Community > Posts By > will6

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Wed 11/15/06 05:38 PM
yes in fact i sing it acapello,,,thanks mike>>WILL

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Wed 11/15/06 05:34 PM

One more nail in my coffin
One more tear on my cheek
One more reason to fall apart
One more season to feel weak
No more love in my heart
No more thoughts in my head
How can I feel so alive
When I'm halfway dead
One more bill in my mailbox
One more time on my card
One more day of this bullshit
One more day of trying hard
One more lost generation
One more era of angst
One more person to fuck me
Without saying thanks
No more spring in my step
No more light in my eyes
No more drugs left to calm me
When my temperatures rise
One blow to my freedom
One more hit to my privacy
One more chunk taken out of
What used WILL

WAnted to have inly poem in the comp so far with fuck in it..WILL

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Wed 11/15/06 05:26 PM
Innocence lost(irish brogue)

Someone was running in the debt of the night
Knowing they could not take flight
Hearts were afire and minds were alight
Knowing they could not take flight

Silvery chains and light blue flames
Dance on the tip of your tongue
In your head you're spinning
The nightmare is winning
Soon you'll not be so young

All of your cunning will not make things right
When you know you've got to take flight

Freshly cut flowers
In old ivory towers
Shining in the midday sun
Where once you saw fairies
Your heart now just tarries
Nothing is very much fun

I said all of your cunning will not make things right
When you know you've got to take flight WILL

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Wed 11/15/06 05:14 PM

Lucy dreaming
Legs spread wide
Foever screaming deep inside
With her hands pressed to her head
As her blood it stains the bed
Out foul spot she seems to cry
On guilt soaked sheet no longer lie
Would you please God set her free
Despite the fact she does'nt believe
She's running sin through an open vein
In hopes of killing just some of the pain
Lucy dreams the dream insane
Just to kill to kil the pain
Love and drugs not one and same
Just to hide to hide the shame.. WILL

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Wed 11/15/06 02:50 PM


If but for a moment
huddle close and gather
what wisdom if any you can from
what is to pass...
I see ahead of us a concrete jungle.
Steel beams crossing a wasted expanse.
Motes of irradiated dust swirling
against a glowing horizon.
A piteous world this where we have
destroyed ourselves for what we lack,
self control, the ability to truly love.
Debating collectively under a technicolor sky
the possibility of oblivion and the
improbability of time..
A motion to disturb.
Emotion to distress the population..
A people held under duress..
Death without parole..
In those vanished eyes I saw a hunger
spilt upon th table of God..
A veritable feast of laughter
or is it madness??
The two now one and the same..
So finger us now for crimes too soon commited.
Our punishment decided for ourselves,
over burnt toast and curdled milk..
Overlooked by our impatient waiter.....FATE... WILL

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Wed 11/15/06 02:39 PM
The Tortured Mans Guide To The Inadequacies Of Life

Right now, in the morning..
Right now, before the whole thing began..
Before it...
Before the flicker...
Beyond the desire..
Beyond all the conclusions to the unfit facts
they pale by..

I can face madness all alone or in scores,
Like legion in the desert..
Shaping the only means to an end necessary
For the benefit of all..

I was young like you once, inescapably naive
Given to flightiness and indecision..
Held abstract and thought like the cherub on the wing..

Wings...necessary to fly...
Wings...necessary to fly away...
Please, is it necessary to die today??
Why is it necessary to die anyway??

Trapped in interkarmic lace
My own worst enemy, my only best friend..
My own worst enemy, my only best friend..
My own cosmic adversary, my own comic end..
A necessary means to a necessary end
A necessary means to a necessary....END WILL

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Tue 11/14/06 05:18 PM
I don't know how I'm living
I just do it day by day
I don't know what I'm giving
I'm just giving it all away
I don't know how I'm speaking
It depends on what you say
I don't need to be forgiven
Why don't you just go away

I'm so sick of the free life
There's no one to tie me down
No one to hold onto
No one to want to be around

So I don't know how you're living
You just do it day by day
I don't know waht you're giving
Cause you're taking it all away
I'm sure of where you are coming from
Not where you're going to'
One thing for sure
It will all come back to you
One day in the mountains
One day on th salty sands
We'll close our eyes
We'll hold out parted hands

So I don't know how we'll be living
We just do it day by day
I don't know how we'll be speaking

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Tue 11/14/06 05:10 PM
Don't forget me
For I remember most
Don't forske me
For I killed the ghost
Don't bellieve me '
Though I tell no lies
Remove my blood
Replace it with ice
Take my past
As the future comes
Life is like the tide
Not the setting sun
We are all lost
Soon to be found
New life will spring
From out of the ground

I am not here

You know you can't touch me
A bird in the sky
Fish in the sea
I have no crown
I feel no thorns
I am new born

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Tue 11/14/06 05:02 PM

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Tue 11/14/06 04:42 PM
thanks both are old stuff just typing them again..WILL

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Tue 11/14/06 04:29 PM
Programming, social disease
What's your drug of choice?
Pass the poisons please?
Yes I'll have a little more death,
Just to hasten my final breath..
I'm in a hurry to get nowhere and
I don't think I ever get there..
Better living from within,
Original show with original sin..
Wired up for close connection,
Pushed farther away
Feeling more agression
Protect and serve the police state,
The lies were here first
So the truth can wait...

They say time is the fire in which we burn
They say time is the fire in which we b
Oh, take a number get in line,
You wanna lodge a complaint?
Well that's just fine.
Here read this form and fill it out
We're all backed up so please sit down.
Someone will be with you right away.
I just can't promise it'll be today.

They say time is the fire in which we burn..
But what is the element in which we LEARN??

Colder women, with a hotter carress..
Less rich more poor, and
All oppresssed
I really think I'll be alright
If I could just watch that movie tonight
Dvd's crystal clear sound
I'm calling earth but there's no one around
I'm trapped out here in inner space
I lost my soul but I kept my faith

They say time is the fire in which we burn
They say time is the fire in which...we ...BURN..

All the universe within our heads
Not contained and too much said
Seeds are sewn while the crops have died
We stuck a needle through Gods eye
Our right hand betrays our left
Insanity bound and solely bereft
No place like OZ no heels to click
I'm sick of OZ I'm just plain sick


and I can't take it anymore... WILL

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Tue 11/14/06 04:02 PM

Summer fled before my footsteps
Like night before coming dawn
Her hair trailed out behind her
Like Autumns baleful song
Winter fell as rustling leaves
In the darkest woods
Covering all of natures needs
As a lover should
By spring my steps grew heavy
My feet turned red with rust
I was shackled to the memory of
What became of us
Cold time it ticked and
Time it tocked
As heaven passed us by
Still when I'm in the present tense
I stop and wonder why
See the book blow in the wind and
Try to mark the turning page
As seasons change with all contempt
While I am still locked in this cage
All these thoughts ran through my head
I tried to give chase but Summer Fled... WILL

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Mon 11/13/06 09:21 PM
well he aint such a bad guy afterall

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Mon 11/13/06 09:15 PM
you miss my point entirely so i give up you win..this is not s pissing
contest man..My dick is not largert than yours..onc ed again i am not
challenging your writing ability but you seem determined to believe that
so your perception defines the reality so be it..will

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Mon 11/13/06 09:10 PM
i am not afraid of the competition just afraid that you are not
accurately representing you individual and obvious talents..WILL

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Mon 11/13/06 09:02 PM
too easily angered and stirred up..You cant hurt me..I love you

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Mon 11/13/06 08:59 PM
i know the feeling..will

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Mon 11/13/06 08:47 PM
reality has told you it is over D...Girl like you can find another good
man just like that..WILL

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Mon 11/13/06 08:45 PM
here mac here mac and ice come to william heeere macky heeere icey

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Mon 11/13/06 08:42 PM
post here no judges just endless space to postLMAO