I accept the label FEMINIST
I live with two room mates, both lesbians. Cool people, and without a doubt the best friends I've ever had.
They say their are two types of lesbians. The first type are the man hating fem-nazi's that try their hardest to look like men, crap on men every chance they get, and declare their woman-hood like they're above Joe (or in this case, Joanne) Average. The second type is just a woman that was born to like women who want to live their lives just like everyone else. It's not about conforming, it's not about declaring you're better than everyone else. See also Black Pride, but try declaring White Pride and see how fast you're called a racist. It's about doing your thing without going out of your way to step on anyone else to get there. And to finish this, I'll say the exact same thing she said to me. What will you accomplish, what have you accomplished, and when you die, who's going to care? |
The closest verse like it is Proverbs 13:24 which reads, "Those who spare the rod, hate their children, but the one who loves their child disciplines them diligently." The question is, what was the use of the rod, and is it a directive or a metaphor? Keep in mind it used to be quite legal to hit your wife with a stick as long as it was no bigger than your largest finger. So,, I'm sure you get what I'm getting at. Discipline doesn't mean hitting. |
I never considered raising my kids as slavery. Sorry but if that's what it feels like to anyone then you really need to not be around kids.
The only time I ever felt enslaved was when I was growing up and was everyone elses ****ing tv remote, or I'd get called out of my room to fix my mother a cup of coffee, or slapped around because I walked in front of the TV or whatever else that thing called my family felt like doing. Well now that I'm cranky I gotta go call my daughter so she can tell me I was a good dad and not like what I grew up with. :-/ ![]() |
I've only been with one woman and I was married to her, since she died I haven't even touched another woman. So 8 years Feb. 11.
When I find someone that is real and not just wanting my crappy *** paycheck, treats me the way I treat her, it will happen. Besides, it's not like anyone is going to have fantasies about me so nobody is missing out on anything lol. |
Edited by
Wed 03/17/10 08:30 PM
That would be willing, and able to love me??? ![]() ![]() ![]() Supposedly there is someone for everyone and to some extent I believe that. However I think it's exactly as it's worded. "someONE". I met my someone and we were happy for 7 years but,, anyway. As I move through life however, that someONE line of thought becomes truer and truer. One in 9 billion and some change- is kind of hard to find if you haven't found him or her yet. |
Why can't I find a nice guy?
Well, it's probably because women who say they want a "nice guy" actually want a jackass and you over look every nice guy you come across and put them in the "just friends" zone.
I guess there are some ups and downs about living with lesbians, they sat me down and explained how the typical woman's mind worked and to not believe a damned thing they said. Yeah, 2 women told me that. Nice guy = jackass in woman speak Male = *** hole in woman speak Every man is an ******* that only wants bewbs, and there are no nice guys because you only find jackasses. Sounds familiar I bet. |
I swear I've gotten more messages from people claiming to be in Russia and wanting marry me it's not even funny. I even deleted my profile off here a while back because of all the scams... Actually,, I don't remember if I deleted it, I think I just deleted the book mark. I changed emails,,,,, oh well. Also get lots of messages from people that just want me to watch their cams. |
I got spanked when I was a kid and I'll never forgive my mom for it. Although my issues would probably fall under abuse.
My kids were never spanked. I threatened them a few times but they were never spanked. They turned out better than I did. My twin daughters went to law school and my son was accepted to MIT before he even finished High School. However a drunk driver cut 2 of their lives drastically short. My surviving daughter (err, son was adopted and daughters were step daughters) is now a prosecutor for the DAs office. The problem with spanking is one persons idea of abuse, is just every day spankings to another. In my case, being hit with anything in reach just because I walked in front of the TV or not doing the dishes fast enough so I could go see Haleys Comet was abuse. Then again I'm sure some of you would probably think I deserved it and that's fine, you deserve to let me bash your head in with a bat. ,,, Did I just say that out loud... Anyway, I've read studies going both ways by dozens of parenting groups, what the OP posted isn't the only studies that have ever been done and it's been shown several times over that it's not the spanking or lack of spanking that teaches a kid, it's the parent taking the time out to be a parent to their kid instead of just sitting them down in front of the ****ing tv or computer and forgetting they exist. Thats why I feel like I excelled with my kids, we always did things as a family, we sat down EVERY NIGHT for dinner even when I was working 70 hours a week. Sitting down every night, and have a meal with the family without any distractions, talking about the day without getting pissy about bad grades, or coming home late or whatever can and does work wonders. Spending real time with your kids as friends goes a long ways. And yes, you can be friends with your kids. They WILL be more likely to come to you with problems if they honestly believe you won't freak out over it. And don't freak out if they do come to you, talk to them. Yelling never solves anything. I told my twin daughters I didn't approve of them having sex, HOWEVER if they were going to please use protection and that I'd even buy it if they wanted with no questions asked. They knew it was ok to talk to me without me going off the deep end. Common courtesy and remembering that your child is a person with a mind of their own goes a long ways. Spanking or not spanking is a moot point. |