Community > Posts By > will6

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Fri 11/24/06 04:05 PM

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Fri 11/24/06 03:53 PM
The religion you surely practice evolved from catholicism..What does
that make your religion..?? All modern day american christian faiths
derive from catholicism..Rambill has trapped himself inside his own
logic..This is where faith break down and gives to science..Now, that
being said.. I still beleive in miracles.. Like it is a miracle that
rambill can tie his shoes in the morning,,Assuming he can of

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Thu 11/23/06 07:56 PM
Amen brother mike and G

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Thu 11/23/06 07:46 PM
little levity is what we need..WILL

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Thu 11/23/06 07:27 PM
all hail gryphyn the one mostly true godLOL

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Wed 11/22/06 07:05 PM
ramnill..I have watched you spout enless piles of derogatory and stupid
shit and I have had it.. Been saving up agnst just for you..You have two
personalities and neither talk to one another cause they both suck
ass..I am coming down to your level.. You are quite simply an
uneducated, uncouth and underclassed person..I draw the line at you
dogging others are practically implying thst jen ccp Who is
a good and kind person is a satanist..That is fundamentally retarded,
but its par for the course for someone of your intellectual
stature..Which only mongoloid children aspire to..At least a retarded
person doesn't judge by beloefs..I respect wholly your belief in christ
..can you respect my right to belive what I or Jen or muslims or even
scientologists believe..You don't have to understand just be considerate
and tolerant.. If these things are tto much for you rambill you may
consider..Just leaving the site all together like many have already
wished..I gave stood by and listened to your shit long enough..YOUR
FRIEND belive it or not will

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Wed 11/22/06 06:46 PM
wow that is noce i thought i was gonna get slammed for whining..WILL

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Wed 11/22/06 06:22 PM
standing in line to kiss jens ass..WILL

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Wed 11/22/06 06:16 PM
even sluggo

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Wed 11/22/06 06:16 PM

How many of you have started a conversation..Or, excuse me tried to
start a conversation with someone you find interesting only to find that
they evaporate like woater in the arizona sun? Now before you label me a
whiner I have convos with manty people on rhis sit and they know who
they are..several at least on here and by phone now ..I have been on
here for three months or so now and it never ceases to amaze me how
little people can keep up with.. Once again I know this sounds
disparaging..But bear with me..I have mor faith in people than most . I
know thta myself included we all don't live up to our communication
potential..It is why america is the way it is today..Rudeness , lack of
respect and sheer apathy abound..WELL get this..I wanna know you..I
wanna hear from you>> I wanna feel connected..I love you all. WILL

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Wed 11/22/06 06:00 PM
wow!! FOR facts>>>CHURCH FOR FAITH..personal beliefs at
home..tolerance of others beliefs outside..remember we all are
essentially the same..both of you are mothers who love their children
and want the best even though you differ on what is best you must admit
that is isn't squabbling over personal beliefs.. government institutions
shoould be free of bias. which unfortunately means they have to be
almost no ones personal point of veiw gets stepped on..What
we have to do is be more tolorence and understanding breeds peace..once
again unfortunately..humans don't breed undertsanding..we are only good
at (myself u=included) Being complete and utter jerks to one anotherSO i
conclude by saying i love you guys..and your gods//WILL

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Wed 11/22/06 05:18 PM
amen snacky..praise the almighty snacky

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Tue 11/21/06 04:17 PM
I am always overrated>>WILL

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Tue 11/21/06 03:28 PM
Here is your answer..people( not all) are generally rude and un
communicative..Never met many who live up to even basic standards..that
doesn't mean they aren't there though..Don't give up hope>>WILL

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Tue 11/21/06 04:36 AM
Thanks Tressia! : D WILL

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Mon 11/20/06 03:34 PM
Thanks JEN

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Mon 11/20/06 03:33 PM

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Mon 11/20/06 03:21 PM
thanks oh lion of the guitar..WILL

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Mon 11/20/06 03:21 PM
We all instinctively know all of these things..Just quiet your mind and
feel the dualism....Oh fuck it smoke abowl or drink a swallow

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Mon 11/20/06 03:11 PM
She stood before me
Hair pulsing as though
The skies wereon fire
Eyes rhythmically dancing
To tunes unheard before
And a dream swilred through
Her mighty frame
So I took courage in the dream
I lost faith in the lies
I breathed demons into dust
I broke bread upon the ground
Then upon the ground she cried
Useless thing
And all was lost

Should all that has gone before
Be not wasted on the dream
Or be not breathed upon the lies
These are the things I have seen and
These are the things she has cried
An element of her beauty and
Awesome things implied
These are the things I have seen and
These are the things she has cried

A bird on the wing leaving no trace
The whirling wind in its wake
The shimmering white sands
A shining seascape
This she has planned and this she
Will take to be free

Let all that has gone before
Be not parted like the waters
Or be not transformed into wine
All this we have started and
Through this she shines
A testament to her grace and
Lesser things defiled
These are the things I have seen and these
Are the things she has cried

The end we pray for is now close at hand
As we pour concrete across the land
We have broken her back
We have taken her pride
We have fenced her in and
We have kept her inside
She has tried to defend against our attacks
But what we have taken
She cannot put back
Should all that is coming be not denied
This I will hear and
Soon she will fly

"Cage your environment and you cage yourselves.." WILL POWER