Community > Posts By > SumthinGood4u

SumthinGood4u's photo
Sat 09/22/07 03:35 PM
What about what he said about that the new thing the Democrats are proposing? which is to raise the income qualification to 80 sumthin thous. dollar a year for the income cut off -to qualify for the children's government health insurance program? If you make 80 some thous. dollars a year, why can't you pay the insurance premium for your child's coverage? I can't have my child go uncovered, this is all I have to say about it with the amount of knowledge I have thus far. And I certainly can't afford a private plan for him. I just got his medical card renewed? Is he gonna lose it now?

SumthinGood4u's photo
Sun 09/02/07 07:40 PM
live windows is what they are now calling hotmail for you MSN account

SumthinGood4u's photo
Sun 09/02/07 06:45 PM
You also only get to see the person's picture, and no real details unless you click on their picture. So they don't give you enough information to rate the person, in my opinion. I don't just go on what a person looks like anymore either so.......

I click maybe on most of 'em. I don't wanna hurt anyone's feeling or leave anyone out. LOL!!!!! Will that get me anything?????????? LOL!!!

SumthinGood4u's photo
Sun 09/02/07 06:34 PM
So what do you get when the other person says yes. Just curious.

It seems a joke to me also, because someone still has to be the one to initiate contact.

SumthinGood4u's photo
Sun 09/02/07 02:41 PM
He asks, "How many fat guys have you slept with?"

SumthinGood4u's photo
Sun 09/02/07 02:19 PM
When they are shaving their beard and mustache in the mirror in front of the sink.......the morning after!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!laugh :heart:

SumthinGood4u's photo
Sun 09/02/07 02:11 PM
Not necessarily piss me off just makes me wonder, how anyone meeting each other on here really makes friends with anyone. Because........they all talk to 3 or 4 people at once and there is no structure to the conversation (on the IM i mean). That is not how you get to know anyone on a personal level. Is is a little frustrating.

SumthinGood4u's photo
Fri 08/24/07 09:40 PM
child, that is

SumthinGood4u's photo
Fri 08/24/07 09:40 PM
For me, the baby years were the toughest, so just remember that as the child gets older, things get easier on you. I only could handle one though.

SumthinGood4u's photo
Fri 08/24/07 09:17 PM
"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind." James 1:5 and 6

"But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." Hebrews 11:6

SumthinGood4u's photo
Fri 08/24/07 08:47 PM
I have sought a relationship with the Lord of and on throughout my life. I have (most of my life that is) beleived as I do now, as a Christian. It has only been in the last 10 years my faith has taken on so much more meaning on a spiritual level.
I beleive as the Word of Life Church does, and that means disregarding the religious dogma and doctrine of the fundamentalist Christians. The more I seek Him, the more he shows me. Once you receive the Holy Spirit, as long as you pursue your relationship with Christ/God, your faith will grow stronger and stronger. Praise Him, Thank Him for everything you can think of and you won't be sorry. Your faith will grow as mine has! Praise God, Glory Glory!!!!!!!

SumthinGood4u's photo
Fri 08/03/07 10:51 PM
I have to become a GoldMember First to use it. I keep trying to use it anyway, will that get me anything?

SumthinGood4u's photo
Fri 08/03/07 09:50 PM
This is meant all in fun and by the way, I love north Texas (men especially)!!! (Just cause north is closer to me than any other part of the state!) So you know who you are, look at my profile, wink wink!!!!

Subject : Texan Humor

The owner of a golf course in Lufkin was confused
about paying an
invoice, so he decided to ask his secretary for some
mathematical help. He called
her into his office and said, "You graduated from The
University of Texas and I
need some help. If I were to give you $20,000, minus
14%, how much would
you take off?" The secretary thought a moment, then
replied, "Everything but my
You gotta love those East Texas women.

A group of Tyler friends went deer hunting and paired
off in twos for the
day. That night, one of the hunters returned alone,
staggering under the
weight of an eight-point buck. "Where's Henry?" the
others asked. "Henry
had a stroke of some kind. He's a couple of miles back
up the trail," the
successful hunter replied. "You left Henry laying out
there and carried the deer
back?" they inquired. "A tough call," nodded the
hunter. "But I figured no one is
going to steal Henry!"

A senior at Texas A&M was overheard saying.. "When
the end of the
world comes, I hope to be in East Texas. When asked
why, he replied he'd
rather be in East Texas because everything happens in

East Texas 20 years later than in the rest of the
civilized world.

The young man from Texas A&M came running into the
store and said to his
buddy, "Bubba, somebody just stole your pickup truck
from the parking lot!"
Bubba replied, "Did you see who it was?" The young man
answered, "I
couldn't tell, but I got the license number."


NEWS FLASH! -Brian/College Station's worst disaster !
occurred when a small
two-seater Cessna 150 plane, piloted by two Texas A&M
crashed into a cemetery earlier today.

Search and Rescue workers have recovered 300 bodies
so far and expect

the number to climb as digging continues into the

The pilot and copilot survived and are helping in the
recovery efforts.


A Texas State trooper pulled over a pickup on I-20.
The trooper asked, "Got any ID?"
The driver replied, "Bout whut?"

A man in Tyler had a flat tire, pulled off on the
side of the road, and
proceeded to put a bouquet of flowers in front of the
car and one behind
it. Then he got back in the car to wait.

A passerby studied the scene as he drove by and was so

he turned around and went back. He asked the fellow
the problem was. The man replied, "I have a flat tire"
The passerby asked,
"But what's with the flowers?" The man responded,
"When you break down they
tell you to put flares in the front and flares in the
back! I never did
understand it either."


SumthinGood4u's photo
Fri 08/03/07 09:00 AM

SumthinGood4u's photo
Fri 08/03/07 08:56 AM
I am being told that friends are trying to e-mail me but when they click on my picture, my profile kicks them off. Why would this be happening?