Community > Posts By > kycat2007

kycat2007's photo
Sun 12/02/07 10:28 PM
You will probably not take this advise from me because you already said you are interested in her to much.
Women who are not divorced are not emotionally ready for a new guy. Yes they want to get out and have fun but not with a guy who is at a different stage of his life than her.
Trust me I have done this with three girls as of late and it is going to hurt you in the long run.
You are going to go out with her some more then you will catch her in a sexual moment and you will proably have sex. You may date for a bit but she will eventually pull away.

Remember this, change your reality. Frame yourself as the prize and do not be needy. She will push you away if you seem too into her as you are too easily gotten. Be fun but be distant as well. Do not try hard to spend time with her. Give her the sizzle and not the steak.

Use some push pull techniques. Research this if you are not aware what this is. If you want it to be a long term thing you need to understand this stuff.

kycat2007's photo
Sat 12/01/07 09:52 PM
I am going to tell you my take on this women stuff. Yes every woman wants a good man blah bla blah.

Women think with emotions and if you cannot tweak there emotions they will never be attracted to you. Women want a man who is interesting. What sets you apart from all of the mundaine routine that most people fall into. Do you have any hobbies? Post about how you like to ride Harleys and how you go to Sturgis every year. You may find a woman who likes to do this as well. Be real but interesting. Non confident men are not attractive either. Begging for a girl will probably only get you a scum sucking parasite who will milk you dry.