybody is always in a state of change. From the moment you are conceived you change. There is no actual baseline personality. Your personality is a construct of the moments of your life. You are who you are now because of those moment by moment changes. What is perceived as baseline personality is repetition based on perception. Change the perception and the personality changes accordingly. Moment by moment. When we see others we want them to change to fit our impression of who we think they should be. Perhaps it is because we think it is easier to understand and accept others if they are what we believe they should be. Our expectations give us continuity when they justify. Its a social battle we fight on a personal level. Being alone on this planet among billions of others allows me to let others be themselves. I know that the only person I have power to change is myself. The most I can do is try to understand others as the people they are. Problem is, a lot of people I meet have no idea who they really are and are not in control of themselves. I've learned to accept that as well. I don't want you to change. You be you and I'll be me and if we click together we will have something, if not, you go your way, I'll go mine. Top post....well thought and logical... |
ya know when you hear someone say oh a psych major? did you go into it to figure out why you are so screwed up? hahahaa..there's more than one grain of truth in that ![]() father was an alcoholic but folks divorced when I was five mom on other hand, was bi-polar so my brother and I grew up with someone who was either up and happy " get in car kids we're going shopping" or up and angry " get down on your knees with this toothbrush and clean that better" or down in dumps sad lighting candles and drinking beer dad we would see couple times a year but he was getting arrested for DUI's and going to court, lost many jobs along way and he was an educated man with two degrees so brother and I one year apart in age raised in same environment he chose to drink. I didn't his reasoning? it's in our genes why fight it my reasoning? it's in our genes fight like a mutha fuka Lady same story....Mum was bi-polar, Dad was an alcoholic....that was them I'm just heavily emotionally scared, but man do I have character...have walked the's about the spirit, no one can take that from you, I hear a lot of talk on this forum about Christ and the Bible, it's like school of the air. If you can take yourself off somewhere peaceful, eat well and exercise.... it will be hard, but it can be done....I was a very heavy drinker, don't know weather I was an alcoholic, but you could be forgiven for thinking so. Repair the spirit......go within or go without.... ![]() |